The Ape From Space

Chapter 191: Vegeta and Goku, Fusion - Part One



Delegated to a mere storyteller, Piccolo assembled on the lookout, Tien, Zangya, Dabura and Chiaotzu already there and waiting for him. Raditz arrived with his brother Goku and Gohan. Vegeta and Raven arrived together ten minutes later and then Pyrrha arrived later. Krillin, Eighteen, Seventeen and Sixteen arrived last as Piccolo glossed over everyone here, a decent amount of people had come and-


Piccolo sharply turned as Majin Buu blasted upwards, Hercule had an arm wrapped around his foot while the former villain landed nearby, careless, a happy smile on his face while laughing at Raditz who had to move quickly.


"Watch it you fat oaf-" Majin Buu laughed, whacking Raditz in the back, sending him crashing through the nearby Kami throne room, having Dende nearby wincing while Mr. Popo materialized a broom. Piccolo regard Majin Buu a bit more, Dabura looked a little bit off-put by Buu though now that Dabura knew 'Kaio-Ken' he could get more stronger than the pink blob. Well, Majin Buu was another fighter they could use, perhaps the most useful of the lot, Piccolo turned to Goku when Raditz returned, glaring at the clueless Majin Buu.


"Goku, you were told why we're here, well, we are all here and waiting. Go ahead." Piccolo said, nodding as Goku went from carefree, chatting idly with Krillin before hearing Piccolo, approaching the center of their group.


"Alright, well from how King Kai explained it. Let's see… Well, he said that many of past opponents of ours have escaped the underworld, that they were helped to do so by an unknown being, possibly the so-called God of Darkness that we're trying to find and fight.


Ah, he mentioned names… ah, uh… Frieza-"


"-F-Frieza is alive! Yes! I like this very much hah heh…" Vegeta interrupted, fist raised in front of him, he clenched his right gloved hand with a smirk, cackling extremely edge-like, though his laughter was stopped by Raven, who whacked him in the back of the head. Vegeta stopped but his grin stayed on his face, Piccolo sighed while Goku looked clueless, looking at the prince. He called out to Goku to continue.


"Goku, move it along." Goku laughed, scratching the back of his head as he continued speaking.


"Right! So, there's Frieza, Cooler, King Cold. Cell and Broly are also revived though at this moment Kron is fighting the two of them according to King Kai. He didn't even invite me… Oh, there a a lot more of them though King kai said they are trying to find the one who caused the breach, as well as dealing with Cell and Broly- as they are the top dangers released or something-" Vegeta and Raditz scoffed, Piccolo surmised they also counted their former boss on that list but Goku continued to speak, looking at everyone with a calm gaze.


Piccolo and the rest heard the rest, how besides Broly and Cell who were being fought against by Kron, the others revived were being left alone while the one who caused them to be revived in the first place is tracked down. They were immortal of course, Piccolo was unsure how Kron was going to deal with both Cell and Broly whilst having immortality on their side but Goku, still a bit miffed that Kron hadn't invited him to fight those two, continued to bemoan about it, much like Raditz and Vegeta were too. Goku went to speak once more when someone appeared- two someone's, those being the Supreme Kai which had Piccolo stood rigid in his 'divine' presence while the Supreme Kai visibly shuddered when Majin Buu pointed at him, hopping on one foot before hopping on the other in a dance.


The Supreme Kai found himself, before his gaze became stern, looking between the visibly irritated Vegeta and clueless Goku before speaking, his aide Kibito by his side.


"Hmhm… Goku, Vegeta. I've come to take you two away. There is a technique you two ought to learn in order to fight this evil god, which we're able to track, if somewhat inaccurately. You two are perfect, for you a quite similar in power. Though Goku here might need a bit more strength… We can use the Hyperbolic time chamber to get you two at a similar power comparable to the other. Then will head to the scared world of the Kai's for my elder to teach you two the new technique and it's process." Dende added, he seemed quite happy the chamber was mentioned as he replied.


