Super God-Level Top Student

Chapter 233: The Top Journal Effect of Weibo


Qiao Ze was well aware of the sensation his concept would create in the physics community once released.

Not to mention rewriting the fundamental particle model from the ground up.

Merely proposing a unified framework was enough to drive many to utter madness, and possibly even subject him to scathing criticism.

As he had told the two academicians, these were all just concepts, and he had not yet fully developed the perfect mathematical structure.

However, Qiao Ze didn't mind these things; he was used to dealing with the fallout of his actions.

In a sense, having solved the mass problem for the Yang-Mills Fields, he had become one of the authorities in the academic world.

Proposing a new Qiao mechanism was entirely reasonable.

Moreover, Qiao Ze's intention in releasing this theoretical framework was to incite even greater opposition.

He hoped that concrete arguments and evidence could be provided to point out the flaws in the framework.

This could actually stimulate his thinking and help him perfect the entire model.

Therefore, in order to help physicists quickly understand the model, he specifically compared it with the existing Higgs Mechanism in the standard particle model.

In the Quantum Implicative Model, Implicons play a role similar to the Higgs field, responsible for endowing other fundamental particles with mass. In contrast, in the standard model, the Higgs field interacts with other fundamental particles to give them mass.

Differences and similarities between other particles such as Containment Gravitons and gravitons, Containment Charge Particles and photons, Containment Weak Particles and W and Z bosons, and Containment Color Particles and gluons were all noted.

He also explained the role of the Higgs boson in the production of particle mass.

That is, the rotational and vibrational modes of Implicons come in two forms; when their patterns excite the Higgs field to an excited state, mass is generated; otherwise, the particles are massless or even have negative mass.

In layman's terms, this can be considered similar to resonance in our macroscopic world.

That is, mass is generated when the rotation and vibration of other Implicons resonate with the Containment Higgs Particles.

In summary, the Higgs boson may have a special interaction with other Implicons determining the mass generation process.
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Of course, for a basic model, what matters most is its practicality, which requires related mathematical explanations.

The practicality physicists look forward to most is what problems the model itself can solve for them.

Only by fulfilling this requirement will the model be worthy of consideration and experimentation by the discerning physicists.

Beyond that, a new fundamental model need not be more perfect than the old one, but it must have substantial advantages – it should solve problems that the old Higgs Mechanism could not address.

If it were merely a new model, anyone could switch around some terminology and conjure up a set of new basic models, which wouldn't progress physics at all. Naturally, that would be meaningless.

But what Qiao Ze intended to do was to construct a grand unified theory in physics.

Therefore, as of now, compared to the previous models under the Higgs Mechanism, the greatest contribution of the new basic model to physics might be clarifying the previously inharmonious gravity and giving a precise definition to the yet-to-be-discovered Containment Graviton.

He also mathematically described the characteristics of the Containment Graviton, providing physicists hope of finding the particle through large collider experiments.

In the new fundamental model, the Containment Graviton is a special type of fundamental particle, whose most distinctive characteristic is that its every mode of motion can interact with the Containment Higgs Particle to transmit gravity, while it does not interact with any other particles except the Containment Higgs Particle.

In other words, the Containment Graviton is a long-range particle, with gravity persisting regardless of distance without interference, although its strength exponentially diminishes with increasing distance.

Due to these features, Qiao Ze provided the mathematical formula for the Containment Graviton.

[ F_g =\\frac{G \\cdot m_1 \\cdot m_2}{r^2}\\cdot e^{-\\alpha \\cdot r}]

(F_g) is the force of gravity, (G) is the gravitational constant, (m_1) and (m_2) are the masses of two objects, (r) is the distance between them, and (\\alpha) is the intensity parameter of the interaction with the Containment Higgs Particle.

The equation also includes an exponential term, (e^{-\\alpha \\cdot r}) implying that the influence of the graviton diminishes with increased distance.

At this point, the formula is abstract and practically unverifiable.

Because the interaction between the Containment Graviton and the Containment Higgs Particle is vague.

But, cleverly utilizing transcendental geometry, Qiao Ze introduced a sine function parameter (\\sin(\\beta \\cdot r)) into the formula, resulting in [F_g =\\frac{G \\cdot m_1 \\cdot m_2}{r^2}\\cdot e^{-\\alpha \\cdot r}\\cdot \\sin(\\beta \\cdot r)].

The significance of introducing this parameter was that physicists could use the formula to directly plot the waveform of the force moments involving the Containment Graviton.

In other words, by incorporating transcendental geometry, physicists could predict the impact of the Containment Graviton on the trajectory at each energy level before conducting experiments to confirm the pattern.

If the predictions align every time, then the existence of the Containment Graviton is indirectly proven and thus gravity officially becomes quantized.

There's not much else to say – this is yet another discovery that would merit several Nobel Prizes.

Of course, as it stands, the fundamental theory constructed by Qiao Ze is not without flaws.


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