Chapter 33: Lutz 05
Lutz appeared within the back alley having crashed and landed into a pile of various garbage that was thrown and/or left back there. Picking himself up and then wiped himself off glad that whatever was in these garbage bags did not burst open and cover himself in its contents. Still, he wiped himself off because the bags themselves did not break what accumulated on top of them because of natural causes of being exposed to the elements and such for as long as they have done.
'At least I do not stink' Lutz thought to himself.
He then quickly took a sniff of himself to ensure that where he landed did not leave an odor on him or the only things he still had with him at the moment. His bag contained all his stuff and the book that he had been just given to own rather than merely borrow from the library.
Walking out the back alley that he was in he realized almost instantly that this was not the next town in Valia at all. He did not know where it was exactly but he was sure that he was not possibly very far away from his home country. The very look of the place he was in itself gave it away as no Valian town looked like this at all and people walking around gave him the same vibes as those that he was used to. After all, he had never left his homeland before and thus did not have any experience with people of other cultures that much. He was aware of them, especially after arriving at the mage academy though did not interact with them personally.
'Must have been some accident in their teleporting magic. That strange as that should not normally happen but anything is possible as improbable does not mean impossible after all' he thought.
Thus he decides to just wait here...everywhere here is for a while for the people that used teleporting magic to find him. Then once they have he can be teleported properly to the next Valian town as he was supposed to have been. It had been a while since Lutz was kicked out of the mage academy dorms back in Valia. Well not only kicked out of the academy but out of the entire country itself. However, he still was not aware that it was done on purpose with there being no mistake in his teleporting. What he viewed as a flaw in the magic was no flaw but the intended purpose of it.
Lutz had been just aimlessly roaming around this town just trying to get his bearing straight on where he was without actually leaving the town itself.
"Still plan on staying here," a person asked Lutz.
"That is the current plan at least" he replied
"Then pay up even just for the night or for longer. Pick one though you might want to finally pick the latter option. Having to ask you this question every day is getting annoying" they said
"I still want to think on it some more" Lutz replied
"That is the same answer you always give as eventually, you will need to stop thinking and just give me an answer," they said though was thinking 'Asking him this is annoying getting the extra money from him just paying one night at a time is not bad'
Luckily he had enough of the international currency to afford a room at this inn he was staying in. As for why he even had money to use in another country despite never having left his own until teleported here. While there were different types of money in the world the majority of the world used the same kind as it was something that was started a long time ago. Thus regional currency and money did exist but that was not something that everyone had access to anymore. They just used a universal one that worked and was back up everywhere in the world instead.
Yet while he might have had enough money to simply pay for his room and board at the moment. Eating and other things however were a different story as he needed to earn money for those things. Thus he was at the moment earning his money to feed and take care of these various needs through various odd jobs. The town he was in currently was to his limited knowledge one where it was not free to join the Adventurer's Guild. It cost money and money he did not have at the moment...if he still wanted to sleep with a roof over his head and eat at least semi regularly. Plus his goal of becoming a mage had not changed even if he was now unable to join the mage division of Valia through the academy. Then it might be possible to do so through other means as there were rare cases where mages from outside of those that graduated from the academy were allowed to join the division themselves. What happened to these outsider mages once they joined was unknown to Lutz as he only knew that one could join that way.
What Lutz was not aware of was those mages did not join the mage division of Valia as much as they were converted to it. They were thoroughly and completely dominated to become loyal servants of Valia and follow the orders of their superiors above all else. It was not the method anyone would want to go through but again the mage division only portrayed what made them look good to the general public while hiding everything else that made them look bad in the process. This was done through whatever means possible as per their usual way of doing things after all. However, he was not aware of it currently since he was unaware of the true nature of the division he wanted to get into so badly. That him being teleported away was quite possibly the best thing for him at the moment. Though they would have jumped on the chance to use him if they were aware of what Lutz was learning and now capable of compared to when he was still in Valia