The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Chapter 22: Progress

Days passed ...

Leus spent most of his time training relentlessly.

He spent more time asleep than awake.

'Sometimes I even slept while being fed! I almost choked myself to death, TWICE'

However, it was paying off ...

Every time he trained, he would feel that he was able to stay conscious for longer than the time before.

The feeling of progress encouraged him to continue more ...

'I'll never stop until I master it!'

While Leus was busy with his training, Remedy was coming once or twice a week as she said.

She instructed Viorica to not do much work and to never use Magic, so Viorica spent her time either doing simple housework or being around Leus and his siblings.

Spending time with Leus would always improve her mood and make her think about all sorts of warm, fuzzy thoughts

"My little genius! You will grow to slay Dragons and be a very strong man"

That's what she used to always say to Leus.

Sadly, Leus was mostly asleep, so he couldn't hear her.

Blaze, on the other hand, was spending less time at home ...

He started taking side jobs from the Guild, like eliminating Beasts or Escorting merchants and nobles in and out of the city.

His main job was to serve as an Elite Knight in the Crimson Castle Kingdom's Army, but he served only for some months every year.

Elite Knights rarely fight, and if they do, they very rarely kill each other; most of the deadly skirmishes happen in the lower, less valuable Realms (Soldiers and Knights).

When the Elite Knights skirmishes are not happening in the Strife Zone that's located west of the city, Blaze's job was to simply be on alert for any emergency calls.

So if he isn't on the front lines, he's basically free.

'Not so free, I'm doing side jobs now ...'

Obviously, the side jobs he's taking won't allow him to make a fortune

'But we need every coin right now ...'

So if he's able to end the month with some extra silver coins then he's more than happy about it.

Over the next 3 months, things were roughly the same; nothing of note happened ...

As time passed, Leus gained a bigger mana pool.

He started to face some difficulties, so he was thinking about how to solve them ...

'Now that I can stay awake for more time, I have more time to spend with Amethyst and Merlin'

'However, I'm unable to train. Water won't work anymore, it's too obvious'

'The only option I have is to start crawling, move near a window, and train on Wind Magic'

' ... Or maybe go to a dark corner and train on Darkness Magic'

'But I wonder ...'

Leus scratched his chin

'Is it too early to start crawling at the age of 3 months?'

He wasn't sure, but he didn't care much ...

With an inward shrug, he decided

'So be it, I need to train'

Leus' early crawl was a surprise for his parents, but they didn't make a fuss about it.

Viorica kept boasting about how genius he was, crawling early was natural for very smart boys, or so she claimed.

Blaze, on the other hand, was too occupied with money-related issues so he didn't think much of it.

Thus, Leus had more time to train. And now that he is not limited to a single place, he could train on all sorts of Magic.

As he trained more, Viorica felt very confused

'Why is he always sleeping on the floor?'

'And from where does this water come?? Why is there a lot of clean water around him always?'

She asked Amethyst and Merlin, but they didn't give her any useful answers, So she told Blaze to stop messing with the water around the house.

After the fourth month started, Blaze went to have a conversation with Remedy.

Their conversation was short; Remedy told him that Viorica's condition was slightly improving and that she'd continue the treatment for some more months.

Blaze was happy about the news, but he had to work even more to be able to afford the cost, and so, he never stopped working.

Time passed like that ...

When Leus was 7 months old, he decided to start walking.

As for his progress, it was amazing; he was finally able to silently cast all the spells Sal taught him.

The spells were extremely weak, but that didn't matter ...

'What matters is that I finally can start learning Vivify!'

2 Months later, at the age of 9 months, Leus was able to use Vivify and was able to feel when his mana was about to end.

He was also able to differentiate between Mana and Life Force. However, he noticed a couple of problems

'First, my Life Force pool is so small'

'Second, Life Force takes a lot longer than Mana to regenerate!'

He had no solution for these problems

'Except training'

So he kept training, and training, and training ...

As he trained more and more, the capacity of his Mana Pool and his Life Force Pool increased

'But it's not enough ...'

'Sure, it'd work in the long term ... but how much time do I have left?'

Leus had no idea

'Many months passed ... will Mom's health wait until I'm done?'

He wasn't certain

'I have to do something ...'

So, Leus devised a new plan

'First, I'll start using small sentences to communicate with Mom'

He could use full sentences right now if he wanted, but he didn't want to stand out too much and scare his parents or something

'All I know is that Mom needs Life Force, but maybe she doesn't need it all at once ...'

'If I'm able to heal her bit by bit, then it should work just fine'

But first

'I have to understand what exactly does that woman do'

And so, Leus waited for Remedy to come ...

He didn't have to wait for long, only for a couple of days ...

When Remedy finally came, Leus was ready with a plan.

As usual, Remedy went to the bedroom with Viorica ...

Whenever she came, Leus used to be either sleeping or training in a corner, but this time he was waiting for her in the bedroom with Viorica.

Viorica looked at Leus and said

"Leus can you go play with Amethyst or Merlin?"

Leus replied cutely

"Mommy~ miss you"

Remedy found it strange that Leus was able to talk, but honestly, she didn't care much

"It should be over soon" Remedy said

Leus narrowed his eyes

'I need to up my game'

He climbed on the bed and refused to get out

"Mommy~ MISS YOU"

He went and wrapped his hands around Viorica's shoulder, melting her heart ...

Not wanting to break his heart, Viorica asked Remedy in a pleasing voice

"Will it be a problem if he's here?"

Remedy replied neutrally

"It should be fine if he doesn't move much"

"Did you hear, Leus?"

Leus nodded


Remedy put her hand on Viorica's shoulder and said

"Now lay down and let me start"

Viorica laid down, and Leus observed intently ...

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