Chapter 19: The Plan
Leus spent most of his first days sleeping, Only getting up to be fed
It took him a while to get used to the day-and-night cycle and to be able to stay awake
After he managed to stay awake, He began to think
'I remember what Sal said, But I don't know if I'm in his "world"
I didn't ask him how to differentiate between his world and other worlds,
But since I'm able to understand their language, I'll just assume that it's indeed Sal's world"
During the last few days, Leus got to know his new family
'My father's name is Blaze, My mother's name is Viorica, My eldest sister is Amethyst, and my older brother is Merlin'
There was also something that had been worrying him
'My mother has been sick and on the bed with me for a couple of days now
She recently started recovering, But no matter how I look at her, She's moving slowly'
'I don't think she's well ... I heard them saying that the delivery was difficult but well, I don't know'
'I hope she gets better ...'
After thinking for a while Leus yawned
'Now what should I do?'
'Sal has said that if I start training from the time I'm born I will be powerful and not face any bottlenecks or whatever that is'
'Should I do that?'
While Leus was busy thinking, Viorica suddenly came and took him to shower him
She stood and chanted something Leus didn't understand
As soon as she was done, She waved her hand and water started flowing down his body
Leus was impressed
'Wow, So this is magic, My mom is a Magician?'
But very soon the water stopped coming out of Viorica's hand
She looked saddened, She came closer to Leus and said in a disheartened tone
"Sorry baby, I'm tired and not well, I don't have enough mana"
Then she used normal water from buckets to continue showering him
Leus was lost in thought
'I expected such ... She's really pushing herself'
He compared between Magic Water and bucket water
'It's very different, Her Magic Water was sweet and a bit warm
This water is salty and cold'
'What a shame ... I hope mom gets well soon ...'
After Viorica was done, She took her baby in her arms and went to bed
''Let's feed you and sleep, I'm tired, You must be tired too, Right Leus?''
'Let me just smile at her face, If I act like I understand what she's saying she'll freak out'
Leus smiled at her and she fed him
'I already got used to this new name, I think I like it'
After a couple of minutes, Leus fell asleep
A few hours later, In the middle of the night, Leus got up
He was on a small bed, A little bit to his right side was his parents' bed
'Both are sleeping'
To his left, There was a wall, And on the floor, there was a pillow
He explored his surroundings Leus for a bit and smiled
'Looks like they put this pillow in case I fell, Cute'
After a bit of exploring he began to think about the important matters
'I'm not really interested in power, But that doesn't mean I don't want it
I want just enough to be able to defend myself and my family'
'Also, It's not like I have anything better to do'
He looked at his sleeping parents
'I'll try to sleep during the day so I can get up in the night like this, And train as much as I can, It won't be good if they see me'
After his plan was done, He got to work
Leus tried to remember the chants Sal taught him
As soon as he thought about it he found them
The chants were organized and simple
'The First Incantation, Spark, Fire Magic
The Second Incantation, Drop, Water Magic
The Third Incantation, Gust, Wind Magic
The Fourth Incantation, Speck, Earth Magic
The Fifth Incantation, Flake, Ice Magic
The Sixth Incantation, Flicker, Light Magic
The Seventh Incantation, Shadow, Darkness Magic
The Eighth Incantation, Vivify, Life Force, Prohibited'
Leus was genuinely impressed
'Wow, That guy is really good at what he does, First the language and then this'
Leus just had to think of which incantation he wanted to say, And he'd say it automatically like he'd been using it fluently for years
'What to choose?'
'I saw Mom using water so it should be fine, I roughly know how it works'
Leus started thinking about using the Second Incantation, Drop
His mouth started working ... It was very short and simple
Leus extended his right hand forward and expected to see a bit of water come out
'If everything works fine some water should be released from my hand right about now'
As Leus was thinking that, And as soon as he finished chanting, He fainted
If you'd look at his finger you'd see a tiny drop of water on it, But there was no way for Leus to know that, He was in a slumber.
