Surviving as a Maid in a Horror Game

chapter 9.1 - The more you are favored by your boss, the harder it becomes

As soon as I woke up, I just stared blankly at the white ceiling. What happened yesterday? Memories slowly trickled back as I tried to recall. Poison, the dungeon, threats, the prospective right hand... I tried to calm my rattling heart and closed my eyes.

No, this must be a mistake. It must have been a dream. Me, the right hand of a demon? Just a law-abiding citizen. It doesn’t make sense. Yes, it was definitely a dream. How could a demon choose me as a right hand? It can't be true.
I tried to calm myself down and pressed on the status window. Please, let what I see be 'Minion of the Demon'. Hoping yesterday was just a dream...

Job: Maid
Title: Demon’s Prospective Right Hand
Level: 11

Skills Owned: 2」
"No way..."
It wasn't a dream. It was real. Me, a law-abiding citizen, now the right hand of a demon, expected to find human sacrifices. I buried my face in my hands, tormented, and then let out a sigh as I dropped my arms.

I want to get out of this game, but to do so, I need to find answers in this mansion, the main stage of the game, and I increasingly want to leave this mansion. Every day brings threats to my life, and the salary is a pittance. Did I not experience the dungeon just yesterday? The workers' welfare and consideration are trash, that's for sure.
But if I leave, I’d be homeless. No savings, no money, and no unemployment benefits. Experiencing worse poverty in the game than in reality. No dreams of splurging for me. Just let me live without the threat to my life...
"Bring me some prey to restore my power. Then, I'll trust you."

As if mocking my thoughts, Adrian's voice echoed. Where on earth am I supposed to bring a sacrifice from? I can’t just drag someone from the mansion, nor can I knock someone out on the street and drag them here.
The situation seemed utterly hopeless, but what felt even more desperate was the reality that I had to meet that beautiful and sinister demon soon. How did things end up like this? If I had just pushed the drug delivery job onto someone else as soon as I woke up in the game, would it have turned out differently? If I had not encountered him at all?
"At least he didn’t try to kill me..."

I muttered quietly as I got up. Yes, that was my only hope. If Adrian had truly wanted me dead, he would have had plenty of opportunities when we were alone. He could have swiftly done away with a weak human like me and recovered more of his demonic power. There was no need for him to test me with poison twice.
It seems what ultimately piqued his interest was 'The Eye of Insight', but thinking he might rely on me for various other skills was a big miscalculation.
You see, I'm just a poor user trapped in this game, and this damn game doesn’t increase levels or give skills easily. I still have a long way to go before receiving a new skill... As I made excuses, I only felt more pitiful, but that was the truth.

Is gaining favor the only hope left? When will Isaac come? Half worried, half curious, I pressed on the request list. My face could only be described with the emoticon of a drenched puppy (;ロ;).
『Emily: (´._.`) Waiting anxiously for Hilda... Feeling sick. lv.4 (0/40)
Isaac: ヽ(o´∪`o)ノ Dancing the dance of courtship in front of the window of his unrequited love... lv.3 (20/30)』
Emily, having seen me dragged away yesterday, must have been so distressed that she even got sick. I felt worried, sorry, and grateful to her, but then seeing Isaac's status right below that stirred up a raging fury within me.

That bastard, hasn’t he been thinking of coming to the mansion for days now? A dance of courtship? What is he, a crane? A peacock? At this point, I’m wondering if he ran off with my money. He even swindled the fruit vendor, what couldn't he do?
Instead of waiting for Isaac, it seems quicker to just go to the village myself with the money I’ve saved up and buy some pencils. While I’m at it, I should also impose a penalty on Isaac to make him work at level 5 intensity.
Fuming, I changed my clothes and left the lodging with a (`ヘ´) expression.

But was it just my imagination? As soon as I stepped out, the maids gathered in front of the lodging scattered in all directions. They seemed like cockroaches scurrying into corners to escape the light. As I crossed the garden and headed towards the mansion, passing maids glanced at me and whispered.
They all looked fearful yet curious, and seeing that they didn’t swarm around to bombard me with questions made me think there must have been some orders from above. I don’t know how Adrian handled the aftermath, but it was clear that things weren’t wrapped up well. Ugh, I feel sick to my stomach even before eating.
"Oh, who do we have here? Isn’t that Hilda?"

As I limped towards the mansion, someone blocked my way.
“Everyone's been talking about you. Trying to poison the lady and the young master, huh? Impressive. This mansion is full of cowards; it's suffocating, but I didn’t expect such a fiery woman like you to be here.”
“Yes... But I need to go to the kitchen now, so if you could please move aside...”

