Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 10: Dual Type Sentient Weapon Form-Gauntlet 02

With an expression of shock and horror plastered on her face and mind that was partially want to think this was all just a bad dream. A very vivid and detailed dream that she would wake up from to discover that she merely fell asleep in her seat on the plane. That all this nonsense about being brought to another world and it being nothing like it is in fiction since they did get the required knowledge and skill to even use their newly given ability properly. Kate was even wondering if they actually had one in the first place as she could not summon it nor was anyone else coming to defend them from where they were.

When Kate looked at the ground down at the ground it serve as a further reality check that what was happening was indeed real. She could no longer ignore the cold and hard hand of her sister that she still held tightly with a vice grip that she was refusing to let go of. It was already too late for her to do anything for Lina as she had seemingly become one with the ground. Her image though was still fully visible and detailed on the ground itself. Kate did not know why but looked around to see that Lina was the only one like this. Of those that had vanished into the ground, her sister was the only one in this state. Which Kate assumed was because they were still holding hands as that seemed to be the only thing preventing Lina from being fully absorbed by the ground like all the others.

With all this worry for her sister, Lina was caught off guard as she forgot to look out for herself. While she was so focused on her sister's current predicament it split her mind that merging into the ground was not the only threat that was facing them at the moment. The mountain was made up of seemingly petrified people that had already seemed to claim others had not gone anywhere.

'I meant to say No. Why can not I talk don't tell me that Kate's mind raced at the thought of what had happened to her just now.

Kate saw someone looking at her with dread as the 'mountain' had never moved at all. From her current viewpoint she was able to see that rather than the 'mountain' moving close to them, it was the other way around they were being drawn towards it and eventually into it. The person that was looking at her was not truly looking at Kate herself but at what had become of her instead.

Kate realized she could not move anymore herself because the reason being is that she had somehow at some point she had become a part of the mountain. Her body fused with it like all the others. Similar to her sister who is still fully visible and detailed also like a sculpture carved out of the ground itself. Kate was in a similar situation where everyone that was part of this mountain was just an image. Kate was also like a fully detailed and visible sculpture carved out of the mountain itself. She was not a mere outline like the others that gave the mountain it smooth look for a distance. She stick out of it like her sister was sticking out of the ground.

The person that just happened to be within her field of vision began banging at Kate trying to free themselves but that was not happening as the person assimilated into the mountain as she was, however, they did not stick out as Kate did. She did not know where they ended up either at this point.

Looking at her sister whose eyes had long since become nothing but vacant orbs. Kate notices that they were still holding hands even now in this scenario they found themselves in. It seems that it did not save her from either of them from their fates of being absorbed into the ground or the mountain. It did prevent both of them from being fully consumed like the others before them. It also proves that somehow the 'mountain' was not moving at all and instead people were being drawn to it to become absorbed. If the mountain was somehow moving then Kate's and Lina's arms would have been snapped off. Since was part of the ground now and could not be separated from it anymore.

"Looks like I will be joining you soon as I can feel myself splitting," Kate said as her eyes had not become like everyone else's yet. She could still see but there was nothing to see other than her sister and that one person that got absorbed into the 'mountain' where she was.

Sure enough, shortly after that her eyes vanished and became vacant orbs as well. She had fully become a part of the 'mountain' in this place as well. Now the two of them were just oddity to that existed as they were no longer human but just extensions of the mountain and ground at its base.

This entire

This entire area was a soul space where those that became one with the mountain lost most of their individuality, sense of self, and many other things but retained enough it not just become completely uniform as a single mass. This was the fate that Kate had suffered. That was not the fate of those souls like Lina that sank into the ground as they no longer existed at all. Having lost everything and anything they were. The twins were the exception as they were both absorbed by the mountain and the ground but not enough to split them apart though. Thus the two of them stuck out as they did.

This is what happened to their souls as what happened to their bodies was the light died down along with the heat as well. The process that the twins and everyone that vanished from that plane in mid flight were done though they were no longer could be considered people though anymore. What they had been subjected to was something that converted them all into statues or just cause them to fully and completely merge with the ground below them(with Kate and Lina seemly being the only partial exception).

As this was going on soul space was similar to a white void. Back in reality Cruz Dusti, the servant that greeted them all when they were forcefully summoned to this world. He was looking around was looking around at them all.

The smelting process as he called was one where they wanted to split their soul from everything else in their bodies. The process was called smelting because just like it a material was extracted from its base. In this case, their bodies(the ore) heated to the point where everything else was burned away leaving only the carbon that made up their bodies. Carbon that had been purified and put under so much stress and pressure during the extract could from it, that it had been converted into a diamond like shell.

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