Chapter 1: 1 Recovery of the Child
Tossing and turning on the bed Brielle, fought through the dream. As she woke up, her body was covered in sweat, with her heart racing. She looks around the room and sighs when she sees the painting on the wall. She pulls the blankets off her body and walked towards the painting. Brielle reaches out her hand and touches it. 'It was only a dream.' She looks out a deep sigh, and she closed her eyes, slowly shaking the dream away. She turns back to the bed and looks at the time, and sees that it was early but good enough to start that day. Slowly she walks to the bathroom and showers, quickly trying to wash the dream from her mind. When she comes out with the towel wrapping in her hair, she sees her phone blinking. She opens it and sees a message.
~Sorry that this is early, but there is a target that is on their way nearby your place. He has a two-year-old girl as a hostage. I know that this is a lot to ask since you are just coming back after having been in the hospital, but you are the closest to the target at this time.~
Seeing that message, Brielle quickly replies to the message. ~Roger. I'm on it.~ She throws the phone on the bed and quickly gets dressed in a revealing black and grabs all sorts of weapons that she stashed all over the house. After gathering, she picks up the phone and scours the attachment to the text message and looks at the car in her driveway and shakes her head and starts to walk to the lactation she sits on the bench in the park and darts to cry, looking pitiful.
The vampire that was on the run with the little girl stops and listens to the lady crying. He whistles and tosses the girl on the bench next to Brielle. "Hey, Beautiful. It is so early in the day. Do you want to come to my place with my daughter and I?" he points to the girl that was unconscious on the bench.
Brielle looked at the vampire and started to wipe her eyes. "No, that is okay. I was just saddened this morning from a nightmare and thought some fresh air would do me some good. Would you like to come to my place instead? I am sure that it would be nicer than you staying out here in the chilly morning." She lifted her skirt a little and showed him more skin as she tilted her head.
"Oh, Baby, you know how to make a guy happy. Let me grab my pr-daughter, and we can go to your house." The vampire picks up the girl, follows Brielle to her house, and steps inside before getting too light outside for him. "Baby, let me get a taste of you."
"First, let me make your daughter comfortable in the spare bedroom, then you can take me to the basement, and then we can play." Brielle held out her arms. Once she felt the girl's weight in her arms, she let out a small sigh. Quickly she took the girl to her bedroom and laid her down in the bed. She slides the cardigan down her arms as she walked up to the vampire. Sneakily, she gabbed the stake hiding in the sleeve, walked up to him, and stalked up to him. Gently placing her hand over his heart,
The vampire shivered from her touch. "I hope that you are as excited as I am, Baby?"
Smiling, she quickly staked him in the heart. "I am not your Baby, and thank you for giving me your prey, you filthy vampire." She wanted as he became a pile of dust on her floor. Then picked up her phone ~Target eliminated. Package retrieved safely. Please send a ride over.~
~On its way to your location. Clean up crew will be there shortly as well. Thank you for your hard work.~
Brielle went up the stairs, changed into her usual work clothes, and picked up the little girl. "You are a cutie, and you do not need to be afraid anymore. The bad man is gone."
The girl started bawling and clung to Brielle. "I was so scared!"
"Shhhhh, I will take you to a safer place, and then you will be able to go home." Brielle picked up the girl, carried her to the bathroom, washed the girl's face, and brushed her hair. She opened the drawer in the bathroom, pulled out some strawberry ponytails, and tied the girl's hair in pigtails before picking her up. "There, look at how adorable you are."
"So pretty. Thank you, big sister." The girl hugged Brielle as she carried her down the stairs.
Brielle watched as the girl smiled, and she patted her on the back as she carried her through the door and went to the waiting car. She climbed in and held onto the little one.
Will turned to look into the back seat, and before he could say anything, Leo, who was sitting next to him, pinched his leg. "Ouch! Leo, you are as savage as ever."
"Good Morning, Brielle. I see that the package has been retrieved safely. How are you doing?" Leo looked back and saw the girl bury her face into Brielle's shoulder.
"Make sure that Will keeps his eyes on the road. I do not need to go back to the hospital. I am recovering slowly, and I know that you understand what I mean." Brielle glared at Will and then looked at Leo, and her eyes softened a little. "Will I am sorry that I could not attend your engagement party. I am sure that your fiancé is absolutely stunning, unlike yourself."
"Sam is the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. I understand that you could not come, and I would never force you to do something like that." Will looked at her in the mirror and examined her and saw the dark colour under her eyes. "On the flip side. This idiot let a female slip from his fingers." He focused back on the road when Brielle glared at him.