“Hold on, hold on. I can’t just let you go like that, it’d be disappointing.”
The bulky man suddenly appeared and wouldn’t move aside. If I tried to slip to the right, he’d step to the right and block me, and when I feigned going left but tried to go right again, he still blocked me.
“Could you please move aside? I need to go to the kitchen to prepare some medicine.”

I scrunched up my face and let my annoyance show. I need to prepare medicine for the demon, and I really don’t want to, but being blocked like this made my irritation soar. Wondering who on earth he was, I looked up to meet his eyes. Green irises under thick eyebrows were gazing at me as if licking me all over, but my eyes dropped back down to his cleft chin that looked just like a buttock.
“Medicine? You mean poison?”
“Look, you seem to be quite mistaken.”

“You're not the type to be running mundane errands like fetching ordinary medicine. I prefer wild, unruly women like you over the docile and obedient ones. There’s a thrill in taming them.”
“Let go of me!”
The madman grabbed my wrist and smacked his lips, spilling his unasked-for preferences for women.

Help! There's a sexual harasser in the game! Completely annoyed, I jerked my wrist away from his grasp. I had just intended to free my hand, but unexpectedly, the man staggered back.
What, are all those muscles just for show? I watched the man regain his composure with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. Hilda’s body, hardened from years of pulling weeds, washing windows, and countless other household chores, was apparently capable of easily detaching a man.
“Ho, really interesting. This is fun. The thrill of taming a feisty female with a whip and hand... I'd love to see you submit. How about it? Forget your boring chores and spend a fantastic time with me.”

But that seemed to touch a slightly wrong nerve, and the man looked at me with eyes shimmering like the shell of a bug. I contemplated marking him as a favor target to work him to death at intensity 5, but quickly dismissed the thought. He wasn’t even worth a single pencil for favor work.
“Hilda! What are you doing there, Retisha is looking for you! Come in!”

It seemed Emily had come out in a hurry after seeing the scene. Mentioning the housekeeper's name made him reluctantly clear the way. But even as I hurried to Emily, the dark and sinister gaze clung to me like a spider. It was only after turning the corner that I managed to shake off the persistent stare.
“Hilda, are you... hurt anywhere? Are you okay? I was so worried when I saw you being dragged downstairs.”
Before entering the kitchen, Emily caught me.

Her hands, warmly clasping mine, and her tear-filled face matched exactly the emoticon on the request list. I still trembled when I thought about being dragged to the dungeon, but I forced a smile as if nothing was wrong. I couldn’t imagine how distressed Emily would be if I told her how scared I was and the kind of deal I had made while being dragged away.
“Yes, it was just a small misunderstanding. The young master came to rescue me soon after he realized it wasn’t true.”
It was actually more like a coercive scouting.

“That’s really a relief. How can I ever repay this kindness to the young master...”
“Yes, don’t cry. And don’t worry. But who was that buttock-chinned guy? I can’t quite remember.”
“Oh, buttock chin... Haha, that’s Zed, the stablemaster. I actually ran over because I was so shocked to see him bothering you. He’s notorious for taking advantage of female servants.”

“Taking advantage?
What do you mean?”
“Oh my goodness, Hilda. Don’t you remember? He’s famous for luring female servants out and forcing them into wrongdoing. If they happen to get pregnant, he completely denies it and cuts ties. There have been many friends who died secretly getting an abortion.”

What! I knew there was something off about his manner, but a rapist?
“How can such a person still be in this mansion? That’s impossible.”
“They wanted to punish him, but there was no evidence. But after four people died, Retisha decided she couldn’t stand it anymore and sent him a notice of dismissal. However, he’s stubbornly refusing to leave, claiming he’s done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be fired.”

“Why don’t they just kick him out?”
“It’s not that simple, someone has to manage the stables. He’s been tormenting every new stablemaster that comes in, driving them away. You know how temperamental the count’s horses are. Several people have tried to replace him, but it hasn’t been easy.”
“That’s crazy. Even so, he’s purely evil.”

“Retisha is planning to pay him off generously to leave. Hopefully, he’ll leave without causing a scene.”
Seeing her dark expression, it seemed this was a significant headache for the mansion. Still, it was a relief that Retisha, the personnel authority, seemed to be scared. Hopefully, he hadn’t touched her daughters, Emily or Katarina.
“Hilda... are you here?”

As I entered the kitchen, the air suddenly became tense. As if on cue, everyone stopped their conversations and focused their gaze on me, lips twitching as if words were bubbling up inside. Only Emily seemed ready to support me, firmly grasping my arm, her slender hand feeling incredibly sturdy.
But I thought it best to get out of there quickly, so I placed my hand over Emily’s on the tray, intending to prepare Adrian’s medicine. I was about to go to the storage when suddenly Retisha blocked my path.
“Hilda! It’s okay. I’ll prepare the young master’s medicine.”

