Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Attack on Stagg Industries Conclusion
As the army started to attack Barry, despite him actually using super speed to attack and making quick work of a lot of the clones, they were wearing him out as the numbers were truly a lot more than I remember seeing in the show. I had finally charged my Nova Burst and threw it a little bit aways from the area where Barry was fighting to give him some breathing room as I flew down and started to attack the clones in the new area I created from my attack.
I surrounded myself in a sphere of electrical energy and was using it as a shield to keep myself from getting overwhelmed too quickly as every clone that tried to break through it was electrocuted. I was shooting bolts of electricity and they were chaining through the clones taking out multiple of them in a row, but there didn't seem to be an end of them. I looked over at Barry and saw he had rushed through the encirclement of clones that were bombarding him and then seemed to be talking to the people at S.T.A.R. Labs which I could hear.
{Barry you have to locate the Prime} Caitlin said.
{There's too many of them to fight.} Barry said breathless.
{Barry you have to isolate the Prime.} Wells said
{I can't, it's impossible.} Barry replied.
{Nothing's impossible Barry, you taught me that.You can do this.} Joe said.
{He's right, after all you and I, we are the impossible, living proof of it. And I'll help make it easier.} I said.
(Barry POV)
{He's right, after all you and I, we are the impossible, living proof of it. And I'll help make it easier.} I heard Andrew say over the comms.
{What did you have in mind?} I asked him.
{Just wait for the signal.} He replied.
{What signal?} I asked.
{Don't worry you'll know it when you see it.} I heard him say.
All of the sudden I heard a loud crackling sound and then to my shock, I saw a couple giant bolts of lightning strike down through the open skylight and brighten the whole interior of the building.
'Well I guess that's the signal'
(MC POV a few minutes ago)
'Alright there's the motivational speech Barry needed now it's my turn.'
{Don't worry you'll know it when you see it.} I said over comms.
I then saw an open skylight above and new I had a perfect opportunity to show off a little
'This is where the fun begins'
I pulled upon a connection that I felt to the atmosphere and concentrated on that connection and once I felt it solidify, I made my move. I reached my arms up to better visualize what I was trying to make happen. I then drew on the connection and brought my arms down to my side fingers and arms slightly curved.
'HELL YEAH IONIC STORM BABY!!!' I thought to myself.
Around 3-5 bolts of lightning struck the army of clones underneath the skylight and struck a couple times for about 45 seconds and the lightning chained continuously to the nearest clones. After the Ionic Storm ended, I saw Barry speeding through the clone army that was quickly being re-created and he was running fast enough that the clones couldn't stop him, punching multiple of them as he looked for a Black that looked weak. He finally saw him and grabbed him and dragged him screaming upstairs and slammed him into a pole, knocking him out successfully which at the same time caused all the clones to collapse.
I was actually feeling pretty drained from calling down the Ionic Storm for the first time, it was a lot more draining than I thought it'd be. I didn't expect such a feeling as ever since the Particle Accelerator, I haven't felt a feeling of being drained when using my powers. I attributed it to that my control was increased and I waste less energy with all my attacks. I grabbed my Halo and flew up to see Barry on the 10th floor and he had just finished talking to the S.T.A.R. Labs group.
I was just floating in the air when I saw Black get up and charge at Barry.
"Look out!" I shouted.
Barry speedily dodged Black and he started to crash through the window. Barry ran up to grab him and I made a point to head over just in time to see him pull Barry's hand off of his and fall. I flew out the window to try and catch him but I was "too late" and he was dead.
I flew back up and Barry looked at me quentioningly as he knew I could fly very fast.
"Sorry, I wasn't fast enough, that huge lightning storm I called down took a lot out of me so I wasn't fast enough." I explained while having a look of remorse.
Barry seemed to have believed my story and nodded. I wasn't actually lying, well not totally. I was drained from calling down the Ionic Storm, I just wasn't as drained I made him believe. I wasn't bothered by Black's death for two reasons. One, he actually wanted to die. Since he couldn't get revenge for his wife, he'd rather be with her in death, he didn't actually want to be saved. And two, I find it dumb to constantly put your bad guys in jail only for them to escape and possibly kill more people. Batman is notorious for this and his bad guys are the ones in the most need to just be killed, with the exception of a few who are just sick and need some psychological help, and those who have no choice, like Freeze trying to cure his wife.
(Back at S.T.A.R. Labs.)
The news was playing the story about the attack and Barry and I were staring solemnly at it.
"I tried to save him." Barry said.
"We both did." I added.
"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved. Some people when they break, they can't be put back together again." Wells said as Barry had already told him what happened.
"Some heal even stronger" Barry said
"I hope so" Wells replied with melancholy.
The S.T.A.R. Labs crew thought he was talking about losing his legs, but I knew he was talking about how future Barry "ruined" his life by not letting him become a hero, so he became Barry's greatest enemy instead. Which is super dumb if you think about it, it's not like there couldn't be two speedster heroes.
"Well at least 'Multiplex' won't be hurting anyone else. Told you I'd come up with a cool name." Cisco said as the others smiled after he said the name.
"I actually liked Xerox as a possible name. I mean you even said it earlier the guy could make Xeroxes of himself." I said.
"Hey I come up with the names around here, that's not bad, but technically I still came up with it." Cisco replied with a grin to which he and I started to laugh.
"Yeah, and you also came up with Captain Clone" I commented while laughing.
"Hey I resent that." Cisco replied with a grin obviously not mad before he stopped at Barry's words.
"Y'know I may be the one out there doing all the running, but when I'm out there making a difference, you guys are all out there with me. I finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightning." Barry said.
"Man that's so cringey." I joked as I started to walk out with him.
"Whatever man." Barry said as he laughed.
"Speaking of lightning, what the hell was that with you calling a literal storm of lightning?" Cisco asked as he put his arm around my shoulder and walked out with Barry and I
"Pretty cool huh, I call it the Ionic Storm" I said.
"Okay that's a pretty badass name I'll give you that." Cisco said
"So that's proof that I'm good enough to name some of our bad guys it can't always be you y'know...." I teased as my voice faded to Caitlin and Wells who were still in the Cortex.