Chapter 17: Recruiting (3)
I spent the remaining few hours before classes meditating to gather mana. It would be better for me to train my mana control before aura awakening. Mana is the energy needed for spells, and if I want to continuously utilize my aura abilities, I would need a massive mana capacity.
Morning finally arrived and Liara together with Esther arrived to get me ready. I went through the usual routine, and when we finished, the two escorted me to the classroom as per the new schedule.
When they opened the door, I was greeted with the familiar sight of a classroom-like room. Although the room was large, there were only two students present, not including me. I notice the twins sitting by each other again and I go to sit next to Casey.
"Raine, good morning!" Casey was loud and obnoxious as usual.
"Morning." Cassandra also greeted me in a soft tone, which was unusual.
"Good morning, you two."
I gave them a casual greeting before scooting my chair closer to Casey. Tutoring Casey would also help in his survival, considering he died a dumbass. The maids passed out the textbooks and worksheet to everyone except me. This is because they recognized the fact that I have already memorized the entire subject.
I finished the class period; which was basically tutoring, with ease and began walking to the courtyard.
"Wait, Raine!"
I looked back to see who was calling out to me. Both Cassandra and Casey were following me. Cassandra stood out in front of Casey and folded her arms.
"I-is it true that you're training your magic with a first-rank magician?"
So that's why they've come before me. If that's what they wanted, they didn't have to be so dramatic.
"You can come see if you want." I turned back around and kept walking. I couldn't see their facial expressions, but I heard them running to catch up to me.
I stood in front of Everett with my two siblings at my side. I had told him that they would be joining us and he was making up his mind on the situation.
"Well, if that's what you want. Just know that I won't go easy."
He stared at the twins when he said that. They weren't phased, they just nodded with determination in their faces.
After the exchange, he ordered us to get into our positions. After that, we started the training right away.
Being so young, learning spells is just impossible for them. So, instead they're just building up mana capacity. Everett would have us spend hours circulating mana from out of our body back in for more use. Whenever we would tire or run out of mana, Everett would cast an advanced restoration spell and continue the cycle.
I looked over to my shoulder to check on my siblings. I had expected the twins to have quit by now, but it seems they're still hanging in there. Although they're sweating profusely and look exhausted, they continue to train. I wondered what could have possibly motivated them to train this much.
I turned and looked at Everett. As usual, he didn't pay too much attention to his students. I noticed he was sneaking glances at Liara, who was standing in the back of the yard with another maid. She, unlike Everett, had her attention set on the twins and I. However, that didn't stop her from taking the occasional longing glance toward Everett.
It seems that she has successfully been hooked. Liara will begin to think more and more about Everett's character. Once I get Everett's image in her eyes repaired, they'll be able to get together. Having these two together at the same time is key to saving Stella.
Frankly, I don't think a weak-willed, pathetic, self-loathing fuck like Everett even deserves Liara. Whenever something horrible happens to him, he immediately goes to booze and women. While I can understand his pain to an extent, I cannot tolerate someone who destroys the people around them simply because they're sad. For me to truly get the most out of this, I would need to get Everett sober.
Fortunately, sobering him up won't be as hard as it sounds. From what I have heard from Liara, he never drank during his adventuring days for her sake. As long as I can get him on board with the plan, I can just have him stop drinking. I'm almost certain that once he hears about getting Liara back, he'll be more than willing.
It was late evening when we finished training. The sun was about to start going down and we were all exhausted. Everett walked over to the three of us an casted restoration one last time.
"You two did well for your first time. You did good too, Raine."
Cassandra and Casey both had triumphant smirks plastered across their faces. To be honest, I was proud of them for taking the initiative to train with me. Everett never came to the castle in the novel, so this is the first time they've met.
Cassandra walked over to where I was standing to check on me, "Raine, you're incredible! To be able to do all of this with such a small body is unthinkable!"
"She's right! I think Raine is pretty cool too!"
