Chapter 30: Chapter 30 : [Kings War (4)]
Small luminous balls are floating in the air like fireflies. Everyone feels calm and satisfied and realize it is the Maitreya King's special skill as the luminous balls comes from his body.
Maitreya King : "Please everyone, this scenario doesn't force us to fight right now so keep your weapons down."
Everyone obey and Yu Junghyoek looks around him. Kong Pildu appears partially made of stones as his Fortified King's special skill turned on. Meanwhile, the Coward King is nowhere to be seen.
A few seconds later, just before anyone else could realise he disappears the door from the kitchen opens and the Coward King enters the meeting room.
Earth Dragon King : "What were you doing there Coward King ? You were here just before the new system message."
Coward King : "I.. I was just checking the meal..."
~I clearly saw him teleport right after everyone drew their weapons, this must be his special skill ? Relocate his body away, allowing him to get out of dangerous situation ? That is very good.~ Yu Junghyoek figured out.
He notice that only the Beauty King and the Earth Dragon King didn't use their special skill.
~Eitheir they don't have a fighting related skill or they didn't feel the need to use it...~
Maitreya King : "All right, here is what is suggest. We will kill the Tyrant King before any other King, do you agree ?"
Everyone agrees and they finish deciding the details of their plan.
[Number of Kings : 11]
King of Beauty : "One of us is dead !"
Coward King : "It... It was fast, I don't think any King in his right mind would act this soon... "
Earth Dragon King : "There is no doubt the Tyrant King is on a hunt, we need to act fast before he kills everyone."
Everyone stand up and walk next to each other as a team.
~It feels great to see the all of us walking together, I am sure we can do this !~ The Earth Dragon King tells himself.
When they reach the armies outside, the Beauty King's officer walks forward and says : "I believe seeing you all like this means you unified everyone my Queen, I had no doubt you would be able to do that."
Beauty King : "Thank you, my dear, I appreciate your supportive speach."
The Officer : "We were worried to leave you with only one bodyguard inside but I am relieved now."
~I though it was only her bodyguard, but they all look completly in love with her, it almost doesn't feel right... Maybe it's her special skill.~ Yu Junghyoek asks himself.
The Officer : "Anyway, we send scouts to look for the Tyrant King as you asked, my Queen, and we found him. He was fighting the Draft King in Hapjeong Station, on the West city."
King of Beauty : "Perfect ! I really am Grateful of your work everyone, It raise my happiness !"
Everyone in her army blushes and feels proud.
~Weird...~ Kong Pildu thinks.
[Number of Kings : 10]
Earth Dragon King : "Again ? Let's not waste any more time and go get him before he leaves the station."
[Half an hour later]
Tyrant King : "This one is too ugly, execute him."
The Tyrant King is standing up on his holographic chariot, giving orders to his subjects. People are cleaning up the battle field, and the Tyrant King is selecting those who will live based on their appearence.
Him again : "You don't look great but you are quite strong so I will keep you for now."
The man : "Than...Thanks you my King."
Tyrant King, glaring at him : "Don't you dare talk to me directly !"
The man : "I am sorry ! Please forgive me !"
The Tyrant King throw a fire discus at him, choping his head off.
[You received 200 coins for killing an incarnation]
Him : "You did it again..."
[Some constellations love your impulsivity]
[You received 600 coins]
He turns to one of his officer : "Where is the dead King corpse ?"
The Officer, shaking : "We took his weapon and burned his corpse..."
Tyrant King : "Great, you are learning after all. I might keep you a little longer."
The officer looks down.
[Number of Kings : 9]
The Tyrant King smiles : "Finally ! The other Kings finally began fighting each others, now this number should get down quickly."
He then keeps selecting the survivors for a few minutes.
Suddenly he hears an explosion.
~Someone arrived from behind my army ?~ He asks himself.
He turns around and sees the Earth Dragon King followed by the other Kings and a few soldiers coming down from a hole in the ceiling.
~How did they locate me ?~ The Tyrant King asks himself.
Him : "Everyone ! Kill them all !"
[You gave a King order, people under your authority will be punished if they refuse to follow your instructions]
The Earth Dragon King, to his ally : "They are under the Tyrant King authority, please try not to kill too many of them !"
[A lot of Constellations are excited]
The Tyrant King subject runs to them, with their weapons in the hand. Some are angry, some a scared, some are screaming.
"Yaaaaa !!!"
"Kill them all !"
"I... I am sorry !"
"Kill the Kings !"
[The Earth Dragon King's special skill has been activated]
Kong Pildu suddenly feels warmed up.
[You are under the effect of the
[Your strength and stamina stats are temporary up by 13%]
The battle is very intense. A lot of projectiles and bullets flies through the battlefield, including Kong Pildu's holographic bullets which are piercing through the crowd. The Tyrant King is throwing his fire discuss even if it kills more people on his side than in the united Kings side.
[Number of Kings : 8]
[Number of Kings : 7]
Suddenly, Yu Junghyoek and a small group of people arrives from the other side, behind the Tyrant King.
Yu Junghyoek : "Team A ! Come with me !"
Our protagonist is leading a small group called "Team A" for Assault, whose mission is to get close to the Tyrant King and eliminitate him while his army is focus on the other Kings.
They used the regular station entrance and were waiting for the right moment to come out.
~I saw the messages about the number of king decreasing but I don't know if it's from our side or if it's some unknown kings...~ He thinks while running to the Tyrant King.
The Tyrant, suprised by their arrival : "Behind me !"
Some of his men leave the battlefield to help him, but most of the army didn't hear their king order.
[Number of Kings : 6]
The Tyrant King avoid an arrow shot by Yu Junghyoek's teamate and take cover behind his holographic chariot wheel, throwing discuss at them.
One of the Team A member block the fire discuss with a big iron shield while the other keep shooting at him.
The three single swordmans, including Yu Junghyoek, runs to the chariot but the Tyrant King sees them arrive and kill one of them by paralysing him and throwing a discuss.
The strategy the Kings decided to use is to harrass him with projectiles to force him take cover and prevent him from looking at us while some swordmans runs at him to kill him.
~Its working, but of course we can't all survive this fight, we all knew we were putting our lives on the line.~ Yu Junghyoek tells himself.
The Tyrant King throws another discuss at Yu Junghyoek but he avoid it thanks to his skill
[A few constellations are impressed you survived and attack from the deadly Tyrant King]
[Number of Kings : 5]
The Tyrant King paralyse the other swordman and is ready to kill him. Fortunatly, Yu Junghyoek arrives behing him and put his blade on his throat, threatening to slice it.
Yu Junghyoek : "Any last word you trash !?"
Suddenly, a dokkaebie appears in the air, and snaps his finger preventing Yu Junghyoek from moving.
[You are under the effect of the
[You are stuck in your current position]
[You body will be relocated]