The Artful Match

Chapter 27: 27 Saving the Zimmermans'

He opened her door, then closed it and took her bag, placing it in the trunk. "Airport today, Miss, or do you need to make a stop before?"

"Nice to see that you remember me. I will be going to the hospital first. Then I will be going to the airport. If you do not mind waiting for me?" Brielle settled in and was waiting.

The cab turned and went towards the hospital. "No problem, as soon as I saw your name, I took the call, Olivia. I know that sometimes you have to make stops before you go to your destination, and you always pay for the waiting time." He cheerfully replied. He pulled up to the hospital and let her out, then pulled into a spot that said he was waiting for a client.

Brielle got out carrying the box, then went into the hospital and signed in, then went to the intensive care unit and found the people she was looking for. Brielle stopped at the nurse's desk. "Good Morning; I need to talk with Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman in person. It has to do with Seth's schooling."

"OH! Olivia, it is good to see you. Of course, please follow me to the scrub room, and I shall let you into the room. I know that you have exclusive permission to see them as needed. They are awake this morning, so you should be able to talk to them. It is terrible what happened to them. That hospital that did this to them should've been shut down." The nurse got up and led Brielle to the scrub room.

Brielle placed the box down within her sight, then got changed into the scrubs and covered everything. She carefully picked up the box and went through a decontamination chamber. Finally, she made it into the room. "Hi, it is Brielle. I wanted to let you know that there is something that I have finally acquired that will help you guys. It took me a really long time to get this, and it will cure you. Mind you, not instantly, but within the next few months, you will recover. Any traces of the AIDS will be wiped out."

Mrs. Zimmerman looked at Brielle, "if you are sure that it is safe. I will do it. I cannot condemn Seth to this life he is having, and he cannot go into the association yet. Thank you for guiding him in the shadows, but before you give us the blood…."

"It was given to me willingly. You should know that I would never force anyone to do something against their will. I am in charge of monitoring a class one. Sweet lady with her human mate." Brielle places the box down and goes to Mr. Zimmerman first. She pours the first vial into his mouth. She turns away and places the empty vial back in its place. "Where is the kidlet?"

Mrs. Zimmerman looks down, and tears fall down her eyes. "Passed away yesterday."

"I am sorry for your loss. I had hoped that I would acquire this before any of you passed." Brielle holds back her tears and feeds the next vial to Mrs. Zimmerman.

"It was not your fault. We have to thank you for protecting Seth in our stead. I know that it is not easy to raise another's child, but you have been doing everything that you can to help us. You are a busy girl without our interruptions. At least because we are still living, Seth has not been introduced to the association. Thank you." Mrs. Zimmer patted Brielle's hand.

"I could not stand by and let you all pass and leave the boy alone. He is young still. Sixteen is not an easy time to lose both parents, but then again, I lost my guardian at the tender age of sixteen. So I did not want him to go through what I went through. Now

"I am on my way to a mission for the weekend. I will check up on you two when I return. I have been giving Seth the money you cannot remove from your accounts and giving it to him as if it were my money. Sometimes I give him a little extra. I do not expect you to pay me back what I do gift him." Brielle picked up the box and waved to the couple.

"Thank you for all the assistance that you have given us, and be safe!" Mrs. Zimmerman looked at Brielle while tears filled her eyes.

"See you when I return." Brielle leaves the room, strips off the medical clothing and throws everything in the laundry basket. She left the room and waved at the window. She then went to the front of the buildings and entered the cab. "The first part of the journey is complete. Please take me to the airport, now."

"You got it. How were they doing today?" the man asked Brielle.

"Terribly upset as the youngest one passed away. May his young soul rest in peace." Brielle looked down and held onto the box. "Other than that, they seem not to be all that bad. I wish that a miracle would save them. They are amazing people."

"Aye, you are right, Olivia. I can't believe that the hospital fucked them over like that." Carefully and quickly, he navigates the city streets, making their way to the airport.

"Thank you for agreeing with me. I know that there is nothing that can fix them, but I still have hope that this new fucking hospital could fix the mistake from the other hospital. Poor Seth deserves to be with his family." Brielle smiled in the rearview mirror.

"There is no way that I would disagree with you. You are right that the hospital was the one that fucked up. I do hope that they live, and we have almost arrived, Dear. You can call me directly when you return, and I will come and pick you up." He handed her his business card and the debit machine. Then gets out and pulls out Brielle's luggage.

Brielle paid and tipped the driver a hundred dollars. She got out of the door that he opened. "I do need a receipt since this is a business trip if you do not mind? I will also call you upon my return."

He closed the door, went into the car, got the receipt, and handed it over to her. "This is your receipt. Have a safe trip, and I will see you when you return."

Brielle took the receipt and tucked it into her purse. "I will be returning on Sunday. You do not normally work Sundays. Are you sure that you want me to call you?"

"Positively. I am the only one that I trust to get you to and from where you need to go. My wife and I don't have any plans on Sunday this week, and I will butter her up by making her breakfast in bed."

"You spend time with her, and I will text you just before I get on my flight. Bring your wife when you come to pick me up, and I will pull out cash so that you won't need your work car." Brielle smiled and waved, then entered the building going to the VIP area. She checked in and took the glass of champagne, and looked over. "Will, what the hell are you doing here?"

"The same as you, I suppose. I am not on guard duty in the mall, but there is a hunt nearby, and I am being dispatched. The two of us are on the same flight. Sam was not impressed by the last-minute change of plans." Will sounds exhausted.

Thinking for a moment, Brielle pulls out her phone and checks the hunter app. "Do you need help picking out a gift to make it up to her? I'm going to be walking around the mall a lot, and I will be picking up a few things anyway."

Will looked down at his phone and let out a sigh. "Maybe. I have not decided what would be the right gift for her, but promise me that you will not tell her that you are with me. That is another shit storm that I do not want to deal with."

"No problem. You should know by now that I hate drama. Don't worry; I won't tell Sam, but what about our fearless leader?" Brielle listens to the calling for flights while dealing with Will.

"Leo is far too busy to deal with Sam. He has been trying to find Kitty. He is completely smitten with her, but she must really not want to deal with anyone to have run away, and she doesn't even contact Sam." Will let out a sigh and messaged Sam again. ~Please, my love, don't be mad at me. I am only doing what I have to for work, and we discussed this before. There are going to be odd times when I get called out to do my duties. <3<3<3<3<3~

Over the intercom, they call Olivia Taylor and Will Griffin to come to the front desk. Brielle. She waved in front of Will and pointed to the front. "That is us. Come on; we have shit to do." She walked to the front, handed her passport over, carried the box, and headed to the tarmac. Leaving Will behind and gets onto the tarmac. She walked up to the work plane, sat in one of the seats, and pulled out her phone. ~A little heads up when I am travelling with someone would be nice. -.-~

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