What? I had always been rushed to prepare his medicine before, but never told not to. I stood hesitantly, then turned to prepare the soup.
“Then I’ll get ready for the meal...”
“No, no! We’ll prepare the meal separately, so you should go directly to the young master. From now on, that’s your daily task.”

“Yes, then I’ll at least prepare some water.”
“Don’t touch anything!”
A shout like a gust of wind poured cold water over the kitchen. Startled by the sudden noise, I even dropped the tray I was holding. In the still air, the sound of the tray hitting the floor echoed loudly.

Frozen in place, I stared with wide eyes like a frightened rabbit, and Retisha, unable to hide her trembling cheeks, forced a smile.
"Hilda, you went through a lot yesterday. You're still not in the condition to work."
The reaction Retisha showed when I was about to touch food or drink made me realize what was happening. I don’t know what Adrian said to get me out of the dungeon, but within the servants’ inner circle, I had already been harshly judged guilty.

They aren’t even looking for the real culprit of the poisoning, are they? The criminal is right here, isn't he?
"Ms. Retisha, as you instructed, I searched all the servants' quarters, but I found no trace of poison. Either it's been disposed of already, or... it must have been a highly skilled assassin."
As if answering my question, a guard entered and whispered to Retisha. Then, both of them stared at me as if they had agreed to do so. Searching the servants' quarters would never have turned up poison. The culprit is the noble young master. Unable to hold back, I spoke up.

"Did you also search the young master’s room? Maybe the poison came from there…"
"What insane thing are you saying, Hilda! Are you suggesting that the young master poisoned the tea he and his mother were to drink! My God, you don’t appreciate the great mercy shown to you despite clear suspicions against you!"
The looks I received were like those one might give to a great traitor, and my mouth snapped shut automatically. Yes, that’s right! That demon put poison in the tea he was to drink with his mother! I swallowed the words that were on the tip of my tongue and gripped the tray I had picked up again.

I had squeezed the handle so hard that a small decoration snapped off instantly. The system charged me 10 gold for damaging the tray, but I took deep breaths to calm myself. Okay, calm down. Calm down.
"…I'm sorry for raising my voice, Hilda. I was startled, just startled. As I said before, we'll prepare the medicine and food, so you go see the young master. He woke up early and will be in the garden. You know the place he usually is, right?"

"Go on then."
Retisha seemed quite shaken, her face pale as she walked over to the window and slumped down into a chair. Complaining would only make me look even more guilty, so I had no choice but to follow orders.
But still, it's so unfair. I didn't poison anyone.

As I left the mansion somewhat dejected, a grand carriage I had once ridden was parked at the entrance, and the Countess was being escorted into it. Unlike yesterday, when she was trembling in Adrian’s presence, she seemed calm today. But still pale, where was she going so early in the morning?
"…Young master?"
I watched as the carriage door closed, then casually turned my gaze and unexpectedly spotted a figure near the garden. What? That’s really Adrian. I rubbed my eyes and looked again several times, but it was indeed Adrian. He seemed to have been there long before I came out of the mansion.

Fortunately, the Countess didn’t seem to notice, maintaining a calm demeanor, but Adrian’s gaze lingered endlessly on the departing carriage.
"…Your mother said she would return from the villa soon. She has been quite anxious lately."
I debated whether to speak, but Adrian was the first to break the silence.

"When will she return from the villa?"
"I'm not sure. It’s almost her birthday, so perhaps it’s a good choice."
Even a demon has birthdays. And the Countess, she shouldn't be slaughtering goats at the villa. If I had known, I would have prepared more dolls sooner.

"It seems you also had a tough morning."
"It’s written all over your face."

His cold fingertips touched my forehead. I must have been frowning without realizing it, and shocked by his touch, I instinctively stepped back. Eek! I involuntarily let out a whistling sound, causing Adrian’s expression to harden momentarily before he turned away and walked into the garden.
"…So, the human to kill? Did you bring one?"
"Not yet, you just asked yesterday!"

It felt like meeting a manager who assigns a task in the morning and asks if it’s finished by lunch. Such a cruel boss.
"I am impatient."
"Even if you need to regain your health and strength, young master, you can’t just expect me to bring someone to kill overnight. I may have reluctantly agreed to help, but you must never forget that I am a decent citizen. Remember, Hilda is a decent citizen. You should repeat that when you wake up, at lunch, and before you go to bed."

"But you must have thought about it somewhat. You know you could be the sacrifice at any time."
His voice was soft, but hearing his last words, I snapped to attention. Oh right, that.
"Young master! At least listen to me fully. I was surprised by your question, but it’s not like I wasn’t thinking about it."

