Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 8: Kate and Lina 08

The statues that had once been Kate and Lina were brought out and there they were placed within the room that contained the summoning circle. Though rather than being in the corner of the room like they were before. Back when they first became this way in the first place, they were set down in the center of the room. Being placed there so that they could become the center of attention as a result.

The summoning process was carried out and yet another group of soon to be victims appeared all around Kate and Lina. If the twins could say anything they would have attempted to warn them of the dangers they were in but it was already too late. For Kate and Lina as well as all of them as their fates were sealed already as there was nothing that could be done to save either of them at this point. The two twins were just silent witnesses to the events that were playing out in front of them. They were basically just props at this point. Two objects that were used to further the enjoyment of the one that doomed them to this fate of being transformed and converted from flesh and blood human to a pair of statues at the moment at least.

This time around they were being used to trick those from their world into thinking they actually had a chance of leaving this room as humans still. Giving them false hope that acquiring them as their own personal sentient weapons would halt their own transformation into one. No such thing was possible as touching them or attempting to do as they were told just to speed up their own conversion.

Soon the twins were not alone within the summoning room as surrounding them once again were a number of statues that had once been humans. Just like before the twin's statues remain the only ones intact amongst the rubble that had once been all the others. The process would repeat itself again and again as the twins never reacted nor had a response to be used this way

They were unaccepted of doing so in their current state of existence yet they were not only a false hope of those summoned to become weapons like themselves. They were also a trap for those of this world who failed to acquire a sentient weapon of their own the first time around. Given a go at it one last time with them yet they too would fail to acquire the weapon that was surely lying within the statue shell that their bodies and minds had become.

Kate and Lina remained in the center of the room as the trap they were made the focal point of continuing to be used again and again. Both for the otherworlders summoned after them and the those natives who were cheated out of their money as well. Both were given false hope but for different reasons. Time kept passing as weeks turned into months then the months into years.

During one of the time that otherworlders were summoned here. A guy noticed them and acted out with just a base desire upon seeing them there. The guy went from their breast seemingly pissing out a woman that was with him. Neither would have enough time to argue over his action as they both statues on the ground seconds later after all.

Their time in the spotlight came to an end as more like them were used to inspire false hope into both groups that this two segment trap was. With time they were once again pushed into the corner of the room where they would remain until they were used for another task this new being mere target practice as they were seen as the perfect target for this. They could not be awakened and scraping them would take more work than seemed worth it.

As target practice, there were many who looked forward to letting out the anger of having failed once before and then as a result needing to go back down to the bottom of the waiting list. Even this did not last long or at least not that long as eventually all those who felt wronged got either worked through the system enough or just did not come back to this one place. Here was not the only place where the summoning of otherworlders to become weapons was taking place. Thus the twins were once again placed within the storage area. This time seemingly for good though as they outlived their purpose. Forgotten they remained in that storage area for an even longer time as others proved more useful in the scheme that started with them at the center.

A lack of interest in finding out why they could never be paired with anyone was their saving grace as others that came after them were not as lucky. A few times not producing any results that were to this place's overseer was enough to get them scrapped without any mercy and/or leeway.

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