Chapter 189: The Mass Resurrections.
(KIng Kai-POV)
A day passed, right now the warriors that the Grand Kai 'trained' were round up the stragglers, while the Supreme Kai was assessing the damage to the underworld, the stored evil energies that were the remains of those cleansed and reincarnated from the soul cleansing machine, King Yemma was the one who is in charge of that, even now the big guy bowed down to the Grand Kai and Supreme Kai, while he and the three other regional Kai's stood around, a grim look on his face, The breech behind them, that tear entrance into the underworld had been finally been closed by their help, though a lot of evil souls were roaming around that were still getting rounded up.
"-We've rounded up many souls, King Yemma will have a time sorting out them." Kibito explained, hand over his abdomen in respect while talking to the others. King Kai turned to the Supreme Kai, Shin, who replied in turn while glimpsing the whirling whirlpool of dark energy, the portal now ended here, near the Snake way but before it would have entered into the living world, it was still connected to where the Soul cleansing machine is stored, deep within the underworld or 'Hell' as it were, though the small pocket space was now empty of its stored evil energies.
"The culprit could have been the remaining rogue god, that one that Kron hadn't destroyed. But a dragon… a dragon that from what the damned and the ogres in for questioning had said looked quite similar to Snake way… a serpent-like dragon… it is the one for sure. I have no choice, I will have to get into contact with the god of destruction, I know he can destroy this evil god-" most those around here, except for some of the dead hero's assembling around the area gasped in surprise, King Kai himself was surprised by this information.
King Kai kept quiet though, for it was a series business that the underworld had been infiltrated and that the one who'd done it had not left alone. King Kai even now felt the presences of those who'd left… he like everyone else could scarcely believe but had to for their life forces were that of living beings. They were somehow revived, possibly by the same monster who raised them all from perdition. Cooler and Frieza, King Cold… Broly who'd just been defeated not to long ago, Cell… gosh, the entire Saiyan race had been raised… though King Kai was more worried about some of these 'other' Saiyan's that had been raised up, that of the Saiyan's that originally lived on their first planet… evil Saiyan's- more than even the ones who'd landed on planet Truffle in and claimed the planet for themselves! Among those who'd escaped, some from the Cold family, again, ancient and long since dead, suppose to be held in remote and isolated in their own confinement.
Many escaped to the living world, though they were no longer able to bring them back here as many of them were removed from King Yemma's big book of the dead.
"They were also revived as well. We cannot send the warriors of the Grand Kai after them, they will be needed here anyway to round up stragglers and help the ogres to mend any and all prison levels. We should warn those who defeated some of these guys. Frieza, Cooler, King Cold… Cell- who else King Yemma?" Shin turned, gazing at the giant godling, whose intensified page flicking through his massive handbook had him sweating.
"those names, plus a whole host of names have been removed from my book!" Old Kai, who was quiet until now, replied sarcastically.
"-Yes whippersnapper, we've established that brat. Warn them Earthlings yeah, they are reliable, and I've used my intricate ritual on two of them, Gohan and Kron, they are powerful enough to fight these guys. Though perhaps instead of keeping them locked up and in their eternal torment as they deserve, we get rid of them and put them through the soul cleansing machine to ready the souls for reincarnation. Frieza reincarnating as a rabbit should be punishment enough… Heh he he. "Elder Kai mocked, while Shin spoke then while the Grand Kai was ordering some of his hero's around with a lazed back attitude, sending them after straggler souls.
"Yes, yes… they too should be warned at least, I shall go personally and then I will head to Beerus's planet, to awaken him encase his power is needed. This is a serious situation we've found ourselves in, how even did that dragon-like god even get down there in the first place?" Shin sent a fierce glance at King Yemma, who nodded solemnly in shame. King Kai hummed, getting all those around in the conversation looking at him. Turning to leave, his head turned to regard them all, rasping.
"I must warn those on Earth about Broly and Cell, the longer those two roam, the more stronger they get and the more damage the two would cause to the galaxy at large. Broly is capable of destroying multiple planets within range of him with nought any effort. And those here should know what type of monster Cell is, what he is capable of. He could absorb entire civilizations of any civilized world he sets forth on." King jumped up off Snake way and flew as fast as he could back to his home planet, where his communication abilities were strongest.
Arriving home, he touched down on the grass of his home, before he sunk into a pose of concentration, humming briefly while his concentration bid him well, he found and then proceeded to communicate telepathically with him first.
'Kron, Kron! Cane you hear me? This is King Kai' he asked first, as Kron's thoughts were heard then, syncing up as King Kai looked in the direction of Earth for better reception.
'Yeah, King Kai, have you found out where that god of Darkness is?' King Kai responded, the seriousness of those two being alive needed to be explained, lest they destroy much of the universe.