"Really? So when will you bring someone? I’d be fine with just you."
Wow, to say that in front of the person... What a character... Trust and consideration between partners are apparently too much to expect from a demon.
"Don’t say things like that, young master. Just look at this. I happened to receive a list of people at this mansion last night. Let’s discuss who would be good to kill."

In fact, I had gotten an advanced version with photos attached to choose who to add to my favor list, not knowing it would come in handy like this. I pulled out the list from my pocket and pushed it toward Adrian, whose steps halted. He glanced around to make sure no one was nearby before taking the paper and rubbing his chin with the other hand.
"Looking within the mansion? Not a bad idea."
"Right. It’s easier to catch fish in a pond, right? So, I thought about who would be good to kill..."

"Alban is out, remove him."
I hadn’t even pointed to Alban’s name, but Adrian cut me off sharply. I was a bit startled by his response.

"It’s hard to find a steward as alert and capable as Alban. He manages the mansion’s servants, so exclude Alban."
"If that’s the reason, then Ms. Retisha should also be excluded. There wouldn’t be anyone who could manage the household as delicately as the housekeeper. Not only us but she takes such good care of the lady as well."
I quickly found the photos of Alban and Retisha and crossed them out. Adrian looked at the many names below Alban and spoke.

"Elon, Haeger, and Clement also exclude."
"Why them?"
"I carefully hired them as chefs. Especially Haeger, who makes a roast beef that is perfect with wine. Elon does the vegetable stew, and Clement makes excellent cream crepes. Mother loves their cooking. They produce flavors you can’t find outside, so exclude them."

"Then I will exclude Emily and Katarina. They are my friends. Or how about Dr. Hubert? It would be perfect to attack since he comes around often."
"Changing a personal physician means starting medical exams all over, which is troublesome. Exclude Hubert as well."
Troublesome? Just because of that? Isn’t regaining power urgent? Very subjective. I frowned slightly and crossed out Hubert’s name.

"Exclude Cedric and Graham as well. They are excellent at weeding, and without them, the amount of weeds in the garden would skyrocket."
"What about the ones below? Chloe... I haven’t heard that name before."
"Chloe is a master at washing bedding. Even Ms. Retisha doesn’t dare touch her when she’s washing the bedding. How about Matthew? He’s from another country, perfect for the role."

"Matthew is a violinist I sponsor. He's just staying in the mansion for a while and will leave soon. He’s got a lot of talent, a figure who will significantly advance the music of this country. No. Who’s next?"
"What about Carol? No way. She's always with her little brother, not easy to lure away. They even go to the bathroom together. How about Leonard?"
"He’s a skilled gardener. It’s rare to see someone who prunes foliage plants so beautifully. He loves trees and flowers so much; every time I see him, he’s hugging a tree. To suggest killing a friend of plants, Hilda, I’m disappointed. I didn’t see you like that."

"Look, you asked me to think about who to kill. What about this one? Exclude this one."
We had become so engrossed in deciding who not to kill rather than who to kill, competitively crossing out names. This one because of this, that one because of that... After various reasons, we ended up crossing out every name. This way, there’s no one left in the mansion to use as a sacrifice.
It’s all Adrian’s fault. I didn’t play the game this loosely and mercifully! Frustrated, I looked up. Like looking in a mirror, Adrian was making the perfect matching expression. We spoke at the same time.

"Hilda, are you really trying to help?"
"Young master, are you really planning to regain your strength?"
No, what do you mean don’t kill anyone? If we exclude everyone like this, then who are we supposed to kill? I was speechless.

"It won’t work
like this. You must exclude a few people from those you said not to kill."
"No one to exclude, it can’t be done."

The irresponsible demon spoke without even pretending to check the list.
"If that’s the case, why don’t you exclude some from the people you chose? Most of them were excluded for trivial reasons."
"My goodness, trivial? The people I excluded are either friends or have a significant impact on my work. Compared to that, your reasons are trivial, young master. Just art? A friend of plants? That’s all they are."

"That’s rather offensive."
Adrian raised his eyebrows in response. Normally, I would have flinched, but not this time.
"How about Matthew, the violinist? Perfect, isn’t he? He’s been playing the violin his whole life, probably doesn’t know much about the real world, and since he's sponsored by the mansion, he wouldn’t suspect he’s in danger, easy to lure to a secluded place and knock him out with a club. Quick and clean, right?"

"I told you, Matthew is one of the most talented in this country. A life without art is no different from a barbarian's. Those who oppress artists won’t find rest even in death."
Saying this, Adrian shot me a look that said, 'you barbarian.'
"But young master, you’ve excluded too many people. Look at the list. How many people did you exclude? One, two, three... ten... forty... Wow. Out of over 100 people, you excluded 60. That’s more than the number of decent citizens like me. Are you really a demon?"

"Hilda, you’re more of a demon than I am."

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