"Oh! The chamber can be used for a grand total of three days- three years total within, I've been tinkering with it and improving upon it. Now those within the chamber also don't age, that was a hard, tricky part of the process in upgrading it though to make sure this worked, I had Nail and Mr. Popo test it a few months ago, before getting Nail and Yamcha to try it. Yamcha didn't age a day, though he did mention he was a little more tired after leaving the room, I had to go to him as I found out he slept for three days, roughly as he was able to waken, go to the bathroom, eat, shower… I also fixed the door too, as in his notes, Kami wrote that the should the door be destroyed, those inside could find themselves trapped-" Vegeta stepped forward, knuckles on his hips as he regarded the Supreme Kai, interrupting Dende.


"Excellent, I and Kakarot will go inside right now! Woman! Get the scouter, check myself and Kakarot. Kakarot! Bring up your power to the maximum without transforming into any of the variant Super Saiyan forms we've got, to see who among us are stronger… and also to see who the fool is who needs to catch up!" Vegeta, spread his stance with legs spread wider apart whilst bending to power-up, Goku doing so a second later while Raven nearby had equipped a scouter onto her face, a purple-colored tinted glass that activated as soon as she wore it. Raven mused aloud, humming while the two Saiyan's caused the lookout to shake slightly, bits of pebble-sized debris started to float upwards as the two Saiyan's held their power to their maximum without any transformations, Raven clicked her tongue before shouting to the two of them to cut it out, the numbers now saved with a click on the Capsule Corp designed scouter device.


"Well, the numbers don't lie. Goku is sitting at seventy-six billion eight hundred twenty million (76,820,000,000) while Vegeta is comfortably sitting at eighty-eight billion six hundred twenty thousand (88,000,620,000). Shin nodded, as Pyrrha spoke next, pointing at the rest of their group as Vegeta and Goku calmed down their powers, if not their excitement when they and Mr. Popo left for the room of requirement to see if it needed further supplies.


"And what of the rest of us, I'm sure we could go and round up the others up, should they go about hurting people. Who else was brought back Goku?" Goku then mentioned some of the fiercest they'd fought against; Turles and his Crusher Corps. Then the mass release of almost a million, perhaps millions of the Planet Trade Organizations dead grunts, the Ginyu force and higher up officials that served under Frieza along with him himself and his brother Cooler and the father, King Cold who was killed here on Earth by the time travelling daughter of Kron and the Trunks from an alternate future.


Shin raised a hand, clapping, turning to Vegeta and Goku who were about to be out of hearing range.


"Oh right, Vegeta. Your father, along with the entire Saiyan race who went to the underworld for their brutish, warmongering and tyrannical natures had also escaped, though they were seen fleeing that of the PTO force, as they fought one another while they fled from one another, no casualties as even the weakest of those revived have immortality. Frieza, Cooler and King Cold wouldn't allow this normally though they left the fighting to their army, though it could also be because of that of Bojack-"


"-Bojack!" Zangya began, sounding worried but Shin continued, adding.


"-Along with the rest of the Hera race has escaped, their forces were also seen fighting with the PTO forces in their empire, which as of now still remains fractured and wrought with revolts, war lord feuds and other aliens fighting over the former territory of the cold dynasty. The Cold family being alive means for the time being, they will be busy reestablishing themselves as so-called 'rulers'. The Hera people though, they will be much a threat as the PTO- uh, no offense to Zangya here-" the woman in question, who at first seemed shocked that her old boss and comrades were now alive once again, though she seemed resigned to it whilst Shin continued, sending a nod to her in understanding.


To Piccolo's careful glance, Vegeta didn't react, it seemed he hadn't cared in the slightest that his father, the king who bore the same name as he was revived. That much was clear when he snorted, heading towards the Hyperbolic time chamber entrance, Goku trailing along beside him. Raditz asked then, through a questioning gaze at Shin, appearing conflicted.


"What about our father? And what of our mother?" Raditz asked, somewhat reserved which wasn't like him as, Piccolo knew how much of an ass Raditz is at times; he was either rowdy or sarcastic in his quips to everyone he believed he could get away with it. He seemed, for his standards, to regard the question more seriously than hearing about the others, Shin spoke then, replying.


"As I say 'all Saiyan's escaping', I mean the ones who were sent to the underworld for their destructive, evil ways. Your father, much like King Vegeta, has been revived, though for a Saiyan, your mother was inherently not evil, she was a very rare exception and is still in the other world in her heaven as mostly only the realm of the underworld for the eternally damned managed to escape the same way that… God of Darkness did so… a minority of Saiyan's remain in the heavenly realms." Shin clenched his hand in anger, Piccolo turned to Raditz, who seemed to have a look of reminiscing on his face, an apparent smile stretched over his mug which brought some amusement to Piccolo. Having enough of this time wasting, Tien shouted then, his left fist held in front of him clenched whilst he rather heatedly spoke to the Supreme Kai.


