SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 : [Geumho Station (1)]

The crew composed by Kim Namwoon, Lee Hyunsung, Choi Hangyu and Yu Junghyoek reaches Geumho Station without encountering any more monsters.

There are plenty of people here, even scared women and small children are sitting in the hall.

Seeing this many weak-appearing people reignite Yu Junghyoek's hope to meet his sister in the future.

People rush at the group asking for one single thing :

"Do you have food ?"

"My child hasn't eaten anything since the beginning of that… that."

"Please, I'm so hungry !"

Hearing those people awaken our protagonist's hunger. He too didn't happen to eat anything since yesterday.

A voice behind the crowd : "Please everyone, don't be disrespectful with our new members."

~New members ?~

The voice : "You know that if they bring food, I will share with you all"

Choi Hangyu : "Who are you in the first

place ?"

The voice : "My name is Cheon Inho, I am responsible for the survival of this station so please if you have any food, could you share with us ?"

Choi Hangyu : "We don't have any."

Cheon Inho, approaching : "Its alright, you all look strong. You might be capable of joining the major group."

That blond hair, fit man looks confident. His confidence might inspire the all stations and help them stay alive in this living hell.


[Three days later]

Voice 1 : "Quick ! We have to get back before we run out of time"

Two ordinary men are in a market, collecting food supplies in a hurry.

The air feels heavy and thick.

Voice 2 : "I know, my lungs hurt !"

Voice 1 : "If only you would have done IT quicker."

They leave the market and run to the Geumho Station entry.

They are coughing since they are only wearing face masks to protect themselves from the poisoned fog.

[The scenario area is highly contaminated.]

[Hold your breath and quickly get underground !]

They arrive underground and take a deep breath.

Voice 1 : "my skin is still burning from the inside."

Voice 2 : "Its only yo.."

His voice is cut by his superior. The name is Bang Cheolsu, he has a scary face and a vicious voice.

Bang Cheolsu : "Hey ! The two of you !"

Both of the men stop speaking and lower their heads.

Bang Cheolsu : "Where is the third one ?"

Voice 1 : "Well… boss.."

Bang Cheolsu smiles a bit : "Oh… I see. Give me half of it for doing so without my permission."

~Why do we have to asks for permission to kill a member of the minor group ? They are only burden anyway.~ Voice 1 thinks.

[You gave 100 coins to Bang Cheolsu]

[Coin remaining : 100]

Bang Cheolsu : "Is that really half of it ?"

~He looks like he could kill someone right away.~ Fears voice 2.

Voice 1, with a low voice : "I… I promise sir.."

~Tss… This is not a reliable way to get money… But I prefer that than risking my life in the subway fighting ground rats in the dark.~ Bang Cheolsu thinks.

Bang Cheolsu : "Ok, depose your findings in the food storage now, good job boys."

They leave.

Yu Junghyoek, Kim Namwoon and Lee Hyunsung arrive at the entrance with a fourth person, an old-looking woman.

~The three of them are strong, they carry a lot of food. However, the fact that this woman is still alive shows that they are mentally weak.~ Bang Cheolsu thinks.

Kim Namwoon : "Boss, there is still a lot a food at the Daldang store, you can send another party."

Bang Cheolsu : "Great, go to the food storage now."

The four of them reach a clean ben where there is a lot of food bags and depose theirs.

Yu Junghyoek looks at Cheon Inho, who is sitting on a chair in front of a map.

~This man is really doing a good job here, he managed to organize such big number of people.~ Yu Junghyoek thinks.

Lee Hyunsung is also looking at Cheon Inho.

[Skill [Lvl 3] is activated]

~I feel like… this man is dangerous. No… the all station is dangerous.~ Lee Hyunsung thinks.

He then turns to Kim Namwoon and Yu Junghyoek.

~What do I do now ?~

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