The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Chapter 58: Perfection

Hydraulic was Leus' new favorite spell!

'The spell is completely silent until I launch it, and I can do it almost instantly!'


'It is actually pretty good, even with only the chant.'

'Silent casting will probably take it to another level and allow me to increase its speed even more!'

A grin appeared on his face

'I'll create a supersonic water bullet!'

And so, with excitement, he got to work ...

For the course of two weeks, Leus cast the spell 100s of times, launching 100s of water bullets in all directions ...

It reached a point where he had literally reached his very limit, yet, he was reluctant to finish this spell's training ...

' ... It is not the perfect version that I had in mind'

Leus wanted the bullet to be fast, like REALLY FAST

'Breaking the sound barrier level fast ...'

But sadly, there was a limit to his capabilities ...

'There's nothing else I can do.'

And like that, with a bleak expression, Leus moved to Splash ...

Splash was an extremely precise spell, and controlling its precision was beyond difficult.

'This spell will take a lot of time for sure'

Fortunately, Leus only needed to focus on aiming the water accurately; he didn't have to worry about controlling its speed or properties.

For example, he would aim it under his knees when sliding while running, or under his feet to skate

It took him a lot of body control not to fall while doing that, and he quickly adapted.

Eventually, Leus was satisfied with the result.

'This spell already took longer than the other two spells combined, let's finish it here'

Splash took him a little less than one and a half months to be able to use it correctly ...

'If I wanted to only cast it, it wouldn't take more than a couple of days, but for it to have any practical use, I needed to put in this much effort'

With that, Leus was done with his last Water spell, Which actually was the very last spell too.

'And now I have nothing to do ...'

'Well, I still have time'

'There must be something to do'

' ... Right?'

Suddenly, Leus found himself standing alone in the yard with a blank mind.

He always had a plan or something to train on, but now there was only silence ...

After training relentlessly for months, having nothing to do felt very weird

'What should I do now?' Is all that he was thinking about ...

He pondered over the matter for quite a while, and then, he remembered something

'The book had the spell Mana Vision'

'I know how to silently cast it, but I don't know how to convert Mana from Neutral to Elemental Light Mana'

'I should try that!'

Immediately, Leus closed his eyes, focused on the Mana inside and around him, and tried to slowly transform it from Neutral Mana to Light Mana ...

However ...

Nothing happened ...

Leus tilted his head


Leus tried again ... and that was when he understood the problem

' ... I have nothing to replicate'

Whenever he trained on transforming Neutral Mana to Elemental Mana, he would replicate the feelings the spells evoked, but now, he had nothing to replicate ...

That confused him, so he activated Mana Vision


Leus de-activated Mana Vision, then he activated it again ...

After repeating the process a couple of times, Leus realized what was wrong

'I have no idea how to transform Neutral Mana to Light Mana because I've never done it before'

'For some reason, this spell just doesn't do that'

' ... It's so weak'

Leus tried Examination, the other spell he learned from Remedy

'This spell too ... it is as weak as Mana Vision'

He scratched his temple

'So what's the difference between these spells and the other spells?'

He didn't know that, but he came to understand something else

'To be able to transform Neutral Mana to Light Mana, I need a spell that already does that, then I mimic the spell's job'

'This means that I need better Light spells, and not only that, I need Darkness spells too'

'Now that I think about it, this must be the reason I felt differences between spells like Mana Vision and other, harder spells'

'Spells that convert Mana are harder'

Still, he didn't know how or why it was harder, he just knew that something was there ...

'Regardless, thinking about this wouldn't lead me anywhere'

He decided to conclude this matter here

'I'll ask Arno about it later.'

After he was done thinking, Leus crossed his arms as another realization dawned on him

' ... I went back to square one'

'What to do now?'

With nothing new to do, he decided to go back to the old things ...

'Fine, I'll just spend some more time perfecting all my spells'

'I will also experiment with some spells against each other, like Fireballs against Bubbles'

'At the same time, I'll increase my Mana Pool'

'After I'm done with these, I'll talk to Dad and tell him that I'm done'

With a new plan on his mind, Leus felt satisfied and started the supposed last phase of his training, the phase that he named


In Perfection, Leus kept depleting his mana pool on random ideas, like hitting Shield with Fire Balls, or hitting Fire Balls with Bubbles, and so on ...

The results were like this

'If Shiled is hard enough, then Fireballs are helpless against it'

'Hitting a Fireball with a Bubble often extinguishes it, but if the Fireball is much bigger, then it evaporates the water and continues forward but with a reduced momentum'

Basically, nothing out of the expected

'Common sense and laws of physics would be enough to understand what would happen in such situations'

Leaving all the experiments aside, Leus had a specific idea that he always wanted to try

'I want to create ten Daggers around me at the same time'

'I'll look so cool!'

'Three daggers on my right, three daggers on my left, and two above my head'

'The last two will be in my hands'

Leus imagined that if he did that, he'd look like some sort of a superhero ...

He called his idea (The Dagger Hero Theory), and spent countless hours trying to perfect it ...

He'd often walk in the garden with all the daggers floating around him and a stern look on his face ...

When his family saw that, they had different opinions about it Viorica thought it was scary Amethyst and Merlin thought that it was SUPER COOL Blaze thought that he looked funny

After spending a month on all these experiments and theories, Leus decided that he was done ...

'It's finally time ...'

At this point, he was 3 years and 6 months old, which meant that he still had 6 months left until the deadline ...

'But I don't have anything else to do'

'I'm ready ...'

Or so he thought ...

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