Chapter 20: Rangi 07
In his attempt to just get away as fast as possible, Rangi found himself dozens of miles away from his previous location. One that seem to be ruins of some kind that purpose, identity, even their name had long since been lost to time. The ruins were overrun by nature with no one around to prevent this from happening any more. After this, he just collapsed as he was utterly exhausted having used up all his energy along with the power that was flowing through him no longer do so either. Just lying on the ground face down in the dirt. Rangi was lying in the middle of a forest area that he eventually managed to run to to not get attacked yet again. Though he did not have to worry about another person attacking him there was still the fact that he was lying in the middle of the forest so there were attacks possible from the wildlife or even random act of nature itself happening.
Time passed and eventually, Rangi started coming too once again after recovering enough to regain consciousness. As he started to gather himself he noticed that he was not on the ground but in the lap of a strange metallic looking girl. It took a while for him to process everything fully and when he did when he reacted drastically.
“Who in what in the world are you,” Rangi said as he jumped out of her lap and began backpedaling after falling to the ground.
“I am your weapon, owner,” the right gauntlet said to him with a confused look on her face as she cocked her head to the side.
“Owner? Huh, what happened to those relics I had on my first it better to just get out here” Rangi said.
He might have known about relics but that does not mean he knew everything about them. Everything he knew was merely second hand knowledge he learned from overhearing various people talk about them. Not once did they ever mention something like this in those talks and conversations that he just so happened to overhear from just being around them.
So when confronted with the scene playing out before his eyes. Two strange girls that were claiming to be his weapon without any knowledge of who, what, when, where, how, and why of these girls before him. Rather starting talking to them as if that was the most normal thing to do for someone in his situation. Instead, he did what most people would have done and he went off to run to get away from these two as fast as he possibly could.
However, he did not make it far as the left gauntlet moved to catch him by the collar.
“Why are you running, Owner,” the right gauntlet asked him.
"Huh, why is that one talking when it's this one that moved," Rangi said.
"I am one weapon, owner," the right one said as the left did not move but their grasp on his collar remained tight.
"One weapon with two bodies. I can not control and speak both bodies in my current state" the right one spoke only.
Rangi then looked at the right one and then towards the left one, which was grasping their collar. Thoughts were going through their mind at this moment that lead the twins down the path that would make them a very unorthodox owner and weapon even amongst other dual type relic users.
“So you two are claiming that I am your owner,” Rangi said
“That is correct this weapon belongs to you,” they said.
This was a rumor that he had overheard but it seemed that almost crazy one about sentient weapons. The stories about them being able to manifest in human forms was indeed true after all. Not something he would have expected to be real considering the alternative theories he had overheard and even formed his own idea about relics.
"Could you let go of my collar now" Rangi asked
"Owner will no longer attempt to run away from their weapon" the right one stated
As the one the represented the left gauntlet did not move or do anything just maintaining the grip on his collar.
"I will not run away so could you let go now" he asked.
Do he fixed his collar as the left one went to where the right one had stood up and they then both held hands using their human looking one as opposed to the one that looked like their gauntlet form instead?
"Greetings owner. This weapon is a dual type sentient weapon form gauntlet at your service" they said at the same time.
Rangi overlooked the two of them wondering just how he was going to deal with things now that he had two traveling companions in a sense with him. He was not truly alone at least in his mind as he had these two with him. Sure they were sentient weapons but they had human forms and could communicate with him like one so they counted as traveling companions in his book. However, it was then that he noticed the what had been fused to his body in the form of a tattoo on the palm of his hand.
"What the hell is this," Rangi said looking at the magic circle itself.
"Unable to confirm origin on where it came from," the two of them said in unison
Rangi nodded as that made sense as he did not know much about sentient weapons beyond their mere existence. So he was not aware of anything else but then again there was hardly anyone in this era that seemed to know anything about the origins of sentient weapons at all. How they were made, how to awaken them, and the biggest one how to produce them as everyone was just dealing with the already awakened ones not newly awakened ones like what Rangi had discovered and done.
The importance of the magic circle tattoed on Rangi's hand would remain a mystery for now but one he was slowly discover more about as time passed