Strongest Superhuman System

Chapter 763: An American Problem

Mark spoke up.. "No, I'm certain of what I said to you. Whether you believe me or not is up to you at the end of the day, but I would advise you to prepare for the worst-case scenario in the upcoming tournament. If things go the way for the anima, then at best, they will try to murder all of the tournament participants, and at worst, they'll use this as a chance to take out the strongest members of every country and then attack Japan afterward." Genshi raised a brow before looking from Mark to Megumi and then back to Mark. "You are aware that you two will be present in the tournament, are you not? If that is the case, how will they be able to do what you are claiming? Or are you trying to say that the anima that snuck into the tournament are stronger than you both?" Mark couldn't give any response to that question. Genshi was right, Mark couldn't say that those anima were stronger than either him or Megumi. In truth, the only thing that made Mark wary about those animals in the first place was the fact that they were moving with a plan in mind. They actually crafted a plan of action, and they are executing it perfectly in order to get into the tournament. This showed a level of intellect that was on par with, or even higher than most humans, and it meant that the anima were evolving once more. However, as far as strength went, Mark never felt threatened by the anima or what they could do in that tournament. Mark knew that even if he was the only one who had to face off against the two animals that Pat said were in there, then he would not lose. Right now, Mark was simply being cautious. Mark's silence was enough of an answer as far as Genshi was concerned, and Genshi knew that Mark also believed that he and Megumi were more than enough to handle any danger that presented itself. Genshi put his cup down and then spoke up with a frown on his face. "Now that the matter of what you found has been dealt with, I think we should talk about how exactly it is that you came about this information. From what I can remember, despite my old age, I don't recall giving the Vanguard guild permission to carry out any form of survey on Japanese lands." Mark turned to Genshi with a narrowed gaze, and Genshi met Mark's gaze with an equally heated one. Mark was irritated that Genshi was even trying to turn this situation against him, but thankfully, Mark was already prepared for something like this. "I didn't think we needed permission for hobby projects. You see, we have a member on our team who simply loves to fly drones. And it just turned out that he flew his drone a little too close to your shoreline at the exact moment when those anima moved and with the exact equipment needed to identify, track, and analyze them. I'm sure you can tell that all this was nothing but a simple coincidence. Any form of accusation on your part is - as you say - speculation." "Pfft." A small laugh came from the other side of the table, and Mark turned to Megumi in surprise to see that she was picking up her sake to drink. Mark was certain that she was the one who laughed, but the stoic look on her face prevented him from calling her out on it. Genshi was also quite surprised by the fact that Megumi actually laughed. With her condition, Genshi didn't think she could even do that anymore. Mark turned back to Genshi after a while, and he smiled at the slight frown on Genshi's face. Mark was right about the fact that the government couldn't really do anything about someone simply flying a drone in the country, and if Mark used the excuse that they just so happened to be at the right place at the right time, then this turned from a possible sanction into a case of Mark helping the Japanese government even though he didn't have to. Mark spoke up. "I understand that you don't like my guild, and I also know that the reason why you secluded all of the superhumans from the rest of the country was mainly because you didn't want us interacting with any of your citizens, but I just want to tell you this. You should not allow your aged mentality to affect the newer generation. The world is moving into a new era. A time when we all need to come together and work towards a singular goal. There won't be any 'you' and 'I' in the coming future. Instead, it will be us against them. If Japan remains secluded from the rest of the world and refuses to give or receive aid in the coming battles, then I can assure you that you will be the very first to fall to the enemy." Genshi's expression remained unchanged even as he asked. "And by the enemy, are you talking about the ones you spoke about at your fancy memorial dinner five months ago? The coming tide of anima who seek the destruction of humanity?" "You don't sound like you believe me." "What is believe is none of your concern. But if you ask me, I believe that this is an issue that America is trying to blow out of proportion because of its own shortcomings. The attacks on your country were crafted by your very own countrymen, and the extreme mutations to anima and increase in anima appearances that you claimed to be something global has only been apparent in your country and at your shores. Tell me this, is it not more likely that the so-called 'enemy' that you are so terrified of is only targeting your country rather than the whole world?" Mark's expression turned irritated once Genshi said that Mark was terrified of the enemy, and Genshi leaned forward with his elbows on the table as he continued without caring about Mark's reaction. "It'll do you good not to underestimate what Japan can do, Mark Vanitas. We've been working hard to ensure that what happens in your country never happens here. I am very thankful for your warning, but I can assure you that this is well and truly unneeded." A tense silence filled the table immediately afterward, and for a moment, Genshi and Mark were locked in a staredown with neither one backing away. But then, after a few seconds, Mark took in another calming breath before he pushed his chair back and stood up. Mark put his hands in his pockets and spoke up. "Very well then, since that is your stance on the matter, I won't pursue it more than this. I only came here because I felt like it was necessary for you to know what was about to happen. I hope you don't regret refusing to listen. Thanks for dinner, it was delicious. I'll see you at the island." Mark said the last part to Megumi, and Megumi gave Mark a nod of understanding in return. And with that, Mark started to leave. The hostess who had brought Mark into the guild building was still standing at the exit elevator, and she guided Mark back into the elevator as they both left the building.

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