'He has been spotted in the underworld, he's gained unfathomable power, he has revived a mass of those who were condemned to spend eternally in hell of their own making. It's a mess here but Broly, along with Cell are the two most dangerous and must be defeated.' Kron's thought were racing, King Kai could feel. The no-nonsense Saiyan replied quickly, after a bit of thought.
'You've got a read on Cell's position King Kai? I wager he's the most dangerous of the two, who else was revived, I'll face him right now-' King Kai nodded, mostly to himself as he then begun to concentrate on both Kron and their conversation and the location of Cell, who seemed to be in space fighting against a rampaging Broly, both of them getting stronger though Cell was doing so at an alarmingly higher rate. King Kai's eyes widened then, he realized what Cell was playing at, using the rampaging Broly as a means to strengthen himself, Cell seemed to 'let' Broly cause serious 'death' blows upon him. Cell was taking all of Broly's energy waves head on and for the moment, was been destroyed before regenerating-
'-You must go quicky! Cell is abusing his Saiyan and Namekian Cells to boost his fighting power, using Broly who he is fighting at this very moment to be the means of his tempering. Ah and they are fighting in space with a freshly-formed asteroid field, the planet nearby been destroyed.' King Kai passed over the mental information regarding the two capable universe-ending beings, sweating slightly from nervousness and fatigue.
I had stopped mid-step when King Kai had gotten hold of me mentally, giving me a precise position for which to teleport to, which as I viewed from the mental 'picture' that there was Cell and Broly, this time not a cyborg, brawling in space.
"Pyrrha, tell the others I'll be back for dinner. Somethings come up, Cell and Broly have revived. It's in space so I'll have to go alone, and it is those two versus me… good odds I'm about to have a good time-" Pyrrha shook her head, she was currently having me help her decorate 'her' new room, the one we would share when it's her turn… that or sleeping with as clone of me. She interrupted me, a look of understanding on her face.
"-Alright, I'll go tell the others, be careful and come back to us." placing down some furniture with ease, her arms smoothly slid across both of my shoulders, pulling herself to kiss me. I returned it, feeling her toned but also curvy body, pulling back quickly with annoyance to which she noticed. Pyrrha, coy, spoke.
"What's wrong… husband, oh that was just me telling you to, hurry… up." I replied, placing a hand to my forehead as I stepped back.
"I'm not going to be gone long, will finish this after I put two annoyances in the ground. I'll be back." flickering off with the image of a devious-looking, chuckling gorgeous wife, I reappeared in the distance not far from where Cell was currently getting his ass kicked. The Ki of Broly was continuing to rise steadily, he was truly anomaly of a Saiyan for which I hoped to have that kind of steady power rise, though I doubt it as I was not a naturally born Legendary Super Saiyan liker the likes of him or my daughter, Bulla.
With my 'Aura Sphere' passive technique allowing me to breath, I needed not copy that which Broly was sustaining himself, via a green sphere which surrounded him and besides the nearby sun, was the only bright light around. Not one to interrupt and have me off guard, seeing as I was currently still within my base form, I powered up quickly, having the two of them turn to view who else was within range of the two of them, Cell had a look of fear though he quashed it down while Broly…
"-KAKAROT!" he blasted straight for me, punching straight through Cell, making him cough up blood as a part of his body took on the brunt of an Ki beam aimed towards me, Cell was giving it up quite easily, to grow his strength via Zenkai boosts, healing just as fast with Piccolo's cells. Broly's beam, reach me just as I entered 'Super Saiyan Primal' my red-colored energy burst forth, erecting a brief sphere of my own which fizzled out that of his green-colored blast, a small tendril of what was left of hi beam i flung away with but a finger back towards him. The mini beam bounced off of him harmlessly, though my fist meeting his face had made a different reaction on him.
"Kron! Just the Saiyan I wanted to see! That little technique there, the one for which you used to get here so fast… Well, what say I go ahead and use it too." Cell grinned, cloning himself a few times, a total of twenty clones of him split from him and blasted out in various directions, that the original begun to use 'Instant Transmission' was a bad thing, he was getting away and that he had twenty others for which he could feasibly teleport to… he seemed to want to gain more strength before fighting me. Broly however could be dealt with, brother or no, I considered Vegeta a brother compared to this madman… though some part of me felt a tinge of pity, the majority of me however knew he was beyond redemption, as the dragon balls couldn't work on his, that is, the Earth dragon balls…
'King Kai, I'm going to have to deal with this one first.' I felt the slight 'pull' as my my was being read, King Kai's voice I heard within my head.
'Alright, I'll keep an eye on the real Cell, he might be quick but I have a slight omnipresence ability, I'll not lose the real one.' With that his slight presence in my mind was no longer there as I squared off with Broly.
