The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Chapter 29: Terror

The next few days were easy on everyone,

Viorica told the kids that Blaze was coming back and they all were awaiting his return, Amethyst spent more time studying with Viorica, And Leus didn't have much to do, He spent most of his time either trying to help Amethyst with her lessons or playing with Merlin

Viorica returned to using the only spell she knew (Water) It was a simple spell that transformed the user's Mana into clean and pure water, Leus saw that and he was interested

'It's about time I learn something new, I want to learn this spell'

Sadly, He couldn't just go ask Viorica to teach him, So he spied on her

He kept following Viorica around until she began using the spell, Then he heard her say the incantation a couple of times and quickly memorized it

'It's actually a pretty simple spell'

Leus decided to not completely stop his training, But he didn't train as much as he used to

Most of the time he would train after everyone slept in one of the empty rooms, He especially liked the spell (Mana Vision) because it allowed him to see in the dark

'It's like a superpower!'

It was also the strongest spell he knew

He didn't have any reason to use Vivify anymore, So he used it only once every while to consume a small amount of his Life Force, He had no particular reason to do so, But

'To not forget how it feels ... And maybe training Life Force is useful in some way?'

After Leus learned his mother's spell, Water, He wanted to try it, So he went near a window and used it

It consumed less mana than Mana Vision, But far more Mana than all the weak spells he knew of

'This means that if I learn how to silently cast this spell, I'll be able to deplete my mana pool much easier!'

Essentially, That would reduce his training time and make it more effective

So Leus' new goal has become to learn how to silently cast this spell

Around two weeks later, He was able to do it, But he noticed something

'Certain spells consume less mana than other spells yet it should consume the same'

'For example, Earth Magic consumes more Mana than Water Magic'

'I don't understand why'

'If I train enough and increase the quantity of my Mana, I shouldn't face any problem regardless of the element I use, Yet, It's strange'

He wanted to understand the logic behind it, But he didn't have any idea

'For now, I'll focus on increasing my Mana Pool'

3 nights later, Leus was a little older than 1 year and 11 months

As always, He waited until everyone slept then went to an empty room to train

It wasn't very late, But it wasn't early either, Just around midnight.

Leus started by silently casting Mana Vision then he started to cast both Spark and Water, Yet, Something felt off

' ... I feel like someone is watching me'

The room was dark, But he was able to see without any problems because of the spell, So he looked around him but he didn't find anything strange

'Maybe I'm imagining'

He returned to what he was doing

A few seconds after Leus went back to training, His hands started shaking

'What's wrong ...'

He looked at his hands

'Something feels off tonight'

Suddenly, The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he felt goosebumps all over his body

It took him a couple of seconds to understand what he was feeling

'This ... This feeling, I'm -- Scared'

As soon as Leus realized what he was feeling, He tried to move, But he couldn't

Both his legs were trembling

He tried to force himself to run, Yet he couldn't even budge

He gulped

'I can't move an inch'

His heart began to beat faster, And his mind was screaming at him


Leus was dominated by a single thought

'If I stay here I will die'

But he was unable to move!

It was terrifying!

With every passing second his terror increased

Eventually, His legs were unable to stand the pressure and he fell onto the floor

His eyes were glued to the door of the room

He instinctively knew that something or someone would walk through the door at any moment now

He didn't know why, But he was certain of it

Suddenly, A bright red light appeared in the lobby

The entire house was supposed to be dark, Yet, This red light was coming closer and closer to the door

Leus' terror increased more by the second

At this point, Leus has already lost all his concentration, He couldn't chant or silently cast any spell, and Even Mana Vision got de-activated

The only thing he was able to see was the bright red light coming closer and closer to the door

Leus couldn't hear any footsteps or anything like that, Whatever was coming wasn't making any sound

Leus wanted to scream, But he couldn't even open his mouth, He was feeling so much pressure directed at him

It felt suffocating!

Suddenly, His back hit the wall, When he felt that he realized that he unconsciously crawled backward until he hit the end of the room

With the wall behind him, and the monumental pressure coming from in front of him, Even breathing became difficult

Only a few seconds passed since he fell on the floor, Yet, It felt like an eternity had passed

Leus didn't have to wait for long

A man's shadow appeared approaching the room, And within moments, A man's figure entered the room

In the man's right hand, There was a burning dagger, which was the source of the bright red light

As soon as the man entered the room the dagger shone so brightly that it illuminated the entire room, And the man's eyes immediately locked on Leus

When their eyes met, Both Leus' and the man's minds went blank.

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