The next morning, Viorica had a worried look on her face
"Lus, LEUS .. Wake up"
She was almost panicking
"Why are you not waking up??"
She loudly called her husband
"Blazee, Blazeeeee come hereeee"
Blaze came running from the lobby
"What's wrong?"
"Leus isn't waking up!"
Blaze went to the bed and put his hand first on Leus' heart, Then mouth.
"His heart is beating, He's breathing as well, He is just asleep"
Viorica wasn't convinced
"No way, He didn't get up for so long!
I didn't feed him either! He should've woken up hours ago!"
"Okay okay, How about this, Pour some water on his face, and if he doesn't get up I'll bring a Light Mage"
Viorica nodded
Her voice calmed down a bit after Blaze told her that Leus was still breathing
She started chanting the Water spell
Leus got up coughing after the water entered through his nose and mouth, Almost choking him
'Ugh ugh, What the hell?'
Viorica smiled brightly and hugged Leus
"Leus, My baby, You're okay, What happened why did you worry me so much"
'What happened? I should be the one asking!'
'And why am I so hungry?'
His stomach pain was severe, So Leus started to imitate crying, Hoping to be fed
After Leus got up, Blaze breathed a sigh of relief
'I'm so happy he got up by water, I'd have to spend a ridiculous sum to bring a Mage for nothing, Already this year's expenses are way higher than usual'
He carried Leus in his arms and looked into his eyes
"Leus, You cannot worry your mother like that, Be nice"
Viorica looked at Blaze with narrowed eyes
"What are you thinking about making such weird smiles?
Just give me Leus, He needs to be fed"
Viorica started feeding Leus, Allowing him to get lost in his thoughts about what exactly happened last night
'So the last thing I remember is trying to chant the spell
As soon as I was done with the incantation my consciousness faded
Does this mean that my mana isn't enough to create even a drop of water?'
That was troublesome
'I have to train more ...'
'I was worried about training in the morning thinking that I'd make sounds and that they'll notice while I can't even create a drop, How ironic'
'My mother creates buckets and she's just a housewife'
'How silly of me, I've overestimated myself'
'I was even thinking about all sorts of things like how much power I want and how I don't really want much power like it was all in my hands ...'
'I can't even create enough water to wash my face'
Leus realized that his plan was flawed
'It needs adjustments'
'From today on, I'll chant more'
'I'll get fed, Then start my training
'From today onward, I'll never overestimate myself, I'll reflect on my mistakes'
After the new plan formed in Leus' mind, His consciousness started to fade again, And he fell asleep in his mother's arms
Viorica was a little worried
''Blaze, Don't you think he sleeps a lot?"
"Indeed, He's also very quiet, He only cries when he's hungry or needs something
It was never like that with Amethyst and Merlin"
But Blaze didn't want Viorica to be worried
'Her health isn't good already ..'
"I think I know why he's like that"
"Why?" She asked with a worried voice
"The Oracle said that he'll be special and slay dragons and such, This must be related"
Viorica's eyes sparkled
"You're right, Indeed! He's unique, My little genius"
Blaze smiled
'It's so easy to trick her, Who'd actually believe that old witch?
Anyway I'll use that superstition to my advantage
She's not well, And she's pushing herself to the extreme, I need to get her checked'
He looked at her with pity, And she quickly noticed
"Now why are you giving me this look, Blaze?"
"Ah Viro, It's nothing, I just remembered
Remedy told me she'd come and check on you both but she didn't, I should go to bring her soon ..."
"Right, Maybe she forgot, Good of you to remember"
Blaze was displeased
'Forgot about her duties but didn't forget to gobble my 3 Gold coins! Right'
After lamenting about his lost fortune for a while, He headed outside
"Amethyst, Come and make sure your little brother is safe, I have to do some work around the house" Asked Viorica after feeding Leus
"Yes Mommy, Merlin let's go play beside Leus!"
"Make sure not to wake him up, Both of you"
"Yes Mommy"