Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 35: Lutz 06

During his time in the town he had been sent to, there was one massive difference between the Lutz of now and the one he had been while trying to get into the mage academy back in Valia. That being said, he was finally able to hone that raw talent of his for magic into actually being able to use it to some degree. As for the level of magic, it was rare and low, and it was not that useful for live combat either. However, because of the various odd jobs he was doing around the town at the moment, it was enough for him to make a small living. At least enough as he was planning out his next immediate goal as sure he had his long time goal in mind. However, that was something that was too far off in the distance as he could not accomplish that goal until he got back to Valia so figuring out how to get back was step one currently.

Arriving back in his room at the place he was staying at which was basically like an inn. There was not much in the room not only because he was just waiting there temporarily but also because he really did not have that much on him. The bag he was given contained all his stuff inside that was still considered his and not property of the mage academy itself. This was also why the room was so barren looking since he kept all his stuff in his bag. How was he able to do something like this well being a native of the country of Valia which was well known for its magic. This was essentially an item bag that held a massive amount of stuff within it, though the one that Lutz owned was the most basic travel model. It had a limited space but that space itself was the size of what would normally be considered a normal size storage unit. In a sense, Lutz was always walking around with what equals up to a storage unit in bag form.

Since this was the most basic model that meant there were more advanced ones that existed. Those could in the size and content they would be able to hold could range from the room he was currently in, and the size of the town he was currently in, to almost limitless with no limits to what its size would be. There were stated to be some bags that were considered to be so massive that there really were entire towns and even regions within that not just located within the bag itself. They are considered lost as a bag of that internal size is more like a cave system where one has to wander around it to find anything and then somehow retrace their step back to the entrance of the bag itself.

Also what Lutz has is considered the travel model and is considered as such because these are basically what all bags are like in Valia. There is no one seen carrying anything that heavy at all because they use bags to carry them all in. The idea of a bag not being able to hold far more than it appears would have been a completely foreign idea to Lutz if not for where he lived which was a place where they still used both normal bags and the Valia variety. Just getting the one that he had was costly for those who bought it for him. Thus why he took good care of it after all.

The one thing that interested him and he cared about the most at the moment(other than his bag) was the book he was given from the library to keep for free no strings attached. Looking through the book he was amazing at just why anyone would consider this book to be worthless. Sure it started out empty beyond the first page just being an intro into magic. This was something he was even aware of having that much knowledge about it. However, once he really read and understood that part of the book in detail and thoroughly, a new section just appeared that went over the very basics of mage itself starting with the lowest level magics at the moment. These are things he knew from his own research and study to be a Valia's Mage Divison. Merely having knowledge could be considered intelligence but knowing how and when to use it is wisdom. That is what Lutz was looking for thinking that was one of the reasons why he had kept failing to get into the academy to then later become part of the Mage Divison.

Of course that was not the case at all as Lutz continues to remain unaware of their true nature but the book he was now using was helping him seemingly take the first steps. That was, in his mind at least, preventing him from getting on the path towards his goal. What would he do once he actually became a part of the Mage Divison in Valia that was something he had not thought of nor is even aware that he ever thought past that point. The act of becoming one itself was the only thing on his mind as to what he does and how he wants to go about carrying out his various duties as one. Those were all things that were never on his mind right now just trying to become one that was the main and only focus.

Like someone who keeps constantly proclaiming that they will become something over and over again to everyone they meet. However very few if ever anyone think to ask the follow up question of 'say you accomplish that goal. What then comes next. Since no one ever seemingly asks that question it remains unknown if the person themselves even know what they want after reaching their goal and/or if they realize the full consequences and results of doing so. These were all things not on Lutz's mind at least as they might be for others but continuing down this path would be a different story that probably should be explored more later on.

As such while Lutz was going over where he had left off previously...

“This is so easy to understand…however, it would be nice if there was a part on how to improve control over the elements in general,” Lutz said out loud.

The book then flipped a page forward from where he was reading by a sudden wind. Then seemingly out of nowhere, a transparent metallic arm reached over Lutz's shoulder with its pointer finger the figure was pointing at a certain point in where the book had been flipped. If one was to actually look at where their finger was pointing it was towards exactly what Lutz was looking for.

Lutz turned around and found there was a transparent metallic girl just floating behind him. Backing away for a second the girl then floats towards him holding the book in her hands somehow. Pointing to the same spot she had been before.

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