Chapter 2: Chapter 2
After waiting for the fire to die out, I reached out and retrieved the arrow pierced into the beast's eyes. The arrow had an odd logo drawn on it and appeared heavier than a typical arrow. I've lived in Solary Town my entire life, and I've seen these creatures get killed, but I never realized that the arrows they used to weaken them weren't normal arrows.
"Can I get it back now?" came from behind me as I was examining the arrow.
The white-haired boy was standing behind me when I swiftly turned around. "Can I get my arrow back?" he repeated. "Yeah yeah," I responded, glancing at the arrow I was holding and extending it toward him. After taking it from me and storing it in his quiver, he proceeded to the beast and retrieved the last arrows before turning to go. He departed, and I stood there looking at him. Curious, I went up to him and said, "Excuse me."
He appeared to be a quiet person as he turned to face me. He was adorable and gave me the impression that I was disturbing him.
"I'm curious, why do people take the head of the beat after killing it?"
After remaining silent for a little while, he said, "So we can graduate." and left me.
His response gave me the impression that he was a misting school student, but I had no idea what he meant. "Sorry, how does the head of the beast let you graduate?" I asked as I approached him.
"Why all these questions?" He didn't even glance at me when he asked.
"Uh my mother is making me go to Misting school, so I need to know a few things about the school."
He stopped walking as soon as he heard this and remained silent for a little while.
He said, "When you get there, you'll know everything you need to know," and continued walking, I had many questions to ask, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to answer them. I wanted to ask him for his name, but his demeanour looked unpleasant.
I walked outside my house at dusk and took in the view of our town. Since my house was perched above a little mountain, I could see Solary Town, and at the farthest point from my eyes, I could see misting school. Anyone could see the school from their home since it was so large.
"I'll be there soon, I'll be fighting beats soon," I told myself. Even though I didn't want to go to misting school, I started to consider the positive aspects of it; perhaps it could be enjoyable.
I was enjoying the cool wind outside my house when I noticed something flying around the school. I initially believed it was a bird, but aside from owls, no other bird is that large and would circle a building at night. A few seconds later, it flew down. When I didn't see it again after waiting for it to fly back up, I figured it was simply a bird.
I sat on the ground and started to reflect: I've lived with my mother my entire life, and I constantly do the same routine: get up, prepare breakfast, eat breakfast, go to the farm, return, eat, and sleep. Going to a school is a significant change in my life because I've been doing this for fifteen years and I'm definitely accustomed to it. I heard that misting school is a boarding school, and even though my mother wants me to attend the school, I'm not quite ready.
When I opened my eyes the following morning, I saw that I had fallen asleep outside. I got up and went inside, where I saw my mother staring at herself in the mirror. She had dressed and was ready to go out. She was a little perplexed when she saw me walk in.
"I thought you were still in bed and how did you get out of the house?" Since she didn't see me leave the house, she queried inquisitively.
"I slept outside."
She turned and gave me a hard look,
"Why would you sleep outside, what if you were attacked?"
"But I did not Mother," I replied feeling worn out for some reason. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to talk with Mr Hinto," said Mother as she wore her earrings.
"The loan shark, what business do you have with him?" I asked because Mr. Hinto was bad news he lends money to the weak and then takes more than just his money from them if they don't pay back early.
"I borrowed some money from him, and I'm going to give it back," said Mother.
"You better give it back, or else he will ask me to be his 67th wife," I said feeling irritated.
Mother began to laugh.
"You are my daughter Takoda, and as long as I am alive, you cannot be a second wife, even to Mr. Hinto," said Mother as soon as she was done laughing. After saying that, she headed out. "I'll be back before dawn," she said, mounting one of our horses and riding off.
Now she's gone, the next thing for me to do is what I do every day, i made breakfast, ate them and headed to the farm. I bumped into a few friends on my way to the farm so I arrived there a little late. I set my basket down and started harvesting crops. It was a demanding task, but I enjoyed it because it made me feel closer to my father. I accompanied him to his farm every day as a child until I saw him perish at the hands of the beast.
While I was harvesting, Mr Hinto and some of his men arrived at the farm. I was so confused as to what he was doing on my father's farm because he had no business there. When he arrived there he began to dish out orders to his men asking them to cease some of our crops and destroy some. I walked to him,
"Mr Hinto what is the meaning of this?" I gave a harsh reprimand.
He glanced at me.
"Oh hello miss, I'm going to let you go with the crops you harvested but please after today, stay away from my land."
Hearing this got me confused.
"Your land? This is my father's land."
"Of course, but about thirty minutes ago I made it mine."
It wasn't until I recalled that my mother had said she was going to speak with Mr. Hinto that I realized what he was trying to imply.
I answered, "No way." and hurried home in the hopes that my mother would have returned by now.