Chapter 50: Chapter 17.1
Rangi arrived at the closest town from where Gau and Let was found. Though rather than just going straight into the town itself. There was going to be some more planning before doing so. Rangi had a feeling that he was being attacked because of where he was from. Thus if he was attacked once already it would not do him any good to approach any town without keeping this one thing in mind.
If they had attacked him once already then it was more than likely that they would be attacking him for a second time and possibly even more beyond that. He never went home after learning of the attack by chance because it was likely that there would be attackers still there waiting for him the moment he showed up. Though it pained him, Rangi fled in the opposite direction of his village and so far only had to deal with the single attacker that had come after him so far
"Gau go look at the gate for that town over there and report back. Though stay as far away from the town as possible as getting seen is the last thing I want happening at the moment" he told her
"As you wish, owner" Gau replied as she then went off to carry out his order.
Leaving him alone with Let who carrying out her now assigned the duty of helping him keep watch of the surrounding area as people were not the only ones that he knew we had to be aware of since he started traveling outside of his village.
"Humans are standing at the entrance to the town, owner. They are checking those that are attempting to into the town" Gau told him as she returned from looking at the small town in the far off distance.
After being asked to describe them that when Rangi informed her that they were probably guards and from what they looked like. It was assumed that they were there to do weapon checks. Something he claimed was done in the larger towns normally. Realizing this must be a way to check for relic users and thus the knowledge that their owner was one now must be known.
"Interesting" Let them said
Gau and Rangi then looked at her confused
"If they know we belong to the owner then why are they checking for sentient weapons like us instead of owner" Let proposed
"There were no pictures of owner or us anywhere around the guard," Gau said
"Then it's possible that they merely know owner has us but not what any of us look like. Which is strange given that we were clearly seen by that attacker that left" Let stated
"This is the only town for a while in any direction and I might not make it to the next one before running out of needed supplies. The question being how should we approach the guards to at the entrance without getting noticed" Rangi says.
"Can not we just go like this" Gau suggested motioning to herself as a suggestion that they just go in their human forms?
Let then shakes her head
"Not a good idea as we can be spotted as there probably things set up to do so in this case," she said
As Rangi then stretched a bit seemingly out of the blue cause he just felt like it at the moment the sentient weapon pair noticed there was something on the palm of one of his hands.
"What is that owner" they asked thinking the same thing at the same time
Rangi not getting mad at them for speaking at once as seemed more like they just had similar thoughts and merely voiced them at the same time. Rather than speaking at the same time at once like they did when they first met.
"This thing here *Rangi motioned to the pattern on his hand* it's a strange pattern that seemingly got appeared on my hand when I pushed myself away from falling directly on the two of you" he explained
"Why is it glowing at the moment though," Gau asked curiously.
"Why does it appear and disappear at a time since it is not always visible on your hand either" Let them inquire
After some trial and error, it was then discovered that Rangi was able to use that pattern to store them inside it somehow. When inside the pattern it would remain visible on his hand but that was something that could easily be covered up. Using one of the gloves that Rangi still had within the bag he was carrying with him. So doing those pair of gloves to hide the pattern from view.
"Welcome to our fair town and thanks for the wait as things are seemingly tense at the moment for some reason," the guard said after Rangi had passed their inspection of him with flying colors.
Once in town Rangi would let out Gau and Let or at least that was the plan. However to do so this soon after entering the town. Even if he was to do it in what he hoped was an unwatched and unmonitored area of the town. Rangi decided against this as it was most likely not a good idea to let the two of them out this soon given how the guard had drilled him but everyone else for awhile