Stealing the Protagonist's Harem!

Chapter 8: Setback?

Stella, a second-class magician? The demon concubine my father took in is actually hella strong. This severely complicates everything I planned out.

I had been led to believe that Stella was weak in the novel. After all, the assassins never left any sort of trace when they killed her. While I didn't expect the novel to explain every detail about the world, I would have appreciated a decent summary of most events.

In the novel, backstories other than the protagonist's didn't matter as much. It didn't flesh out other characters that seemed deep and always spent time on random villains. It would give one or two chapters of exposition on a character as unimportant as Raine Knightford but ignore Everett's whole past.

I was but a child when I picked up this book, so I hadn't developed enough taste for literature. However, when I realized how terrible the choice of novels I chose was, I had already been drawn in. I had dedicated hours of my life to reading and commenting on this novel. That dedication would have been wasted if I dropped it.


I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was laying on my bed. My room is layered with a soundproof barrier I learned, so no one would hear my outbursts.

"Damnit, why the fuck did the author have such a shit writing sense?!"

I looked at the ceiling of my room. I know the author of this book is somewhere watching how I work from afar. Do they enjoy this? Tormenting their only reader by leaving plot holes around every corner?

I sighed, "Wherever you are, Author, I apologize for my outburst."

I quickly apologized to the sky in a sincere manner. It wouldn't be good to insult who might essentially be the god of this world. Plus, they helped me and stuck by my side throughout my life. This novel was one of the few good things in my life after all.

"I hope you do sincerely take notes on your shortcomings. You wouldn't want the next person you reincarnate to die within the first five years, right?"

I turn over to my side. I realized that due to the recent turn of events, I might not be able to save Stella. But would that really be so bad? She's not even important to the story. It was her death that made the story the way it is now, why would I want to change that?

'Shut the fuck up! What the hell am I even thinking?'

Memories of Stella began replaying in my mind. From the first time I had been fed to just recently, she had been like the mother I've never had. And I want to let her die? I wanted to punch the me who suggested such an atrocious solution. But I knew, that idea wouldn't exactly be the worst outcome.

I turned over once more and buried my face into the large white pillow and screamed into it at the top of my lungs.

I really didn't want to lose Stella. I didn't want to lose one of the only women who raised and cared for me. From the moment I entered this world, I was blessed with a family. A large family. With a father, two mothers, and tons of siblings. I couldn't have asked for anything better, yet it was going to be stripped from me before I could even indulge? Ah, this is so unfair…

I felt a warm stream flowing from my face as I stuck my head up. I put a hand to my face and felt around, it was a tear. A tear? At first, it was a singular tear, then another. Within less than five seconds, water was flowing from my face like a waterfall.

'Am I crying?' I sat up on my bed and the tears just kept flowing out.

I just sat there, crying. I was defeated so quickly. How? I just got here! As I was crying, the door flew open to reveal a beautiful purple-haired woman, "Young Prince! I'm finally done-"

Before she had finished her sentence, she noticed my tear-filled face and rushed to my side with superhuman speed.

"Raine! What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

I couldn't answer her. Not because I didn't want to reveal her fate. Not because I was physically incapable at the moment. It was some other feeling I couldn't describe.

At the moment, my emotions had full control over my body. Instead of speaking, I just reached out both of my arms toward Stella. I couldn't handle the stress right now, I just needed a hug.

Stella gently wrapped her arms around my body, slowly stroking my hair. All of the pain and sadness I had felt previously was beginning to wash away. It was warm. Stella's embrace was warm.

"It's okay, Raine, don't cry." She spoke while caressing my head, "Believe in me, whatever is bothering you at the moment can be resolved if you believe you can overcome it."

Come to think of it, this is the first time she has used my real name. I felt warmth emanating from her body when she said that, and I began to calm down a bit.

Ah. That's right. That's what I need to do. I need to believe I can overcome this. I have solved problems harder than this before. I mustn't despair just yet, I still have to get the perfect ending for this story.

My mood had brightened up and I finally finished crying. Stella must have noticed because she started to loosen her grip on me.

"Are you feeling better, Little Prince?"


"That's good, so are you going to let go now?"


"Okay." Stella put her hand back on my head and started patting it once more. She started talking about her day and how boring the meeting was. I simply listened and laughed while I was attached to her.

We just stayed like this the rest of the night until I finally drifted off to sleep.

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