Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 52: From afar

"They are right out the back door,"

Maylee's words played on repeat in Liam's head, he thought that she sure had to be talking about Alec, but she mentioned 'they' as in plural, who else could she have been talking about?

He was so deep into his own thoughts that he forgot to pay mind to what was in front of him. Another Oni had appeared in his way; Liam cursed under his breath, his time wasn't really abundant, but he knew there was no easy way around the demon either.

He ducked in time to dodge the sword swing towards his neck. After he switched sides with the creature, he had a choice to make; either stay and fight or run to join Alec. He chose to go with the second option, considering he had nothing on his hands to take the Oni down. Liam ran as fast as his powers allowed him to reach the hospital back door and burst out of it like his back was on fire.

"Alec!" He yelled when he laid eyes on his young friend.

Alec and Daniel were pretty busy with their attempt to push the Oni back. From where Liam stood, their situation seemed quite hopeless. Daniel did his best to shoot any and all demons that had managed to get too close to them, while Alec kicked, punched, clawed at their enemies however way he could.

Liam broke into a run again, towards Alec and Daniel. He thought he'd seen that hunter's face before, but he also concluded that there was no use pondering on that idea then and there. He kicked an Oni that had latched onto Daniel's back to the ground.

"Can you get a clean shot?" Alec asked.

"Not like this, I can't," Daniel replied instantly.

"You can kill them?" Liam turned towards the hunter.

"I should be able to, I've got some silver bullets, but I haven't been able to kill one for a moment now," he said.

"Well, that's just perfect. What about arrows? Got any?" Liam asked again.

"Hand me a silver bullet!" Liam demanded.

They'd managed to squeeze their small conversation in between hitting, shooting and dodging their assailants. Daniel was quick to oblige and toss one of his silver bullets towards Liam, who caught it and without any hesitation turned to face an Oni. He punched through its chest hard enough to pierce it, then he pulled his hand back away from it, empty, he'd made sure to leave the bullet lodged inside of it. The Oni twisted and wriggled where it stood before he went off in a ray of yellow gleam and a ground shaking vibration.

"That was awesome!" exclaimed Alec in admiration.

"We're not done yet," Daniel called for his focus back on their remaining enemies, as he shot a few more bullets into them.

For a moment everything ceased. It felt like time had stopped, even the Oni stood unmoved. The hairs on the back of the werewolves' necks pricked up. Liam and Alec clasped their hands on their ears, barely able to withstand the sheer power of that superhuman shriek, then they felt a breeze of fresh air hurling their way.

"Lydia?" murmured Liam.

"What's happening inside?" panicked Alec.

"They're inside as well, what did you expect?" Daniel had interjected.

"Give me another bullet," Liam requested again.

Right as he caught the second bullet that Daniel had thrown his way again, Liam saw a third Oni appear out of thin air.

"Well, that's not good," stated Daniel.

"How many of them are there?" Alec complained exasperated.

They started another waltz of jumping, kicking shooting without much success. It felt like the more of them they killed, the more that came back even stronger. Exhaustion was creeping in; Daniel was running out of bullets in general, but they all held their own as long as they could.

One moment of lack in attention led to Alec being yet again thrown to the ground; Liam tried to go and assist him but dropped his guard as he did so and ended with his back to the floor as well.

"Guys! I don't really have the ability to heal, you know?" Daniel spoke in a tone that he thought was calm, but he couldn't foul anyone, he kept on shooting until.... He couldn't do that anymore, "I am completely out," he announced.

Both Liam and Alec were physically battling their injuries, the wounds the Oni's swords had opened on their flesh were leaking black blood and discharging ominous dark fumes and they both seemed to be in pure agony. Daniel's eyes kept darting between the two werewolves, seeking any glimmer of hope or comfort, but none came from the sight of them, helpless. He watched as the three Oni dangerously closed in on him, he was being surrounded, cornered.

"Get out of there! Run!" Liam managed to choke out, even though he knew full well that the man didn't have many options there either.

Another sound reached Liam's ears, only that time, it wasn't loud and painful, that time, it was swift and subtle, like a sharp dard cutting through air. It flew fast and lodged itself right into an Oni's chest. Once the creature blown away, the thing that killed it fell to the ground; it did resemble a dart, a silver one. Something tackled a second Oni to the ground and held it in position, someone... Wearing a cloak to conceal their identity. Without any hesitation, they stabbed the Oni in the chest with a similar dart.

Once the deed was done, the cloaked figure stood at their full height, and something nipped at Liam's heart, a sentiment of familiarity, he felt like he knew that person or whatever that creature was. They were so absorbed by the first figure that they hadn't paid attention to the second one, a much shorter one, who sneaked behind the last Oni and stabbed it as well.

There was a moment of silence before two other Oni appeared, the two figures faced them, seemingly ready to fight but... The demons began to disintegrate, starting from one point at the top on their heads, until there was nothing left of them. Liam didn't grasp what was happening till he felt a sting in his eyes; he promptly squinted to protect them from the incoming sunlight.

The sun was finally rising, shining upon them. They all came to the realization that, so much had happened, in just one night and that and it was coming to an end just like it had started.

"Sunrise was a bit late. She was right," the shorter clocked figure spoke, in a feminine voice.

"How many times am I going to have to save your ass Liam?" the taller one spoke as well.

"B... Bret? Lauri?" Liam stuttered in shock.

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