Tales of the First World

Chapter 59: Scorching Cries of the Forgotten

After the tournament brackets were announced, the first battle was said to start in a few minutes with Ms. Yuria asking both Torren and Dirge to head into the waiting rooms while his classmates wished him well.

Heading up the stands, the group was surprised by the sudden presence of a few Student Generals, where one among them asked something of them before Ketsu could even offer his greeting.

"Class 1F I presume?"

"Student General Arno, if you are looking for Torren, he's already getting ready." Stephen answered in a stern tone.

"Very well. I will seek him out. Kiara." Waving goodbye before leaving the stands in search of the first combatant. Heading into the break rooms found within the corridors of the Arena, leading directly into the battleground.

"Sujing, for this battle, I forbid you from using your SoulArm." Bursting into the waiting room only to find Torren scared stiff.

"Wait, sir? I don't understand why you'd say that?"

"Oh, try to think really hard about it. Try to remember all the battles your classmates participated in and find a common thread."

"...But...I'm not like them. How am I supposed to put up a fight if you're asking me to handicap myself?"

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not use it"

'A common thread...well they're all talented. Even looking at Ketsu, Stephen and Erai, none of whom actually use their SoulArms.'

"But–what if I die, or you know, get torn to pieces, the dude has freaking ghosts fighting for him." With his cries falling on deaf ears of a long-gone Arno.

They returned to the stands when he noticed the alarming sight of the ashen mane. Arno was ready to leave but Kiara told him to be seated, and not to be rude.

"It seems that spending time with that idiot has had his attitude rubbing off on you." Seyta teased the antsy Arno who could not be bothered to look at her.

"Not at all. I simply wish to be away from the stands the moment you begin tearing them down in a fit–"

"You aren't gonna let that go are you? Speaking of the idiot, I don't sense him nearby. Where is he?" Seyta sat up, allowing Arno to move past and seat himself beside Kiara.

"Tch. I have no idea. He is probably on the other side of the kingdom for all we know." Arno scoffed with Kiara looking a little disappointed.


"Pardon me, Ms. Cruz, but could I ask you something?" Ketsu entered the trio's conversation, appearing out of nowhere, even bringing out a little squeal from out of the Red Queen.

"Ah little Ketsuiko, what's biting you at the heels?"

"Miss, everyone is little when compared to you, but that aside–"

"Why are the Student Generals gathering here? There is an entire stadium worth of seats and yet you are all here?" Stephen wondered aloud, stifling Ketsu's words, who could only exchange a worried glance for a classmate.

"I see..."


"It seems that we might be taking up too much space. My apologies, I'll fix that right away." Seyta shared an uncharacteristic smile with the group.

"Fine–hang on..." Stephen had a moment to take her words at face value before the Demon Monk had gripped him by the collar and sent him flying, a sight that caught the referee's attention as he left for the stratosphere.

"Attention to all spectators. Nothing is permitted to be thrown or launched into the Arena or its airspace" Ms Yuria announced before she returned to her preparations.

"Erai, sit down or you'll be next" Ketsu warned after seeing the golden arcs fluttering about him.

"Well, who's gonna catch him? Vaceris?" Turning only to find her struggling to disguise her laughter.

"Sergei, if you would" a sudden purple aura flowed out of him as he watched the skies for the descending Stephen.

"Right, let's get to watching. The last time I was in the Arena, I was one of the First-years, so there's no way I'm missing it. I just hope that it's at least a little entertaining. From what I can tell, most of the flames here are barely a flicker."

"Your appetite for the battle is as voracious as ever, ma'am."

"What's this ma'am thing, I told you it's Sey-ta or would getting some fresh air help clear your mind?"

"Not at all, our job right now is to watch the battle taking place. Torren requires all our support."

"The first battle of the Cross Gardens Tournament will now begin." 

"Dirge Agnostra of Class 1C and Torren Sujing of Class 1F, please enter the Arena." Ms. Yuria announced to the audience, gaining a litany of cheers and support from the crowd as they came onto the battleground.

