the adventures of Azathoth in creation

Chapter 4: eldritchtrix aliens and modes

This was hard to write so give me a break

Normal mode

Playlist 1

Inferno: the king of Pyro, the planet of the pyronites with the power over the third Strongest flame the white flame

Primal: the king of the hounds of hell with the power to summon more of his kind

Krystal king:the king of Petropia, the planet of petrosapians with the power to control crystals and summon them

Xlr8: the king of kinet, the planet of kinecelerans with the power to run over a thousand miles per hour

Mimir: the first Galvan of Galvan prime, with the power over the mind

Armageddon: the first king of khoros and the strongest of his kind but the drawback is he's dumb

Insectoid: the king of lepidopterrans from the planet Lepidopterra, with the same powers of his kind

Rip Jaws: the first king of piscciss volanns from piscciss with the same powers of his kind

Upgrade: a galvanic mechamorph from galven b, with the power to merge with technology and upgrade it

Specter: the true king of the ectonurites with the power over ghosts

Playlist 2

Cannonbolt: the used to be king of the arburain Pelarota with the power to roll at high speeds

Fenrir: the lord of Loaboans from Luna Lobo with the power over werewolves, and sound

Gaia: the lord of the first florauna with the power to stretch his arms and throw pods that grow on his arms

Snare oh: the lord of thep khufans with the power to unwrap his body and extend his bandages

Frankenstein: the first lord of the Transylians, with power over electricity

Upchuck: the first lord of the gourmands, with the power to shoot orbs of plasma

Ditto: the lord of splixsons, with the power to make multiple of himself

Eyeguy: the king of opticoid with the power to see the past present and future

Waybig: the lord of to'kustars, with the power to shoot multiple comics rays

Leviathan: a form Azathoth created to show his love for cthylla

Playlist 3

Swampfire: the lord of methanosian with the power over plants and fire

Soundwave: the first lord of the sonorosians with the power over sound

Humungousaur: the strongest of the vaxasaurian, with the power to grow indefinitely

Jetstream: the lord of the aerophibian, with the power to fly so fast he Flys through dimensions

Khione: the lord of necrophiggans, with the power over ice

Obsidian: the father of sugilite with the same powers as him

Brainstorm: the lord of the first cerebrocrustacreans with massive amounts of brain power

Caesar: a fierce warrior with the power to shoot webs form all four of his hands, shoot spikes from his wrist and other things

Flubber: the lord of the polymorph, with the power over acid

The father: the father and lord of all celestialsapians right beside his wife the mother with the both of them choosing to have all celestialsapians have multiple personalities

Playlist 4

Lodestar: the lord of the biotsavartians, with the power over the magnetic field

Rath: the lord of the first appoplexian, with the power of all Tigers

Nanomech: the lord and father of the microchips, with the power to create nanochips from nothing

Posiden: this alien has the power over water

Amphibian: this alien has the power to read minds

Armodrillo: this alien has the power to drill through the toughest of things

Terraspin: this alien has the ability to control wind

Nuclear: this alien is the embodiment of nuclear energy

FastTrack: this alien is fast but can't turn well

Chamalien: this alien has the power of invisibility

Playlist 5

Shocksquatc: this alien has the ability of electricity

Eatle: this alien has the ability to eat metal and shoot lasers

Clockwork: this being has the power to manipulate time

Juryrigg: this alien can build anything

Bloxx: this alien can make stuff out of his body

Gravattack: this alien has the ability to manipulate gravity

Crash hopper: this alien can hop places

Ball weevil: this alien has the ability to spit put green balls and roll around on top of it to make them bigger

Monarch: this alien is super strong

Pesky dust: this alien has the power to make people fall asleep and have either Nightmares or happy dreams with its dust

Playlist 6

Kicking hawk: this alien is a master of many martial arts

Feedback: this alien has the power to absorb energy

Toepick: this alien can give you Nightmares

Photon wing: this alien can make stuff out of his energy

Bullfrag: this alien can hop and shoot out his tongue

Megamite: the lord of the nosedeenains with the power to become electricity

Atomix: this alien has the power over nuclear energy

Gutrot: this alien has the power to combine different types of gases

Alucard red and white: this alien is the god of vampires

Mentacle: the king of the uxorite, with the power of telekinesis

Sludge: the first king of lenopans, with the power to shapeshift his body

Elast-elk: these alien has the power to stretch his limbs

Hunter: the king of Sotoraggians from Sotoragg with the second most advanced tech

Alpha mode

Inferno: the Alpha form of Inferno with the second strongest flame the blue flame

Primal: the Alpha form of Primal with not just the power to summon his own kind but also the power to summon hellfire from the ground

