The Adaptive Quincy of Bleach

Chapter 76: Relentless Grind: The Road to Mastery(76)

It had been about four or five days of Sora going to Ichigo's home, making sure he got to the Vizards, training Orihime and Chad in the morning around 12, and making sure they were at the Vizards.

By 12:30-ish, he started his shift at Urahara's. While no customers were around, he practiced his Quincy skills, even doing the technique program Kisuke had made him do. While there, he practiced his Quincy skills, which included a lot of Reishi manipulation training and his body being pushed to its limits.

He would occasionally race with Yoruichi... currently, he was in the lead with 20 victories and like 15 losses, probably due to the fact that Sora was still getting used to using Lichtschritt.

Though he was getting the hang of it and was now on a 5-win streak.

Got to have her lying on his hair during his shift—something about the Reishi being purer the closer she was to him, and his head being prime napping conditions.

Cool, she needed all the energy in the world for the tricks he planned to pull on his boss. She was his accomplice, after all.

Yawning a bit, Sora waited for the clock to hit 6:30 PM. This marked the end of his shift, from 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

He was in no mood to spend another hour there. He did thank Tessai for the food, gave Ururu a little pat, and completely ignored the red-haired kid (Jinta) 'cause why not?

He had favorites, and he wasn't afraid to show that.

Life wasn't fair.

Anyway, once that was done...

He got home, trained hard, grew stronger, and was currently training Uryu.

"So it feels like this," Sora said as he manipulated the Reishi around Uryu in order to give him Reishi wings.

And his Quincy bow and arrow.

Alongside light padding all around his body.

Uryu closed his eyes. The complexity of this form left him in awe. For the whole day, he had tried to achieve it, and yet, nothing came.

He was unable to achieve this state. It felt like he was lacking the talent for it.

He could achieve it, just not as fast as his brother could.

Sora, on the other hand, didn't seem discouraged and just seemed like he wanted to cheer up his brother.

Acting like a cheerleader for his cousin, Sora made sure to guide Uryu through every little detail about this state. Sure, Sora probably would have gotten way stronger if he wasn't babysitting his brother but... fuck strength.

Uryu's growth was more important to Sora than him piling up a few extra pounds of lean muscle. Speaking of which, he was basically 6 feet tall, and Rukia was like 4 feet 9 inches... he was a whole foot taller than her.

It shouldn't matter. The female reproductive system, at least for a female human, should be able to stretch like 4 to 5 inches. It was fine. She could do it. She would be fine. She was strong and all.

Speaking of which, well, any Quincy that would come from his bloodline would probably be an impure Quincy. Even if he were to marry a pure-blood Quincy, his kid would still be an impure Quincy.

As Sora himself was an impure Quincy.

He recalled that his mother was a pure Quincy. The Quincy practiced eugenics, striving to keep their bloodlines pure.

Fortunately, their spiritual energy tended to protect their genes. Otherwise, all Quincies would have ended up like the noble families on Earth that practiced inbreeding.

Those families produced deformed monsters from nature.

Sora speculated that his father might have been either an impure Quincy or a human, but he didn't care much about that.

Uryu got his teaching, deciding to train on his own, which left Sora to his own accord. He, of course, upgraded his Lichtschritt.

He was getting better and better with it, and soon enough, it would reach the level that his Hirenkyaku was at.

Until then, the grind never stopped.

And thus, Sora grinded and grinded, working his body to the limits, day in and day out.

Pushing himself to achieve about 100%.

He drained his Reiryoku pool, then worked his physical body to the limits, and then pushed his Quincy abilities until he dropped.

He wanted to at least be able to reuse the copy skill he had in his adapted states... being able to imbue Sakanade into his attacks would work wonders.

Day in and day out, he would train.

The speed at which he would draw his bow and fire his arrows was increasing. His growth rate... was as expected... it was... monstrous.

He could fire about 25,000 arrows in a second... Yes, he knew—it's all about mastery, and the bow can be just as fast as a blicky. To that, his argument is:

He likes guns more.

His growth seemed to be exponential, mastering most of the techniques that he was studying at the time.

His Blut Vene had reached a level where if he were to go back to Soul Society now, only the old man's Shikai could hurt him.

By hurt, he meant significantly. Like, the kind of hurt he can't shrug off. The kind of hurt that takes 20% of his HP in one swing.

His Blut Arterie had evolved to such a point that now, even his most basic arrows had the power to utterly destroy a captain.

Though his baseline for what a captain was... was probably that white-haired kid. Either that, or the dog. He felt like they were around the entry to early mid-level required to be a captain. Or that chick that stopped Aizen with Yoruichi.

Sora knew his suppressed strength was captain-level. The question now was...

How strong was he without his suppression?

The boost in strength would be talked about later in much more detail.

As of now, Sora worried about the finer details... like his control over Reishi.

And the small fact that his Reiryoku was getting harder to control. It seemed like whatever that black substance was, it was making it harder for him to improve...

He needed to adapt to it so his power wouldn't stand idly, doing nothing.

A/N I wonder which Espada Aizen would send to assess his level.

Character file for Uryu Ishida.

Name: Uryu Ishida

Race: Gemischt Quincy{Echt}

Age: 15

Shrift: A,{The Anthithesis}

Height:5 feet 7.5 inches (171 cm) or 5'8.

Favorite food: homemade mackerel miso stew.

Strong point: Analytical mind.

Weakness: close-quarter combat.

Quincy's weapon of choice: The Holy bow

Spirit-class: 5...on the edge of 4, so vice-captain level.

Hobbies: Read, knitting, archery, 

Nicknames: Glass, no hoes, bitch repellant, no game ,Captain Cringe ,The Awkward Avenger, Flirtation Fumbler ,Zero Charisma, The Conversation Mute, The Awkward Wizard, Socially Inept Sasquatch, Mister Misfire, Sir Stumbles, The No-Vibe Knight, Cringe Commander, Flirtless Frank, The Uncool Unicorn, The Silent Seducer, Socially Distant Duke, Woe of the Wooer, The Shy Shark, The Flirtation Phantom, Loveless Lancelot, The Unflirty Oracle, The Virgin Voyager, Innocence Incarnate, Untouched Titan, Pure Prince, The Celibate Crusader, Freshman of Love, The Unopened Flower, Chaste Champion, The Unmarked Path, The Unbroken Seal...{...}

And that was only a fraction of the nicknames he had gotten over the years.

When does he have a good tie: When Sora is not around.

Who does he care about the most: didn't hear that from him though.

Opinion on his father: positive.

Current location: World of the Living.

Status: annoyed at himself for getting caught lacking.

Volstanding: ????

Passive control over Reishi: 80%

Average Quincy: 40-59%

Sternritter: 70- 90%

Schutzstaffel: 80- 90%

Ywach: 100%

Sora Ishida: 100%

Volstanding Sora: 250%{ Don't ask} 

But if you want to ask, the remnants of your energy, of your Reiryoku in the air...yeah, he can control that shit too, so as long as he fighting someone with spiritual energy he will never run out of Reishi to manipulate.

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