From the attending students, educators and even a few active Guardians to the citizens of Aria, the massive Arena roared with life as they all howled their support for the approaching combatants.

A sight of life and joy intense enough that the Headmaster couldn't help but smile upon her people.

'My dear Reider, I do hope you are safe. Truly you are about to miss quite the spectacle at the behest of my request. I pray you do not bear ill will against me.'

"Now, if the two of you are ready, we will begin. And remember, you aren't just representing yourself, but your class, your teachers and even your families. Begin!"

Filling the arena with the shade, and corralling him into a space fitting to corner him, Dirge noted that Torren had some good instincts as he watched him avoiding the smoky areas, while he could only think of Stephen's battle with Dirge and his words before the fight.

'Sometimes it pays to pay attention.' Scoffing at the thought of him being right in the end, the appearance of a specter from the smoke scared him, leading him into the same shade.

"Scampering around seems to be the go-to method for members of your class. But, don't underestimate me." Dirge called, outstretching his arm towards the presence in the shade.

Watching from above, Shynerai stood up at the sight of the swirling dark mass.

"Remain seated, Astrapordt, you're obscuring other students' view!" said Arno.

"Hmm, what's happening?" he wondered while staring intently at the darkening field.

Though from Torren's view, the darkened mass of smoke had faded into a hazy miasma, possessing a strange heat at its touch by appearing like a gray mist as he waded through it.

With every step he took, he inched forward before he was suddenly grazed...startled by other sensations but finding no evidence of the source, he held his breath and pushed on.

"So, can you guys see what's going on in there?" Erai asked his silent classmate.


"The magic gathering near your classmate has strong murderous intent. Death hangs heavy in the mist..." Aurelia mumbled to herself before realizing Erai's eyes were on her. She couldn't help but blush.

"How strange, do you truly lack proper sight of magic?"

"I can see it, but it's all hazy, nothing definite...wait, who asked that?"

"That would be me."

"And I've told you already, the name is Patrulea, no I demand you call me Lea from now on. It shall be a name only you address me with." Appearing beneath all their notice, she sat between Shynerai and Vaceris atop the stands, with her gaze affixed to the menacing Arena.

"And who are you?"

"It's Lea, say it." Turning her attention to Erai.

"Lea?" He answered.

"Good. Now keep it down."

"A–Am I being ignored?" Vaceris scowled with frustration twisting her face into someone all nearby knew to avoid, only for Tersia to wind up patting them both over the head.

"I don't remember asking for or speaking to you, could you do me a favor and fly off into a ditch?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Vaceris Astembridge and I'm the girl who is going to kick your–"

"Vaceris! If we start fighting we could end up causing trouble for ourselves and Torren. That goes for you as well, Lea."

"Ignore her Shynerai. I only came here to see you. I have so many questions to ask you. Do you think you can indulge me.." drawing closer to him.

"But..." Vaceris stammered.

"I'm sorry but this isn't the time. If you want to talk then we can do it later but causing a scene right now, I'd rather not." Erai tried to settle their conflict.

"It's okay, white hair. If the girls are itching for a fight then I'd be happy to give them one."

"Seyta hang on..." Ketsu was too late as she picked them up and left for the exit while the pair struggled in vain.

"Is she...going to be alright?" Erai murmured

"Ketsu...Ketsu" Erai tried to elicit a response but all his Captain could do was sigh.

"Just...focus on the fight." Arno added sternly.

When the amorphous binds of the shade finally took shape, it was not in the form of shackles or chains, rather taking the form of a pair of cheerful adolescents running about him and asking him to join in their play.

Torren was stunned before trying to call out to them as they ventured deeper into the haze.

"Griane, Elaine! What are you doing here, you'll worry mother?" He called out in an almost desperate tone.

Watching the stunned Torren murmur with a blank stare, Dirge made his move.

"Lament: Forgotten Epitaph."

Swinging his scythe in a flurry, whistling haunting tones that summoned the damned, wailing to some semblance of life within the dark mist as they thrashed and chased and tore at anything in the boundary.