Krystal King: the Alpha form of Krystal King with powers of both Krystal King and Obsidian

Xlr8: the Alpha form of xlr8 with the power to run so fast he can transverse planets and galaxies

Mimir: the Alpha version of Mimir with the power over the mind and technology

Armageddon: the Alpha form of Armageddon with the strength of his base form but granting him the intelligence to use it

Insectoid: the Alpha form of Insectoid, with the same powers as his kind but with a spiked tail and the ability to shoot goo lasers

Ripjaws: the Alpha form of ripjaws. With the same powers as his normal form but more stronger and the ability to swim supersonic

Upgrade: the Alpha form of of Upgrade with not just the ability to merge and upgrade technology but combine technology and make it better but once he unmerges the technology separate back to what it was

Cannonbolt: the Alpha form of Cannonbolt with the power to move even faster

Fenrir: the Alpha form of Fenrir with the power to use sonic sounds in many different ways

Hunter: the Alpha form of Hunter with the most advanced tech

Khione: The alpha form of khione with the power of ice and snow

Leviathan: the Alpha form of Leviathan with a stronger and more massive body

Megamite: the Alpha form of megamite with the power to absorb anytype of energy

Photon wing: the Alpha form of Photon wing with the same powers as his regular fork but he can make better stuff

Rath: the Alpha form of Rath, with the power to become stronger the more angry he becomes

Eldritch mode

Inferno: the father of the first pyronites, with power over the strongest flame in creation, the void flame the flame of the void

Primal: the father of the hounds of hell, with the power to summon his children, hellfire, invisibility, Eldritch steel claws, and teeth

Krystal king: the father of the first crystal-like beings granting him each of their powers

Xlr8: the father of the first kinecelerans, with the power to move so fast time freezes to a halt

Mimir: the father of the first galvens, with the power of levitation, telekinesis, technopath and Eldritch level smarts

Armageddon: the father of the first tetramands, with the power to superheated his body granting him more power and also speed

Insectoid: the father of the first lepidopterrans, with the power of the normal and Alpha forms but with the added bonus of being able to shoot a Shockwave of slime that's acidic from his whole body

Ripjaws: the father of the first piscciss volanns, with the power of the normal and Alpha but he can swim light speed

Upgrade: the Eldritch version of a mechamorph with the power of both normal and Alpha mode but once he merges with tech he consumes it adding it to his body

Specter: the father of all ectonurites with complete control over anything ghostly

Fenrir: the father of the first of were kind with the power to summon his children, manipulate shadows, go through shadows, command any were beings and dominant creatures

Gaia: the embodiment of the earth granting this form complete control over it

Frankenstein: the father of the first transylians with the power to summon storms from nothing

Upchuck: the father of the first gourmands with the power to eat anything and spit out an orb of plasma but the more he eats the bigger he becomes

Ditto: the father of the first splixsons, with the power to absorb others of his kind growing bigger and making more of himself appear

Waybig: the father of the first to'kustars through his power to summon cosmic storms

Swampfire: the father of the first methanosians with power over plants,fire,and life

Humungousaur: the father of the first vaxasaurians with the power to grow indefinitely, shoot missiles from his hands and turn his hands into maces

Khione: the father of the first necrophiggans, with power over sound, ice, fear, shadows, and fire

Caesar: the father of the first

Flubber: The father of the first polymorp, with the power to consume anything adding that objects properties to his body

Megamite: the father of the first nosedeenains, with the power to summon lightning, fly, absorb anytype of energy, and command all nosedeenains

Heaven and hell mode

Eldritch Nephilim: the hybrid of a seraphim and archdemon with both of their powers but none of their weaknesses

Nightmare demon: a demon with the power over dreams specifically Nightmares and to bring those Nightmares real

Satan: the personification of hell with the ability to summon demons of any rank

Shadow: a demon with control over shadows and darkness

Zarathos: a copy of his son's power but without a host making him able to use his son's full strength

Magic mode

Absorption: with the power to absorb anything magical adding it to his body's powers

Lord magic: the father and creator of all magical creatures lord of all magical gods and goddesses and lord and father of anodites

Planet/ galaxy destroyer mode

Dragon god of chaos: the dragon that lives for chaos

Full stop: the father of beings that live in multiple dimensions at once

Glitch: a living glitch with the power to glitch beings out of existence

King: the king of all xenomorph

The judge: the judge of creation

Void: the embodiment of the void, the home of eldritch beings

Other beings

Dooms Day: an ever-evolving being

Chaos 1 through 6: father of primus and Unicron

Run: swim just swim

Necro: the primordial of death, with the power to summon armies of the dead, and every person that the army kills they join the army

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