Chapter 14: Everett Maxon (5)
My mind snapped back to reality. I thoroughly analyzed the future shown to me by my geas, the spectacles of foresight. The future in which I am killed by Liara. I memorized every last detail, from the thoughts I made amidst battle, down to the color of a single speck of dust on a brick.
I was back at the moment when Liara readied herself to strike. However, I would not be falling so easily this time. I fixed the position of the red shades on my face and prepared to counterattack. I can read any move you make, whether made in the future or the present. This is the true ability of the geas I chose. Combined with my perfect memorization, I can perfectly counter my opponent at any time.
Although there are some weaknesses and limitations to my geas, with my high mana output and knowledge of spells, most of them are rendered null.
"If you're going to stand in my way, then just die." She stood and spoke the same line as seen in the vision.
She stepped forward and immediately disappeared from view. Lightning Flash Liara gained this title by not only having the ability to control electricity but being able to move as faster than lightning itself. However, speed isn't enough to beat me.
By breaking down and analyzing every nano-second of what happened in the future, I figured out where and when each strike was made.
First strike- She appears to my right to strike at my dominant hand. This maneuver guarantees that even if the opponent reacts after the strike, they wouldn't be able to use their fighting hand.
Second strike- She appears immediately to my left side and slices my other arm off. This strike will be difficult to dodge due to the speed of the strike, as well as the timing of the movement.
After the first two strikes, she takes a quick breath to regain momentum. This will be my moment to strike.
I increase my output of mana in my legs and make a swift dodge to the left. I felt the air near my chest being sliced away by the rapier. I boost myself, even more, to dodge the next slash to the left. However, I am not greeted by the slash to the left arm that was predicted.
Before I knew it, my head was falling from my body and my consciousness was fading.
Ahh, so she can adapt.
Those were the last thoughts that ran through my brain before my fire flickered out.
A split second after viewing the future, I adjust slightly, ducking to avoid decapitation. I boost the speed in my legs to counter with a kick. However, she foresaw this and dodged my attack.
She stepped back for a moment, seemingly confused about how I survived the last two attacks made by her. Her facial expressions indicated that she had not expected this to last as long as it did.
She pointed her rapier at me and asked, "How are you predicting my movements?"
I contemplate whether or not I should answer that question honestly. I chose the latter option as I feel it would be dangerous to reveal my geas to Liara.
"That's a secret." I reply while playfully sticking my tongue out.
My answer must not have satisfied her, because she moved to cut me in half. I dodged to the left just in time, as I had already seen the attack coming.
"You see." She pointed to the still whole me once more, "You should have been bisected just now, but you are not."
"An acute observation you have just made there." I leaned back to dodge a decapitation strike. I proceeded to dodge two more lethal piercing strikes she made.
I guess I can play with her a bit. Perhaps I could get her mood to brighten up a little bit.
"I guess I can get serious then," She let a small grin slip, "promise you won't die?"
This was the worst decision of my life. Liara suddenly lit up like a crystal blue candle, blue light enveloping her entire body. She looked like she consisted only of pure blue energy. My glasses started showing me infinite possible deaths in less than a second.
I felt my brain overloading with details of every part of the visions I saw. My mind could barely process the situation anymore. My mind began filling up with details of constant deaths.
I couldn't take the constant information flooding my brain anymore. It felt as if it would overload and fry if I continued wearing these glasses.
I hurriedly took off my glasses before my brain burst and tried my hardest to clear my mind of the constant deaths. That was when I realized the situation I was still in. Shit, I'm in serious trouble, I thought. Thoughts of constructing a barrier came to my mind. However, the current level of my barrier would never be able to withstand such a heavy blow.
Just as my mind thought that the blue energy surrounding Liara began dissipating and the surrounding electricity began to disperse.
After a bit, the electricity dispersed completely, and Liara was left standing with an unusual expression. Her hair which had been straight before was now standing up and her face looked hot. She had an odd mixture of tiredness and satisfaction written.
She stood still for a bit longer until she finally spoke, "So that was how you did it."
She then collapsed after she said that.
It took me a while to realize what the reason why she had been so satisfied was. She had figured out my geas.
I walked over to the unconscious body of Liara. She was a stunning beauty. While her breasts were small, the rest of her body had fantastic proportions, emphasized by the Knightford Academy battle suit.
I carefully picked her up, making sure not to harm her, and began carrying her on my back toward the weapon shop.
This day would end up marking our first day as a party, while also allowing Liara to start living a life meant for herself instead of others. It gave purpose to the apprentice who spent his entire life with a sword. And, it also gave me my first true friend, as well as my first true love.
If only I could have protected this life.