One of these specters appeared to cleave its mangled claws through the stunned student before it faded into the shade while Dirge commanded the rest to rip him apart.

Swarming him in a ferocious mass with enough agitation to throw up a dust cloud covering the Arena and obscuring what little was left to any observer.

"Do you intend to stare Torren's opponent to death?" Stephen dragged himself up the stands as he chastised Erai's demeanor.

"Don't...do anything stupid. Just have faith in him." Vaceris soon joined them, while Tersia found it difficult to take her words seriously while she was still squabbling with Patrulea.


The constructs of the illusory mist took on a more familiar form and guided him home, finding his mom making lunch while his father walked in. something he hasn't been able to do for a very long time.

"Torr, are you going to sit or what?" The wispy figures asked him, who found himself pushing open a door into a familiar room.

"Are you going to sit down, mister, it's your favorite." The dark-haired mistress plated the seat in front of him.

"Come on, Torr, I haven't seen you in quite a while. Your mother hates it when you don't clear your plate." A stern voice cheered his son on as he pushed him into his chair.

Watching Griane and Elaine passing around the fruit bowl while their father jested about with berry-filled eyes and a mouth full of lemon slices.

"Torr, are you okay?" His sibling's laughter halted for a moment. Torren unsure of how to feel would try to calm his brother only for tears to stream down his cheek...the surge of guilt filling his throat turned it horse as he could only mumble his thoughts.

Their shared look of concern grew before his mother handed him another plate of his favorite dish, much to everyone's dismay.

"Your brother works hard, so much so that we rarely get to see him. I made these especially for him today. Please, honey, enjoy." Her kind smile turned his burning pain from within to without...almost searing him in a flame he could not find the source of.

'It's not fair...why...why...why...why?' Mumbling through steaming tears only to be embraced by his mother's touch.

"Dear, it's okay. You're home now."

Grabbing a hold of her hand, he tried his best to present her with a smile. 

"I'm sorry mother, sorry for always worrying you, and especially for not coming home...But this..."

"It's alright. We are always going to be here for you. You're our son and this will always be your home." His mother now shared a tearful response that worried his siblings.

"The only thing that would make this moment perfect..." Still holding onto her hand as a faint glow grew from beneath his sleeve."

"If this was real...What I would to have that!" Beneath the blue glow seeped out his blood, streaming down his arm and down onto the table.

Within the Arena, Dirge had summoned an undead legion of restless souls to rend and tear at his flesh...the fiends embraced in their shade assaulted the entranced Torren while the onlooker's murmurs grew into disgruntled scorn from their lack of awareness of the battlefield.

The ever-encroaching darkness obscured all sight save for that which was granted to Dirge

That is until…

Amongst the haunting choir of howls and wails rippling through the obsidian clouds they filled the seams of the Arena, a humble glint shone with vigor. Piercing through all, what was seen as a glimpse of clarity into the events was granted to those that watched on. 

While small this young light shone unimpeded. When Dirge began to notice the creature's aversion to the orphan light, he pursued it, flaring the scythe to command the shade into the cover that consumed him and shielded his approach when meeting the light.

He was barely permitted to reach it with his blade before the light peeled away at the darkness in a single slash, an attack that would have claimed his head had the shade not succumbed instead, tossing back against the walls that were now visible.

"My mist! What is happening? You shouldn't be able to move." Dirge growled as the scorched mark on his cheek sizzled.

"It seems the Child of Light is finally born, about time." Arno whispered with a look of satisfaction.

"What!" Erai exclaimed.

Watching on as the air in the Arena swelled in heat while the shade swirled around the burning figure with the specters fleeing back to their ethereal abode.

As Dirge remained stunned for where he stood was directly at the foot of the emerging being.

"What...What are you?" He yelled against the fierce winds growing between them, but his words were not heard, seeing the flames pouring from his eyes, Dirge found no compassion.

For the first time, since the battle began, he had taken a step back just as the firestorm blew apart, sending a shockwave through the scene.

