Tales of secrets and lies.

Chapter 1: Decisions, Conspiracies, things of merchants..

In Promise City, ten days are lived in just one. All citizens walked busily, from simple students to powerful officials. Once they reached a certain age, no one escaped the city's rhythm.

Children were on the opposite spectrum; their innocence and ignorance were envied by many adults. The multiple laughs they released while playing brought joy to many adults. Hall couldn't help but smile at seeing them play; it reminded him of his youth when everything was easier.

Many years had passed since he took his son to the park; he still remembered his enthusiasm while playing with his friends.

A bittersweet expression accompanied him; his son was now a full-grown man, and the days of scraping his knees were behind them. Where there once was an immature boy, now stood a respectable lawyer.

He walked through the commercial street, where vendors struggled to earn a living. Some greeted him kindly, others avoided his gaze, and a few looked at him defiantly. His company was entering a tough moment; the competition was aware of this and ready to strike.

His face clouded over; he thought strongly that he shouldn't be in such a situation. He should be retired, contemplating the countryside and demanding grandchildren!

If it weren't for that idiot... He couldn't help but sigh; the few mistakes he made always brought him problems. His second son, Damino, who seemed to have potential to manage the business, turned out to be an idiot making deals with gangs.

If that were all, he wouldn't have problems. Using violence was necessary to grow in this world. The problem arose when that violence used you.

Apparently, using his silver tongue, the leader gained Damino's complete trust. The guy didn't hesitate to use him for his advantage, giving advice that seemed to benefit the company but ultimately only increased his group's reputation.

After finishing the plan they had in hand, he would teach his son how to control his dogs.

Hall turned the corner and entered the company's main headquarters. He briefly greeted his employees as he crossed the hallway. A maid approached him subtly.

—Master Gaustin.—The woman bowed—. Mr. Graytonne and Mrs. Difial are waiting on the third floor. They are accompanied by Mr. Dris and the young master.

—Thank you, Melanie.—His footsteps were calm—. Make sure no one interrupts the meeting.

—As you command, master.—She bowed again but couldn't avoid a slight tremor.

Hall noticed this but didn't mention it. The workers knew about the company's situation; many were worried about losing their jobs. Melanie had only been working there for five months, demonstrating her efficiency and kindness every day.

The woman was already in her sixties, which made it difficult for her to find work. Furthermore, Hall had heard she took care of her seven-year-old grandson. For that reason, he gave her undeserved merits to increase her salary.

Still, the employees' concerns seemed unnecessary to him. It was impossible for the company to collapse; not when everything was under his control.

As he ascended to the third floor, he could see Mirt Graytonne whispering to Frent Dris. For Celei, at least pretend! He hid his disgust behind a polite smile.

Both were already of age. Mirt was sedentary type; this could be noted by his excessive body mass. On the other hand, Frent had a polished body even for his advanced age.

Mirt stopped upon hearing Hall's steps. Then he gave him a deep look for a second. Hall could bet that look was filled with mockery.

—Mr. Gaustin, it's good to see you well.—A mocking smile spread across Mirt's face—. I almost thought you weren't in town anymore.

He was very happy; it was rare to mock an old devil like Hall.

—And leave the company I built with my own hands?—His professional smile widened—. This company has been through worse times; each one could bring down any other company. But we've risen again, richer and more powerful.

—Of course! Hall Gaustin's company was powerful; its leader's wisdom was undoubtedly admirable.—He knew that something so simple wouldn't shake Hall, so he attacked his open wound—. It's a pity that Damino Gaustin's company hasn't inherited that wisdom.

Hall gritted his teeth. Mirt had always been a thorn in his side.

—Hmm... This is just a small stumble. Just as I have made mistakes, my son has too.—His gaze became piercing like an eagle watching a rodent—. But we Gaustins, unlike other families, can recover from falls.

Who do you think you are, fat clown? Watch your steps, we will come out unscathed, your company won't be so lucky... He was starting to get fed up; he wanted to withdraw from these political fights.

Mirt looked at him warily. Just as he was about to reply, Mr. Frent Dris stopped them.

—Gentlemen, I ask that we leave useless conversations aside. —His wrinkled face was frowning—. My time is gold, my life is ivory.

The three men entered the nearby room. There, Damino was sitting in the middle of a staring contest with Kala Difial. His face was slightly wrinkled, betraying his years of experience.

—It was about time you arrived, gentlemen. —he spoke with a haughty tone—. Leaving a lady waiting is a crime. But leaving her waiting with bad company is, directly, a sin.

Kala looked at the young blonde-haired man, not even bothering to hide her disdain.

Hall shot a fierce look at his son. The reason that woman was insulting them in their own room was his fault. Damino trembled slightly but quickly hid it. Showing weakness in front of those sharks was not an option.

—I can agree with that; now that the businessmen have arrived, my interest is piqued. —He spoke defiantly, knowing that Kala had an easily pricked pride. And indeed, her face betrayed her.

