Chapter 83: Femboys (83)
Sora looked at the blurry figure... Who were they?
Going from being in a big sea to feeling all of his limbs being forcefully removed from his body...
It didn't take a genius to figure out that Sora did not really like the dream he just had.
He just hoped that those dreams would stop.
He did get to see Rukia in her underwear, though... So that was a plus in his book.
Maybe he should tease her about it.
As he scratched his head with his right hand, his right hand was completely black. Though, as he gazed at it longer, it returned to being normal.
It seemed like he had adapted in order for that black substance to fuse with him.
He wondered what kind of adaptation his body went through in order to fully accept this arm.
For some odd reason, he felt like this arm was powerful.
Well, if he was ever planning to jerk off in the future, his right hand would not serve him well.
He was ambidextrous, though, so his left hand could always be used... If not Ranso—okay, maybe that was going too far.
Not his fault; he was a growing teen. He may not be horny all the time and knew how to control himself, but it still didn't change the fact he could get horny.
He hoped to everything holy that he never walked in on Rukia in her underwear again. This had already happened three times before... She was getting way too comfortable.
"Brother, you up?" A familiar voice was heard saying.
Looking up, he saw Uryu.
"How long was I out for?"
"Six hours."
Sora, who was in the middle of drinking some water that had been graciously left behind by his dad, knew it was from his dad because the ice in the water was circular.
If it was Uryu, there would be square ice, and the water would have a light lemon taste.
Small details, really.
"Six hours, for real? I've never been gone for that long," Sora muttered, stunned. He had never been gone for that long, even when he had accidentally injected himself with malaria. That shit... That disease only lasted about 30 minutes.
Probably closer to 20 minutes, though... Actually, it lasted 5. The extra 25 minutes was just him having imaginary fights in his head.
Don't judge him. He was still human; he wasn't perfect.
"Your wheel spun the whole time," Uryu added.
So he had been adapting to whatever that black thing was for six hours straight.
How complex was this shit that it took that long to adapt to it?
How much had his body changed in order to fit that criteria?
On a side note, his blurry vision was gone.
Though he wondered...
Sending Reiryoku to his eyes, pupils began appearing. This time, however, instead of seeing all three realms, he only saw about 30 seconds into the future, basically seeing what Uryu was going to say before he did.
A mischievous smile appeared on Sora's face.
"I was worried about you."U
"I was worried about you."
"Can you stop saying everything I say?"U
"Can you stop saying everything I say?"
"You suck."U
"You suck."
"You are so childish."U
"You are so childish."
"Why are you so annoying?"U
"Why are you so annoying?"
"Stop it."U
"Stop it."
"If you're a bitch, say what."
"Fuck you."U
"Fuck you."
"Oh, Uryu said a bad word."
Uryu groaned, annoyed. Being next to his cousin was making him act in a way he wouldn't usually act.
Sora held his head a bit in pain... Okay, so his current self couldn't abuse the fuck out of this power.
How sad.
Here he was, planning ways to tease Uryu more... He wondered what else he could use this for.
"Uryu... Mind letting me use your ID?"
"For what purpose?" The boy furrowed his brow. He didn't trust Sora with his stuff.
"I'm going gambling at a gambling den, and I don't want Dad to see that I went there," Sora said matter-of-factly.
"And you'd rather use mine for what purpose?"
"So I don't get in trouble, duh."
Sora lacked shame. Sometimes Uryu felt like he forgot that fact about his brother. After spending six hours in agony, the first thing he thought upon waking up was gambling.
"I will not allow you to use my ID for such a thing."
"Come on... Pretty please, Uryu-kun?"
"Don't you dare call me that name," Uryu shot back with an angry look on his face.
"If you let me borrow it, I'll promise to set you up with a femboy."
"What's that?" Uryu said, confused.
"Something nice."
Uryu had no idea what a femboy was, but knowing Sora, it couldn't be anything nice.
Next thing he knew, the 'girl' might just have a dick...
Another vein appeared above Uryu's brow...
"Sora... A femboy wouldn't happen to be a girl with a penis, would it?" Uryu asked, looking at his cousin.
"No... Why would you think such a thing? Do you think so lowly of me that you believe I'd do such a thing?" Sora said, acting all hurt.
Alright... Maybe Sora wasn't so bad after all. Maybe he wasn't as evil as he thought.
"It's a man acting like a girl, so the dick is just the added package."
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