Casey chimed in and they both started complimenting my ability. Well, even if they praise me like this, they still beat me in many other areas. For example, I would never be able to rival Cassandra's swordsmanship; which would eventually manage to break past SSS-rank and become the first rank X in history. Even if I were to grow strong, I still wouldn't even be able to come close to rivaling Casey; who will be able to shatter continents to pieces.
Talent is the most important thing for a person to have. Without it, learning is like climbing over a metal wall with a plastic fork. You'll try and try and try to get a grasp, but in the end, it's pointless. Thankfully, I have extraordinary talent, which will allow me to survive and flourish.
The twins finished speaking to me and started toward their rooms. I didn't go with them and instead turned around. Cassandra must have noticed, because she stopped and called out to me.
"Are you not coming, Raine?"
"You go without me, I have something to do."
Cassandra nodded gleefully and continued on her way with Casey. I sighed and made my way to where Everett was standing. Liara and the other maid were on the opposite side of the yard and wouldn't be able to hear us speak.
"Mr. Everett sir?"
"Hmm? Oh, Raine, what do you need?"
Everett was leaning on the side of a wall and had lit a cigarette with his flame spell. Even in this world, tobacco and many other substances are used to relieve stress.
"I noticed that you were looking at Ms. Liara a lot during practice."
"What!?" Everett had nearly choked on his cigarette when he had heard me. He seemed flustered and held his hands up in front of his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about! Me and Liara just know each other from a while back! We're like old friends."
I quickly moved in for my first strike. I put my finger to my cheek and tilted my head slightly inward. Then, I made sure to seem as innocent as possible, "Oh, I know that. Ms. Liara told me that you two used to love each other very much."
"W-w-what? Really?" He adjusted his collar, "S-she said that?"
I quickly readjusted my posture and raised my tone slightly, "Yeah! She said she loved you very much, but you had gotten into a big fight and she left!"
"Oh…" Everett slumped down.
If I had been an adult, this probably wouldn't have worked. It's only because no one expects deceit from a child who hasn't even turned five yet. On top of that, I have a splendid combination of genes which has made my face nearly perfect. No one could possibly resist me with this face.
"But don't worry Mr. Everett! Even though you fought, she says that deep down, still loves you."
I clasped my hands together and gazed up with wide eyes for my final line. I had practiced this line a bunch of times in my head and in my room. I would deliver the ultimate killing blow now.
"As long as you still love each other, you should try to fix what you did as much as possible! Right?"
"Oh! You're right!"
Everett looked as if he had a breakthrough. His eyes widened and his mouth was partially opened. Then he looked at me with determination in his eyes. His stare, which was normally filled with sadness and depression, was now bright and hopeful.
"You're right", He stood up straight and tossed his cigarette down, "If I want Liara back, I have to change and fix my mistakes!"
I began walking briskly toward Liara and the other maid and started speaking. I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but from the look they both had, it must have gone well.
After they spoke, Everett rushed back to me. He seemed to be in a cheerful mood when he came back.
"She said that she's willing to give me a second chance!"
"That's great!"
Yes, amazing! I'm so glad I had this 'Readers Eye' skill. Without it, I would have had to find another way to protect Stella.
"And, if it's okay with you", Everett spoke again, this time in a lower tone, "I'd like you to give me some advice occasionally."
"Well, it just seemed like you knew a lot about this stuff naturally, so I thought you'd give great advice."
Why the fuck would you want to ask for romance advice from a toddler? Was this guy always this slow in the novel? Sure, I may have reincarnated, but he shouldn't know that, so why? Nevermind, this actually works in my favor, and actually makes my plan easier. By making a suggestion on the date of Stella's death, he and Liara can be in the same place as her during the ambush. I would have found a way to get them both there anyway, but this saves time.
"Of course I would Mister! As long as both of you are happy."
"Thanks." He waved his hand at me and he left for his quarters. Apparently, he had been staying in the castle for my training, I never knew.
I began walking to my room when out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Liara looking at me. I turned around to see her and she closed her eyes and nodded at me, probably in thanks.
I smiled and waved back at her. A warm feeling ran through my body and I felt happy. Happy to be able to help others. Happy to have grown a bit stronger. But most of all, happy to be getting closer to saving Stella.