Damn brat! Do you dare to belittle my business career!? She tightened her fan while hiding her lips. Moments later, she relaxed again. In this temporary alliance, those who were worse off were the Gaustin.

—I don't want to repeat myself. —Frent sat down without delay—. Let's settle this matter once and for all.

—I agree with Mr. Dris; I didn't make a name waiting around. —Mirt followed his example and sat down.

You used to have time for political chit-chat, bastard. Hall sat next to his son. With that, everyone watched expectantly at Damino.

—We are gathered here for a reason. —He tried to put on his most professional face—. The constant attacks from the Magenta Seraph gang.

The air in the room cooled; a palpable tension surrounded those present.

The Magenta Seraph had caused them many problems: constant attacks on their clients, ambushing convoys with goods, and leaking information among themselves.

They approached them with supposed good intentions, showing great skill in the underworld. When they sought information about the gang, they couldn't discover that they worked for other companies. Somehow, they had kept their tracks secret.

At first, they considered it a blessing. A criminal group possessing a Wanderer among its ranks was rare. Generally, the Great Headquarters and the royal family regulated them; thus, a criminal Wanderer was strange.

Everything was going well; Magenta Seraph was quite effective. It took some time for them to realize their mistake; the gang was increasing conflict among them. While they lost clients, Serafín Magenta made money they themselves were paying!

—I think any explanation is unnecessary. They have been playing with us, sucking our wallets dry until we are weak.

»But they made a terrible decision: to make more enemies than they can handle. That's why we called you here, to fight an unreasonable enemy.

Frent and Mirt exchanged glances; it was time to start business.

—If I'm honest with you, this seems like a joke to me. Why should I spend money helping you? Among all of us here, I'm the one who has lost the least.—Mirt was the first to object.

—For Celei, you need to work on your lies.—Frent cut him off sharply—. We all know each other's accounts here; information came to us through the gang.

—How can you be sure it's real? The trust we could have had has evaporated.—Mirt tried to hide his dissatisfaction but still sounded rude.

Before he could continue, Frent slammed the table, surprising everyone.

—Damn it, Mr. Graytonne! I told you not to waste my time! We've all seen firsthand the information here. We know perfectly well that due to losses, you've made employee cuts!

Mirt's face turned red with embarrassment; Hall looked at him with a hint of satisfaction.

—Please stop arguing. It's undeniable that we are all against the ropes. What we need most is to come together.—Damino tried to mediate but was interrupted by an arrogant voice.

—Ha! You're not fooling anyone, brat. We all know that the Gaustin were the most affected here. Among those present, they are the ones who need this alliance the most.

Damino let out a grimace of surprise; Kala seized the opportunity to provoke him.

—Don't tell me, did you call us without realizing we would know something so obvious? Well, I'm not surprised. You're still too young for real business.

—You! —Damino raised his voice but fell silent when his father raised his hand. Despite the problematic situation, Hall spoke calmly.

—Even if what you say is true, we can still contribute to the alliance. After all, you three together won't achieve much.

»We're talking about Magenta Seraph. We have seen firsthand the group's capability, of its leader; Basil. Three companies on the brink of bankruptcy won't be able to catch him. Adding another increases the chances.

Silence fell as they contemplated his statement. After a few seconds, Frent broke the ice.

—Although I agree with Mr. Gaustin, I can't deny that Mrs. Difial has a point. You are the least qualified to face the gang. However, no one here is truly qualified. That's why I propose a solution.

—And what is that? —Hall raised an eyebrow.

—The Gaustin company will be relegated in the alliance; it will not have any power in decisions.

—You can't be serious! —Damino jumped up, anger written on his face. Once again, his father had to stop him with a gesture.

—You must know that we cannot accept your terms. —Hall's gaze was cold. At some point, he stood up from his seat.

—It's not about being able or not; you must do it. How are you going to get protection if not this way? On the brink of bankruptcy, with shareholders applying pressure... Do you really think you can do it alone?

Hall could do nothing but look on with sharp anger. Frent remained calm; the other trader was against the ropes. Then, after a few seconds that felt like hours, Hall lowered his gaze and sat down again. It was his tacit way of saying he accepted.

Mirt didn't hide his smug smile. Arrogant idiot, this is what you get for being so short-sighted. In the end, his plan came out as desired.

When he received the letter from the Gaustins, he realized their intention regarding the alliance. From the information he obtained, they were on the verge of collapse. What other way would someone so arrogant send a letter for help? So, he reached out to Frent and Kala, suggesting stripping the company of any power.

He had to admit it; Hall was a great trader; he had arrived in town three years ago and had already consolidated significant power.

That's why it was necessary to strike while the iron was hot. The opportunity that the crisis provided could not be wasted.

—Well, things have become clear. Now let's talk about our plan. —Mirt observed Frent and Kala sharply; now that the Gaustins were out, they were their biggest competition.

The others knew this too; three companies would fall when they got rid of Magenta Seraph.

Meanwhile, Hall had a gloomy look but was calm inside. Everything was going perfectly.

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