the adventures of Azathoth in creation

Chapter 1: chapter 1 how I met one of my wives

In the void you can find a massive being with multiple eyes and multiple tentacles floating this is Azathoth

(Azathoth image here)

'Now to create a new body which i hate doing but at least little bro didn't die but still I hate creating new bodies' Azathoth thinks and moves one of his tentacles to do just that but stops when he gets an idea

'Instead of creating a body what if I just shape-shift my eldritch form into a human form could work I never tried but let's go for it' Azathoth thinks focusing and he gets surrounded in black smoke

After a few minutes the black smoke vanishes in the place is the most handsome and most beautiful human form of Azathoth with his long black hair and beautiful eldritch eyes that will make any woman fall for him

(Eldritch eyes image here)

"Oh would you look at that it worked, hm my voice is deeper, I also have three hearts, which is weird I'll get used to it now clothes" Azathoth says vanishing

Azathoth reappears in a room full of clothes and starts going through them "Too blue" Azathoth says "Too brown and there's celery on it" Azathoth says and continues looking through the clothes until he comes to the back and finds his original outfit

"Hm my eldritch warrior outfit havent weared this one in eons my wives would love that im wearing it again" Azathoth says putting the warrior outfit on

(Warrior outfit image here)

"Now I just need my weapons" Azathoth says vanishing and reappearing in a room with multiple things lying on a table

"Hello my creations let's put you on" Azathoth says grabbing a blue gauntlet and putting it on his left wrist he then grabs another gauntlet and puts it on his right wrist he then picks up two guns and puts them in two holsters on his hips he then picks up the final thing which is his sword and puts it on his back

"Okay I got the eldritchtrix my hidden blade my guns of the gunslinger my cane that was a gift from my children and my sword void yep got everything now to return home after a long time Azathoth says vanishing

(Weapons image here)

Azathoth then reappears outside of a big house and immediately gets surrounded "I was only gone 6 years so put those weapons down even though they won't do anything" Azathoth says

A woman with black hair steps out of the group "If you are who I think you are how did we meet" the woman asks "I was hunting a large group of monsters " Azathoth starts

(Flashback start)

The year is 900 BC right now azathoth is in the woods near Athens called Hymettus, Kesariani & Vyronas Aesthetic Forest hunting a large group of monster

Right now he's running jumping and climbing from tree to tree until he stops on one of the large trees and sniffs the air catching a scent from the northeast and starts going that way

He continues until he hears a lot of roaring coming from north northeast he goes that way until he reaches the place where the roars came from and sees a lot of monsters surrounding women with two broken legs and one broken arm

He sees a group of hellhounds run towards her but he teleports he into his arms and shifts the tree branch he's crouching on into something that she can lay on within a couple of seconds

She starts panicking and reaches for a dagger with the arm that is not broken but I stop her "Before you continue reaching for that dagger just know I won't harm you" he says

"Why should I believe you," she asks "You should believe me because why would I harm my great great great granddaughter before you ask your questions let me kill these monsters while you stay up here but before I do that let's get that poison from the eldritch realm out of you so you can heal" he says

"Okay," she says trusting him he then sits her down carefully and holds his hand of her chest and pulls out a black orb and absorbs it into his body finding out who did it "Shaun im coming for you after this" Azathoth says and teleports in front of the monsters

He makes two Daggers from his energy with one in a reverse grip and the other in a normal grip "So who'd first" he asks while looking around

He hears a roar and sees two cyclops running toward him with wooden clubs he waits until they are closer then runs toward one

Once he is near its legs he cuts one leg off of one then jumps back since it started to lose its balance he then goes for the other one and does the same.

Once they are on the ground he tosses the one dagger each at their hearts which kills them he then summons them back.

The rest of the Monsters then came rushing at him from all sides the first to reach him were eight hellhounds he kicked the ones on the left and right then spun and started kicking them one by one until they died.

He stops spinning and hears four loud footsteps to see four cyclops coming from his front back left and right he goes for the one in the front first.

He runs towards the one in front jumps up and kicks it in the face and uses its face to jump and land on the one that's behind his shoulders stabbing it in the head and twists the dagger to make sure it dies.

He then uses that one's shoulders before that one disappears to jump towards the one on the left and lands on the head and stabs it in the head then jumps towards the one on the right and stabs it in the head then jumps off of it to the ground.

He is about to finish off the one that he kicked but hears footsteps behind him he jumps up and cuts off the scorpion's tail and uses it to stab it in the head.

He uses the tail as a springboard and jumps towards the one that he kicked and kicked hard which blows up its head and lands back on the ground

He shapeshifts the daggers into a bow and pulls the string, which materializes an arrow, and aims it at a group of seven hellhounds heading his way and lets it go. Once it's near them, the arrow splits into seven arrows that hit the hellhounds in the heads killing them.

He jumps over a club that was going to hit him and turns around and pulls the string and shoots the cyclops in the head then lands back on the ground and sees there are only two cyclops left and five hellhounds which was running towards him in a line.

He aims the bow at the Cyclops first and pulls the string and puts some of his energy into the arrow and aims the arrow at their heads and lets it fly.

He then does the same but instead of the cyclops he aims at the hellhounds and shoots the hellhounds in the face once they've turned to dust he puts the bow on his back and then teleports the dust and the stuff that the monsters dropped to his workshop.

He then teleports back to the girl he looks up and sees her with her bow out and pointing at him

(Flashback end)

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