"Pyrrha mentioned it before, but we shouldn't be standing around here, now seeing that these guys can't be killed, I say we should train on our own as well, let Kron, Vegeta and Goku deal with the God of Darkness or whatever silly name he has and Cell and Broly, we can't stop immortal foes though I bet we could beat them down until we break their spirits to fight on, perhaps that is the way to stop such foes with immortality at their beck and call. What say you to that Supreme Kai, we could do that-"


"-You could though this kind immortality seems to strength, a tad slightly those who are defeated in battle. I've been witnessing it among Cell and Broly-" Pyrrha interrupted, a hand raised high as she spoke, looking a little embarrassed cutting off the man in a 'schoolgirl' kind of way, she dropped her hand.


"-Ah, that might be to do with them being Saiyan's, or well, Broly being a Saiyan and Cell having the uh, Cells if you know what I mean. Saiyan's get stronger after every battle, anyone here could tell you so. It is unfair how they get-" Piccolo huffed, turning around to leave, Krillin could be heard, mumbling but Piccolo heard easily with his enhanced hearing.


"Ah shucks, more training… I wanted to fight someone, like the old days. Now Piccolo is going to be pushing everyone like a drill sergeant-" Seventeen chuckled, Piccolo heard Krillin yelp at the slap n his shoulder while Eighteen only laughed lightly, replying to Krillin in a whisper.


"You know, he can hear you, you know. Namekian's have good hearing, at least according to Dr Gero-" Piccolo growled, though he took off from the lookout at high speeds, he also felt as Raditz, Zangya and Gohan went after him, Gohan easily catching up though Piccolo did slow down just a tad-bit.


(King Kai-POV)


Shin left them while Goku and Vegeta headed inside the Hyperbolic time chamber once again, though to stabilize Goku's own power level to that of Vegeta's, King Kai had no idea how Vegeta would deal having an equal but, in the end, King Kai reckoned he'd want to learn this 'new' technique. That Shin hadn't actually told them the name of said technique… well, the supreme Kai was playing with fire with regard to Vegeta.


Shin and Kibito left the top of the lookout tower and headed to Korin's part, King Kai watched when they were able to secure a bountiful harvest of Senzu beans from Korin, before leaving the planet via teleporting, heading for what King Kai supposed was the sacred world of the Kai's. King Kai now concentrated back on the fight between Kron, Broly- his own flesh and blood! Though the monster Broly was far gone and a monster though the 'true' monster among them was Cell. Kron would be getting hungry soon, Broly too he supposed though that would change when Shin sent Kibito, his aide to deliver the Senzu beans to Kron. The Senzu beans being able to supplement for food meant Kron was able to keep the two of them occupied for the remainder of the day, plus how much days after that while Goku and Vegeta learn the fusion technique.


"Hmm… Kron is powerful, but he won't be able to fight these two forever. Even with Senzu beans fueling him…" a functioning person needed sleep after all, and to be constantly run ragged by two opponents who grew at an alarming rate in terms of strength… King Kai looked back towards the lookout, his antennae concentrating on the door to that small pocket dimension, sighing before he spoke.


"It all comes down to those two huh… good luck to those two. Now, what are the rest of those guys who escaped and now living once more doing?" he begun to concentrate once again, managing with a certain amount of time whilst Bubbles danced wildly in front of him, King Kai managed to pick up a small group with another Saiyan, with looks quite similar to that of Kron in appearance, the Saiyan known as Turles. He and his rag-tag squad of aliens blasted through space in a particular way, heading to the north quadrant of the galaxy with a purpose. Finding this purpose, King Kai happened upon a world in direct trajectory that looked to be the planet they were heading to.


"... Those six are heading to a desert planet? For what purpose. No matter, they aren't capable of the wide-spread destruction the others are known for and without the tree of might… they will perhaps go back to their mercenary ways…" King Kai mused aloud, his focus on them wavering, seeing their unimportance.


"Well, they should be out of the picture for a long while… same as the Saiyan's being back, their ships are… … … over- heading towards Earth! Bah, uh, they will also be a long while as well. Though they are numerous, they are pretty weak compared to the guys on Earth, yes… they are not an issue when they see their prince has 'mellowed' out, heck I think the King Vegeta- his father's days are numbers as king when he next meets his son…" King Kai's mental gaze turned away from the Saiyan's, before turning to another possible problem in the galaxy, that of the revived Cold family and their partial immortal army as well as that of the marauding Hera race led by Bojack and it's other leaders.




His reappearance on the galactic stage had already begun, his father with him while Cooler, his arrogant older brother left with a portion of the forces that escaped with them, leaving to his former territory. Word of the chaotic state of his empire, the warlords and rebellions within his once intact empire was told to him by one such 'warlord' himself, Sorbet, who denied becoming leader and instead named his title 'temporarily leader' though he also was led in a con-joined manner with Recoome, who somehow escaped that of the debacle of the planet Namek.


Recoome and Sorbet along with the forces under their command had re-pledged themselves back to Frieza and word was being spread to the other factions of his return. The message underlined in the message sent was all too clear for those who considered themselves styled as rulers of the mighty Freiza's throne, surrender or die.


Frieza sat upon a throne, still in his base form as he had gotten used to it within that tormenting realm he and his obnoxious brother were being kept, his father and him overlooking those of the Ginyu force, Recoome rejoined and the 'five' of six members stood in front of him, awaiting orders.


'Five… when there was six, that Saiyan… I will wring that monkey's neck and this time, I will not be killed by the blundering ape!' he thought with an angry snarl, his right hand gripping the armchair of his chair, crushing it in an instant before sparks from the controls underneath where now debris remained had begun to spark. Captain Ginyu, kneeling, now stood with the rest of the Ginyu force, he spoke in a rigid manner.


"My lord Frieza, have you given us leave to intercept the Heeter force?" Frieza mused loudly, yes… they were also considering themselves the 'successor state' of his Frieza force, they would fall in line once word of his return has spread… that or there was always killing them to do the same effect, as a show of what happens to traitors.


"Captain Ginyu! You have leave… to meet with the Heeter force. Recoome, as a former warlord, you have leave to assist the good captain here in bringing the Heeter force back into the fold. If they do not come to me in person, those four… siblings, to bend the knee, then you will have leave to annihilate them and their pitiful rebellion. Then you will have leave to act independent of us, to strike fear in these traitors and their puny demesnes. If the so-called warlord leaders think they will continue to make a mockery of my family, their traitorous ways will be dealt a heavy blow." Frieza heard his father hum in satisfaction, the larger frost demon merely swirled a glass of red alien wine inside, glancing out of the window whilst glaring outward. Frieza, after watching the Ginyu force march out of the room, turned to his father and spoke.


"Father, your awfully quiet. Don't tell me our newfound freedom has found you to be a boring existence. Why, it is much better than to be locked in constant battle with Cooler… don't you think? I have no idea of what you had to deal with, though it must be worser than hearing Cooler grunt and growl during our constant fight." King Cold turned to him, a devilish smirk, replying after gulping down the remainder of his glass.


"My, you and Cooler, bickering brats… I assure you son; my mind is not far from what I would really like to pursue in this second chance of life. Revenge after all, is the sweetest thing, second to ruling the universe. Since I find myself as neither ruler and with this newfound-" King Cold's eyes blazed with a red-hot fire, as two twin beams struck down Appule, killing him in an instant… A little amount of time, as silence drawn on until Appule could be heard, moaning on the floor as he got himself to his feet, King Cold continued with a chuckle.


"...Newfound immortality, you would think son, that pursuing revenge against those who had killed us in the first place would be our first motive. Let the Ginyu force, Cooler and his little forces to combat the rebels within the empire. We, as in you my son, should administer our vengeance upon the Saiyan's who'd ended our reign in the first place." Frieza regarded his smug looking father for a time, before rolling his eyes as he replied.


"Revenge comes later, I plan to train myself for those Saiyan's, it is one thing to be immortal, it is another thing to be capable of killing my enemies, of which those dirty apes have the advantage. My strength hadn't increased after all during the stint in hell... So first I would like to have some fun… showing those who thought they can usurp what is mine, what happens to traitors." he cackled in his chair, overlooking the flightpath of his new mothership.


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