But his Dirge's frightful expression was overtaken by an unknown sense of guilt once he was able to see through the flames:

'He's crying...why is he crying?'

"Wh–what did you see? Where did all this power come from?"

"I...saw something I haven't had for a VERY LONG TIME." His clothes would singe at the heat while his arms revealing a mark glowing white-hot and his feet were embraced by the growing flame, swallowing most of his visage and his mane was consumed by flame, he raised his hand towards Dirge, compelling a spark to life.

Panic could be felt all throughout his body, forcing him to summon the shade once more and cover himself with it, he called the specters to his aid, their numbers growing more vast and eclipsing one half of the Arena in complete pitch.

"If you think I'm just going to stand here and take it, you got another thing coming." Gesturing at the burning figure willed the swarm of the undead to descend upon him accompanied by a guttural choir of the damned.

Grazing steel and unyielding wails washed over the crowd, being enough terror to some that they void their bowels

"Enough!" Taking hold of the glowing spark, raising a hand towards the approaching cavalry of death.

'Since it's the first time I've had the chance to use this, I don't really have a name for it...but I know this feels right.' The same mark continued to glow ever brighter as he brought his hand down upon him.

"I, staring up, the light did spy, And to my God, my heart did cry." A pillar of light setting the Arena ablaze burst forth from where he gestured, cutting through the unholy legion with roaring intensity, prompting the appearance of Reiss who stepped out of a void from above the Arena.

'Well well well, who would have thought he had it in him.' Clashing against infernal blast with a single hand as he drew flaming sigils with another.

The markings fluttered about before surrounding the flames and siphoning away the magic till all but the scorched battleground was left.

'Right, I wonder what they're serving today.' The flagrant elf opened another portal before leaving the scene.

Torren was still ablaze but within the hell-storm, the flames he commanded pushed Dirge back against the wall, with the searing blade coming close to taking his head.

"I yield, do you hear me? I YIELD!"

After seeing the standing and bloodied being still ready to continue, Dirge struggled to find the strength to move before Torren fell to his knees, panting heavily.

"Since the battle was obscured by bright lights and pitch darkness, very few actually witnessed the entire fight, I can almost understand your frustrations...it was quite the sight." Seyta murmured as she suddenly appeared beside Ketsu who was focused on the hidden Arena, before smacking Erai, Vaceris and Lea for their disruption.

"Where did you come from, I thought you were babysitting?" Ketsu asked.

"I can easily handle the princesses and watch a good battle. Were one of your classmates on the field?"

"Yes...his name is Torren. You could probably spot his blonde hair from up here, it's bound in a head wrapping."

"Well I can't see color through all that debris scattered across the scene but there is a figure there...and...oh? how curious is that flame?"

"Hmph, so you can't or rather aren't seeing anything of note?" Ketsu answered

"Patience. You shall soon see. Notice how focused my pupil Makholdz remains." Arno muttered.

"The victor of the first round of the Cross Gardens Tournament is Torren Sujing of Class 1F." An announcement blared out from the blasted heath with no one in sight, neither the students nor Ms. Yuria.

Naturally being deprived of any entertainment such a spectacle should have provided drew the ire of the crowd as the Arena quickly filled with sounds of dismay and the rushing SGs moved to quell the disapproving slurs that accompanied the litter thrown into it.

"Due to the damage sustained to the Arena, a five-minute recess will be initiated before the next match. All spectators should remain seated, as repairs are made." Ms. Yuria finally came into view as the dust clouds began to clear, requesting the presence of the Medical Ward, moving without hesitation.

"All right let's go." Stephen stood up before tapping on Ketsu's shoulder, who nodded at his request. Wanting to raise Erai next, only to find him missing, even taking Vaceris and Lea by surprise.

"Guess he's already on his way. Come on then, Mr. Sujing requires his hero's welcome." Ketsu joked as he called to the bickering pair, who seemed to have become the problem of Tersia, who was somehow managing to calm the two long enough for them to listen to Ketsu's words.

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