"Kaaaaaaaakaaaaarrrooot!" Definitely beyond all reason, he must have also gotten stronger from when he was killed off as piece of the Gete Star and from being fighting with Cell, anyway he had no sense to think and came at me as his best, with his fists. Massive hits, rarely using his legs though he was fast for such a bulky fuck, his speed wasn't as much as my own, plus my levelheadedness gave me more an advantage. This was a fight between two legendary Super Saiyan's, I'd rank it as such due to arrogance and my own assurance in my power to take him out.
Matching blow to blow, using my speed to flicker to either his sides or underneath him, I was also constantly blowing through that of his green shield which helped him to breath. It would constantly push me away, that of his shielding was such that he could attack through it but my attacks would singe either my limbs or somewhat weaken the Ki-blasts heading towards me. I would replicate this technique, it was such an interesting ability, that this knucklehead was using with instinct. Broly barred his teeth at me, his whited-out eyes glaring at me with a blazing fury, that of his attacks not able to touch me and hurt me as he wanted, that sadistic laugh of his managed to creep me out a bit from his attempts.
"'Royal… …Spear'!" I fired as he through an attack of his own, he was biffing them like rocks towards me, a barrage of minuscule looking spheres that upon impact with that of my own beam, managed to form a large domed energy blast, exploding my own attack while also allowing his barrage to assail through unimpeded, constant tiny spheres hurtled towards me as I flickered around them, Broly on the other side of that detonation happening still. Bits of asteroids were either being hit by those of Broly's attacks which were missing me, exploding all around and causing large chunks of asteroid to move into some other of those attacks, multiple explosions in a chain reaction happened all around me when Broly burst through the dying first explosion between my own 'Royal Spear' and his own. The dust and energy still blowing up parted for Broly, his green energy shield doing him wonders as he charged forward towards me, I met him in turn as I fought against him.
"Die!" His fist came forward, though instead of striking me, it stopped just in front as a green light illuminated near my chest, that a sphere started forming didn't stop me from reaching out to him and closing his fist shut, kicking through his shield which finally shattered, he went right through the clearing asteroid debris and that first explosions cloud still clearing, I flickered upwards whilst charging a finisher, both my hands raised when I prepared to sever him from his head with my 'Royal Slicer' technique as two purple round disks started forming in my hands. Throwing down the first two, I quickly formed another two and then another two, six in total of that 'Royal Slicer' disks came after Broly, though the madman's shielding had activated once more.
The first two disks sliced and teared at his shielding ability, seemingly cutting at it while the shield constantly healed, the six disks constantly moved around Broly, grazing on the shield leaving lines in the shield which healed soon after. With them six harassing him, Broly kept his distance, showing a little intelligence while he quickly formed more spheres and threw them towards me, a massive barrage as his arms moved rapidly to chuck them. He then screamed aloud, his shielding expanded further while that of his Ki smoldering around him roared to life even more, meeting my 'Royal Slicer' discs and detonating three of them. The other three I mentally controlled to harass his other side, constantly at his back while I engaged him at the front, rattling him around like a pin ball in one of those game machines, his anger and therefore, power continued to grow. Not one to hold back, I entered the 'Wrathful State' red hue of aura integrating with my slightly green-gold Ki aura and my next kick obliterated his shield while flickering at him in a millisecond, I managed to strike his side with a Ki-reinforced kick which shattered the bones in the side of his abdomen, heck I think that kick just now had made bones puncture vital organs by the howling he was doing. Like a wounded beast, he didn't stop his relentless assault as his shield once again had formed a millisecond after that of my kick, though it was flickering.
He looked quite pissed, even while one arm now remained at his side, movement lost to it but it was now time to put a wounded animal out of it's misery, there would be no mercy, like I said at the start of this brawl, he was no Raditz. The energy around me surged to my peak as I glared towards him, forming within my hands as I cupped them at my left side across my abdomen was that of my 'Royal Spear' which ignited as energy was been fed into the attack. I had a thought then, concentrating and smiled with glee when I teleported via 'Instant Transmission' point blank near to Broly, while firing the 'Royal Spear' at him.
The beam washed over him, impacting him immediately whilst shattering his shield and then slowly disintegrating him though I knew the blast should just put him out of commission for a while. He was immortal but there were ways going about that, as my 'Royal slicer' blades, that last three of them came upon him in the obscured cloud, aimed directly for my blood brothers head.
The dust, rock and energy decimating the area, the asteroid field surrounding the area begun to erode from the power being generated around us, but my gaze watched transfixed when as the obscured area where Broly had finally vanished, his body floated uncontrolled. Mauled and broken, it was Broly's head which surprised me, though from King Kai's words about them being immortal was told to me, Broly was well and 'truly' alive still.