Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 55: Rangi 0.2

Rangi was cornered between a long drop that could kill him and the one in front of him that most certainly could do so. He ended up taking the only option that he felt that he had at the moment. He could take his chance with the long drop as it was only a possibility that he would die from doing so. Staying where he was however with the one in front of him was certain death for sure.

So it was the mere possibility of death with a low chance of survival. Against certain death with no chance of survival. Once again the matter was as he took the taking plunge betting on the chance he had to do so no matter how small it might have been. No matter how small the number was it was not zero thus surviving this was far more possible.

Rangi felt their body failing as he fell down on to realize a moment too late that he did not just hit the ground. He fell through the ground and then just keep falling downard still. With nothing to get a hold of his decedent just kept going and going. Freaking out and hoping he did not just go splat against the group when he finally reach the bottom. So he was too busy to notice the statues he was raiding approaching as he fell. So long in fact that he was more shocked he kept falling even to the floor where he was having nearly reached the ground already and Rangi's outstretched hand managed to come into contact with those of the statues that were directly under him. It was at that moment that traveling up from the pedestal the two statues were on happened to be what remained of a magic circle. Flowing across the statues' forms and into the young man's hand and across his own body merging within.

He then quickly fell through the statue's hands they began to crumble as they had instantaneously become fragile and brittle. This was not just the hand but the entire body of the two statues began to crumble into pieces revealing their insides were hollow. These two statues were mere shells that contained within them a weapon in the form of a pair of gauntlets. One gauntlet was contained within each statue as the crumbling pieces of their containers were in the form of pair of statues vanished and the gauntlet themselves appeared on the young man that was passed out cold from having finally landed on solid the ground with a large and loud thud.

"Huh I am still alive," Rangi said as he awoke to find himself still amongst the living "At least that is one good thing that has happened to me lately. Nice to know my luck has fully abandoned me yet though is still being rough with me though"

'When did I get these' Rangi thought as he noticed the gauntlets on his arms and that he could not get them off.

Not that he really tried that hard anyway as they might come in handy as there was a reason he fell from so high after all.

"Does not look that I fell down that far so I should be able to climb back up with these...hopefully" he said feeling a power flowing through him and the gauntlet currently attached to him.

Plunging his hand to the wall of the room he found himself in, Rangi was amazed at how his fingers gripped into what seemed like a solid surface with such ease.

'I might be thinking about keeping these as they could prove useful' he thought.

Careful about what these were as he did not know how he got them or even why he could not take them off. Through the power, he fell through them, and just how easily he was able to scale the wall to climb his way back to the surface. Got him wondering if he had managed to come across something he had only heard in passing stories during his travels.

Taking a break away from the hole he climbed out of to collect himself before moving on. Rangi found his arm raised up blocking a bladed weapon with them.

"Not only are you still alive but you even managed to somehow acquired a relic too," his attacker said

"And who do you think is to blame for that" Rangi replied

Grasping the weapon with one hand now and then delivered a powerful body blow as he yanked his now shocked attacker towards him.

Stumbling back from the blow his attacker actually cough up some blood from that body blow they had taken.

'How is it possible that there was some random relic he found out there was not only able to stand up to my own but that power of that strike should not be possible for dual type relic' they thought.

Dual type relics were those whose natural form were two different weapons. Different from the transforming type where a single weapon could become multiple or as the name suggests transform. Though the weakness of the dual type was their overall strength and power were halved between the two of them.

'Yet that blow felt like it was not only a normal level but higher for some reason' the attacker thought

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