Chapter 32: 32 False Accusations
"Okay, that will work for me. I will be watching you two." Brielle watched the two wolves start cleaning up the mess and giving the products over to Susan. "Hey, Susan. I need to talk to you later before I call it a night. What time does it slow down in here?"
Susan had watched the whole thing and was about to explode when Brielle defused the situation. "Try again in three hours; I look forward to our chat!" She happily scanned everything that the guys had broken.
The two guys paid for all the damaged merchandise and then bought their purchases. They followed Brielle out of the store. "Where shall we talk?" one finally asks.
"Follow me." Brielle pushed opens the door to an interrogation room and looked at the two. "I will act as the judge between you two. Now, hash it out." She sat down, overseeing the two.
"Look, man, I do not know why you attacked me, to begin with. I am willing to talk things over with you." The first guys sat down in a chair, looking at the other werewolf.
Still standing, the other werewolf slammed a picture on the table in front of the werewolf. "Why are you cheating on my sister with this slut?!"
Looking down at the picture, the first werewolf starts laughing, "do you know how ridiculous you sound right now. That lady was asking for directions, and I was going the same way, so I offered to show her the way. I have no idea who she is. I love your sister, and she is my true mate. There is no one else that makes me happy."
The second werewolf freezes, "but then why was my sister so emotional? She does not get like that at all.'
Sighing, the first wolf pulls out his phone and opens his phone, dialling a number and places the phone on speed dial. "Hey, Babe, you're on speakerphone. Can you tell your dear brother why you have been emotional lately so that he does not try to kill me again?"
"What the fuck did you just say, Mark?" the female voice comes out stern, then her voice turns darker. "Paul, what the fuck are you trying to do?? Are you going to kill my pups' father before they are even born? I command you to come to my house right now! Mark, I hope that you get the tea from the witch. My morning sickness is killing me."
"Of course, I got the tea for you. I picked up three dozen boxes of all different flavours. I am okay. A hunter was monitoring the mall, and she intervened." Mark looked up at Paul and then to Brielle.
"Shit, fuck, OUT OF ALL THE FOOLISH THINGS THAT COULD HAPPEN, YOU BOTH ARE DETAINED BY A HUNTER!? Do you need me to come bail these fools out?" she had screamed into the phone, then tried to calm down.
Brielle chuckled, "it looks like everything was a misunderstanding. I'm sorry that I do not know your name, but I promise you I was just going to just kick them out of the mall. They caused some damage to a store. I let them hash things out in the interrogation room. You do not need to leave your nesting area. I will be letting them go. I have to break up more disputes sometime this evening."
"Sis, can I ask you a question? Did you know that Mark helped another lady a week ago and also went into the restaurant with her?" Paul asks this then stares at the phone.
"Oh, for fucks sake. I was waiting in the restaurant for Mark. I was announcing to him that I was pregnant, so yeah, I saw him walk in, and the lady shook his hand the two separated. I know that Mark would not cheat on me. Blubbering imbeciles. Sorry, Miss. Hunter, I was not trying to ignore you. My name is Nicole. I am sorry that these two caused you any trouble this evening. I will make sure that they both apologize to Susan tomorrow evening, and I will be there. Will you be working still?" Nicole's voice went from stern to sweet when talking to Brielle.
"I will be. If you want me to run interference, I am more than willing to lend a hand. Just pick a time, and I will meet you at the store." Brielle smiled at the werewolf on the phone.
"Thank you, let's say, at one in the morning tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be able to leave to come and deal with this. Before either one of you argues, I am coming, and you will not be able to stop me. I need to thank the female hunter in person for not killing either one of you dumbasses. See you two soon." A click and dial tone was coming from the phone until Mark reached over, closing it.
"It seems like you two just made the wrong individual angry. Come on. Let's go; I will now escort you both out." Brielle got up, and the two werewolves stayed in place, stunned.
Mark got up, picked up his phone and placed it in his pocket. "Come on, Paul, we need to face the angry dragon at home. She will kill us if we show up late, and that is the last thing that we need right now." Mark patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder.
"I'm going to be an uncle? I'm sorry too, man. I didn't know that was the case. I apologize; I should've just asked you rather than attacking you." Paul hung his head and picked up the picture, walking with Mark.
Mark smiled, "If I was in your shoes, I would think the same thing. So no hard feelings. Let's get our asses in gear because Nicole is going to give us hell." He patted Paul on his shoulder.
"Wait, Miss Hunter, will you please allow us to get some chocolates and ice cream from my sister? I feel like an idiot and need to make it up to her." Paul asks while looking at the ground.
Brielle looked at the two, a smile appeared on her face, and she walks to the food court, "it seems like you two have made up. I will allow it. The ice cream here is amazing, but I have yet to try the chocolates. So why not."
"Thank you so much!" Paul jumps up and follows Brielle to the ice cream store. When they get there, both guys order a barrel to go. Two different flavours to cover their asses.
Brielle found a cart and pushed it to the guys, "Here, this will make things easier for you both."
Mark took the cart from Brielle and loaded the ice cream into the cart. The cashier giggled and watched Brielle. "Already on to the next issue I see. Allow me to send you a few flavours up to your hotel room as a thank you. Are you in the penthouse like last time?"
"That would be wonderful, and yeah, I am. I won't be picky about what you send up. Well, except the black licorice ice cream." Brielle makes a face before she smiles at the girl.
She smiles back while waving her hand over the second barrel. "Now, these will last for a few hours out of the freezer but make sure that you get them back as soon as possible."
Paul finished paying for him and placed his next to the Mark's, then led the way to the chocolate shop. "There are some excellent chocolates here. I can guarantee that you will enjoy them." He walks inside.
Brielle looks at the rows of boxes of chocolates and finds one that looks like it might have everything that she would love, and before she could pick it up, Paul takes it off the shelf. Brielle raises her eyebrow in question. "What are you doing with the box that I was thinking of getting?"
Mark smiles and pats Brielle on her shoulder. "Please let us get you this as part of our apology. My mate will not like it that we did not get you something that you wanted as an apology."
Letting out her breath, Brielle nods her head, "thank you. I will accept the chocolates." She looks at the signs for all the supernatural chocolates. "Do you think that you can send that box to my hotel room? I m in the…."
"The other penthouse. Yes, I can do this for you. There are different hunters here, and they always stay in the second penthouse; that is how I know. Well, that and the hunter weapons gave you away." The lady smiles and looks at the wolves, "You two got in trouble again, did you? I will grab the chocolates for the Alpha. She is going to rip you both a new one, so I will make sure that there is a lot there. One moment." She went into the backroom, disappearing to get the requested chocolates.
"We are very sorry, and thank you for allowing us to buy you those chocolates." Mark smiled and looked around, smiling. "I wonder what she …" There was a loud crash outside the chocolate shop.
"You two will leave and not cause me any more issues, right?" Brielle sees the two nod, and she unclips the scythe and presses the button, jumping out of the shop into a cloud of dust.