Chapter 15: Prophecy
Location: The Eastern Continent
The Crimson Castle Kingdom
The North Western City, Crimson-Walls
Date: Year 2107 of the Magic Era according to the Archivist's book
Also referred to as The Crimson Year 437 inside The Crimson Castle Kingdom
"Come on Viorica, Let's go home I want to sleep"
Said a man with Bright Red hair, Average height, and a nice build
The man is on the more handsome side, And his eyes are red, Just like his hair
He seemed to be in his late 20s
"It's still early Blaze, Amethyst, and Merlin still want to play too"
Said a blue-haired woman while waving her hands at 2 beautiful children, A girl and a boy,
The girl, Amethyst, Looks exactly like her mother, Both have blue hair and blue eyes
Blue hair is a rarity in this area, As different shades of red are common here, Nonetheless, both the mother and daughter have strikingly beautiful blue shades of hair.
The boy, Merlin, Has the same Red hair and eyes as Blaze,
He's a bit clumsy
Just now he was about to fall while running, But he saved himself and continued running after the girl,
They seem to be engaged in a chase, Amethyst is running and Merlin is chasing her, It's a joyous scene
"That's the same thing you said a while ago, We've been here since morning! Tell the kids to come"
"Ahh don't be like that, They haven't seen you for months and they're extremely happy now, Let them enjoy"
"If you tell them to come I'll buy them something sweet while we're going back home"
"That's not enough, Blaze"
Blaze sighed
'She's so hard to convince sometimes ...'
He said in a very nice tone
"Okay fine, I'll bring you all tomorrow too, How about that?"
Viorica smiled brightly and asked while fiddling with her hair
"Hehe okay this seems good, But what about me?"
"Really now? What do you want Viro?"
"You only call me Viro when you have ulterior motives"
"Haha? Ulterior motives you say?
It's nothing like that my pretty Viro, Just tell me, What is it that you want?"
Viorica pointed her hand to the right side and said
"You see, There"
Blaze turned around to look at what she was pointing at
"What? The food shop, We just ate?"
"No, Blaze, The one beside it"
Blaze frowned
"Huh? The Fortune teller?"
Viorica said with excitement
"Yes, Didn't you hear the news? They said that Lady Crystal Gazer is here!"
Blaze didn't seem excited so she quickly added
"I heard that they call her The Oracle in The Vice Kingdom,
She's only staying here for a short while, She might be even gone by tomorrow, They say she has an Affinity for Fate itself! and -"
"Enough enough, Are you going to tell me her life story, It's fine, How much is it?"
"ummm ... Hehe" She avoided his gaze with an awkward laugh
"Huh, I didn't see this shy face since Amethyst was born, What's up with that?"
"Ahem, It's only 4 silver coins!"
Blaze almost shouted
"ONLY 4?????????"
"Please baby! You know, It was actually 5 but today it's 4 because it's the last day"
Viroica said that with a beaming smile
Her smile was bright, So bright that it made Blaze feel dizzy and made him fall in love again
Still, He wasn't happy with the price at all
"Wow what a huge discount" He taunted
Viorica pouted, So he added
"Viro! This is our second day in the festival and I'm spending lavishly, Yet we haven't spent 2 silver coins yet, And you want to spend 4 on that old woman"
Viorica came closer to Blaze and said with her bright smile
"Pretty please? For me!"
That was enough to melt his heart
"Ahhhhhh, Fine, it's okay,
I can't resist this pretty face of yours, Bring the kids then let's go and see what that witch has to say"
Viorica said in a very serious tone
"She's not a witch! Make sure to watch your words in front of her"
After thinking for a couple of seconds she changed her mind
"No, Actually, You just keep quiet and I'll take care of everything okay?"
"Fine fine, Don't worry" Blaze said while waving his hands
'Hmph, I'll respect that old witch more than my mother,
If she takes my 4 silver coins then decides to not say whatever nonsense she'd say because I disrespected her then I'd probably kill her,
That's 40 bronze coins! Women and their superstitions'
Viorica came with the kids and took Blaze's hand, Then they walked toward a dark blue tent that
'So-called Oracle huh' Blaze thought with disdain
While they were walking Blaze looked at Amethyst
'My pretty little girl, She's all grown up now huh! She'll be six soon ... I need to get her a nice dress
The more she grows up the more she resembles her mother'
Then he looked at Merlin
'Merlin ... This boy is so clumsy'
'What will he do with his cuteness if he's so clumsy like this? He trips on his own feet ... He's already 4 and he still can't run properly'
He looked at Merlin's legs and wondered
'Are his legs short or something?'
'I want this little one to grow to become a fine Knight and honor the Inferno household! Even if we are a branch family, Inferno Blood is still Inferno Blood'
While Blaze was lost in his thoughts, Viorica pushed him inside the weird tent
Inside the tent, The lights were dim and there was an old lady in the middle of it
Her face wasn't visible because of the darkness
'How funny, Even if she wasn't the real so-called Oracle I wouldn't even know because I can't see her face, So not only we will get scammed once, But twice'
But then Blaze remembered
'Oh well, It's not like I know what the real Oracle looks like anyway'
In all honesty, He was just bitter about the Silver coins
He looked at Viorica and sighed
'At least Viorica will be happy and won't pout on my face for the next three months or so'
Thinking about Viorica's happiness helped ease his bitterness
'It's all for the family...'