Chapter 10: Transmigration
Alex suddenly opened his eyes ...
The first thing he saw were three figures intently staring at him ...
He looked at the man in the middle of the group
'A bald man that looks like a Russian Hitman but with a ... ?!!'
He furrowed his brows
'A severed, shining arm?!'
Regardless, that wasn't the weirdest thing
'And who are these two with these strange, bland masks ...'
'So creepy ...'
Alex instinctively tried to take a step back, but strangely, he couldn't move ...
He looked around him and noticed that he was on the floor, so he tried to get up. However, his body felt heavy, like really heavy ...
'Just moving an inch feels like carrying a huge boulder'
With difficulty, Alex moved one of his hands to touch the other hand, and what he felt shocked him to the core ...
'What in the world?!!!!!1'
It was as if his hands were made of metal
'This ... is this my body?'
He didn't have any skin, flesh or bone
'No ... wait, is this even a body?'
'It's like I'm a piece of metal!!!'
At this point, Alex started to feel terrified ...
'No ... I can't lose my mind just yet'
Quickly, he tried to take control of the situation.
He gathered his courage and looked at the three figures in front of him
"What's going on?" Alex asked
No one replied to him, so he asked again, but this time with a much less composure
"Who are you people? And what the hell is happening? Where am I? And where -- No, what is this place?"
The three figures began talking with each other in a language that Alex had never heard before
*What's he saying, My lord*
*I have no idea. Do you think I'm a translator or what*
*What should we do?*
*What we always do*
Hearing them, Alex became even more confused
'What the hell are these idiots saying ...'
'What's this gibberish? I can't understand anything'
He looked around him again
'Why is it so dark? and why are they wearing masks?'
After pondering over everything for a couple of seconds, Alex came up with a possibility
"Is this a kidnap?" he muttered
However, when he tried to think about the last thing he remembered, he realized that it couldn't be a kidnap ...
'Right ... I think I should be dead by now, who would kidnap me?'
'My last memory is of going to sleep in the hotel'
'Could it be a dream?'
'But it feels too real to be a dream'
He looked at the three figures again
'These people don't seem like they speak English ...'
'There's no way foreigners have abducted me, but I just don't understand, Where am I?'
'Is this afterlife?'
'Ahhhh ... all this thinking is leading me nowhere, I gotta do something.'
Alex slowly tried to go back and move out of the circle, but something quickly stopped him ...
He slowly turned back, and behind him was the long-haired masked figure that was just in front of him stopping him from exiting the circle.
"Woah ... You scared me, how did you get here so quickly?"
The figure replied
*You can't leave the formation, if you do, You die*
"What the hell are you saying?"
As there was no hope of communicating, the masked figure quickly lost interest in Alex and stared at the bald man.
The bald man suddenly moved forward and extended his remaining hand toward Alex's forehead, then he began to chant a spell.
To Alex, it seemed as if the man was saying incoherent gibberish.
After a couple of seconds, white Light extended out of the bald man's hand and slowly seeped into Alex's head.
Alex tried to stop the Light but to no avail, the Light just passed through the bald man's hand and continued to seep into Alex's head ...
As more and more of the Light entered his head, Alex began to feel as if his brain was becoming warm.
The feeling was comfortable, so Alex stopped resisting ...
'Raising the hands of this heavy body is extremely tiring anyway'
Quickly, Alex started feeling relaxed
'If I'm already dead then why should I struggle so much ...'
*What are you doing, My lord?* Asked one of the masked figures
*It looks like he doesn't understand anything, I'm giving him knowledge about concepts, or in simpler words, teaching him speech* Replied the bald man
*Ohh, really clever, My Lord*
*Alpha, I've done this hundreds of times in front of you, yet, you think it's clever every time I do it*
*My apology, My Lord, I always forget the small details*
*Never mind it*
Beta looked at them with annoyance
'They're always like this, arguing over useless matters'
'Just help the poor soul quickly ...'
She looked at Alex with pity from behind her mask
'He must be frightened'
Within a couple of minutes, the bald man was done, so he looked at Alex and asked
"Okay, it should be over now, did I succeed?"
Alex was surprised
"Huh? Ahem? I - I can understand what you're saying"
The bald man spoke in a dignified voice
"Indeed, I too can understand what you're saying. Now if you don't mind ..."
The bald man pointed at the circle on the ground and continued
"Remain inside the formation, it's important"
Alex asked in confusion
"Formation? What's that?"
"Look under you, don't step out of it"
Alex looked down and saw a shiny circle
"Oh, that's a formation? What happens if I move out"
The bald man replied solemnly
"You die"
Alex fell into thought
'I thought I was already dead ...'
'Should I trust this man?'
'Well, it's not like I have any other options ... right?'
He sighed
'First of all, moving this body feels extremely tiring.'
He looked at himself
'And it's so weird, like, I do not feel when I touch anything ...'
'I do not think it's possible to feel in metal, yet, I'm feeling tired!!'
'It's like being breathless after running really fast'
Alex looked at the three figures who were still staring at him
'I don't think they want to hurt me, they'd have done it already'
'This bald man did something weird to me that made me understand him as well'
'Maybe they are good people? ...'
After realizing that he wouldn't get answers to his question this way, Alex concluded his thoughts
'I certainly hope so ... Let's see where this takes me.'
Alex tried to take a deep breath and have a meaningful conversation, but he quickly realized something
'I can't inhale ...'
'So weird'
The more he thought about it the stranger it got, so he just pushed the idea away and moved on ...
He turned to the bald man
'This seems to be the big boss here, let me talk to him'
"Now that we understand each other, can I ask you a couple of questions?"
The masked man interrupted with excitement
"Oh My Lord!! He's understanding the situation surprisingly well!!! That's a rare case"
After saying that, he felt the other masked figure glare at him ...
He also noticed that both the summoned person and the bald man were staring at him in confusion ...
Feeling all these eyes on him, the masked man felt awkward, so he averted his gaze and silently took a step back.
"Ahem - Sorry."
The bald man sighed and looked at Alex
"Never mind my follower, he's just excited."
He quickly changed his tone to a more serious one
"Let's get to the point, I'll answer your questions, but first, you answer mine. I take it from your voice and the way you behave that you're a man, correct?"
The bald man continued
"Although your voice seems more manly, the object you're in isn't really designed to make us listen to your voice, so I can't be sure"
Alex asked in confusion
"Object? What is that object?"
The three figures answered Alex simultaneously
"A pseudo body" Said The bald man
"A Mannequin" Said the masked man
"A Homunculus" Said the masked woman
The 3 looked at each other and then the bald man scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment ...