The Artful Match

Chapter 42: 42 Blood Vessel

"Thank you. What you say is correct. I will do anything to keep my family safe, even if that is the cost of my blood. Where I am taking all of this?" She looks at the dolly and smiles at Brielle.

Brielle looked around the room, nodding her head. "To the side entrance of the mall. We have human children that we need to transfer to a bus, then to the airport. Casimir has gotten us the small bus."

Shaking her head, Alexis looks at Brielle sadly. "I saw what happened last night. Although, my offering was not all that much. I brought homemade blood cookies. I know that it is not all that common to see homemade goodies, but I think that she will appreciate them. Oh, she is the Queen…."

"I know, don't worry. This may have been my first celebration. I did offer a basket with my new witch friend Susan. It might seem weird, but I felt compelled to join in. It didn't sit well with me to just show up empty-handed, even if I was to be just a guard." Brielle blushed as they got on the elevator.

Alexis beamed up to her in happiness. "You participated as well! That is amazing; I think you are the first hunter to place an offering. I knew there was something different about you!!" She hugged Brielle happily.

Hugging her back, Brielle looked at Alexis' neck. "I have a personal question. That is only if you do not mind." She gently touched the bandage on Alexis' neck.

"OH! It doesn't hurt much. I think it was more erotic…." Alexis blushes and thinks about what happened, "you should know that the more turned on the partner, the sweeter the blood, or at least that is the rumour."

Chuckling, Brielle looked at Alexis. "Don't worry, I think that I have heard the same thing. I was merely curious if it was true." The doors open, and Alexis leads the way through the back doors. "Thank you for telling me. Honestly, if you hear from him, do you mind if I ask you to contact me? I just want to make sure that he is okay." They reached the doors, and Brielle stopped.

"Is this off the record? I do not want anything bad to happen to him or my family." Alexis looks at Brielle, worried.

Brielle pulls out her card and scribbles her personal cell number. "Of course, this will have nothing to do with the hunters but my own personal interest. So only use my number on the back, Alexis." Pulling out a small folded envelope. "Thank you for all your help."

Taking the card first, Alexis smiles while looking at the number. Seeing the envelope, she shakes her head, "you do not need to do this. I know that I am in dire need of money, but I can't take yours for doing nothing."

"You will be contacting me with information. Think of it this way, cash is harder to track, and I would rather not leave a paper trail for something like this. Oh, if you don't hear from him, you can contact me as well. I have a feeling something might have happened." Brielle looked out the window and saw the children walking to the bus.

Alexis finally takes the money. "Thank you. I might have to use it if something happens to my family before I give you the information, but what you are asking me is easy for me to do." Alexis slips the card and envelope into her pocket.

"That's fine. Use it when you need to. I don't care if you use it all up today. I'll hold the door open for you." Brielle holds the door open as Alexis pushes the cart through.

Casimir walks over to them. "I was worried something had happened since you took so much longer."

"Hey, Cazzie. Sorry, I was chatting with the hunter while helping her come down here." Alexis stopped pushing the cart and looked at Casimir.

"Allie! How are you doing? I thought you had bus boys to do this shit for you guys?" Casimir looks at Alexis cautiously.

"I am doing rather well. Normally yes, but today no one showed up. Probably drank way too much." Shaking her head, she pushed the cart to the side of the bus. Alexis carefully unloaded the items.

Casimir turns back to Brielle and sees her studying the two. "What?"

"Nothing much. I did not know that you two knew each other. Alexis and I are now friends. I like a sweet, energetic girl like her." Brielle giggled and saw Will carrying out the last child who was bawling.

The child was fighting Will and grabbed onto Brielle's shoulder with a death grip. Will stopped and handed her off to Brielle. "She is the last one, and she was too scared to stay in the room, but she bawled in my arms and was fighting me the whole time."

Taking the girl without thinking, she started rocking and soothing the girl. "It's okay; you are safe with us. Will is my friend, and we are going to do our best to find your mother and father." rubbing the girl, she feels her relaxing in her arms.

"Cazzie, be careful when driving. There is some valuable wine in the compartment below." Alexis came to Brielle's side and looked at the girl. "Oh, you poor girl."

Grabbing Alexis' hand, Casimir pulled her to the side and pulled the wrapping off her neck. "Who did this? Why did they not heal it properly?" Pinning her hands to the wall, he looks at her neck and licks his lips.

"I became a blood vessel Cazzie. I cannot tell you more than that, but he did heal it… but for some reason, when I woke up, the fang marks reappeared." Alexis glared up at Casimir.

Silent for a moment, Casimir looks at the wounds before letting out a sigh. "I can see that now." Leaning down, he licked the fang marks and healed her neck before letting her go. "I will be on my way."

"You could've chosen me, but you didn't. You no longer have the right to be jealous." Alexis walked away and pushed the cart inside.

Raising one eyebrow, she looked between the two. "Everything okay Casimir?"

"Just fine and fuc…. *cough* I mean, dandy. I shouldn't have hesitated." He pushed his hair out of his eyes that were shining a ruby red colour.

Brielle nods her head. "Why did you wait? Were you afraid of the mixing of species?" she made she that the girl in her arms wouldn't see Casimir's eyes.

Shaking his head, Casimir climbs onto the bus and waits until everyone is on. "I was afraid that I would ruin her. It is possible if they are not the individual for you. I am very disciplined, but the taste of her blood drives me wild."

Sitting down, still soothing the girl as she had passed out in her arms, Brielle nods her head. "I think that you will be able to stop. When you find your perfect match, I don't think that you would be able to bring them harm."

Will was sitting in the back, telling stories to the rest of the children. He was telling one about a dragon and a group of three friends that were befriending it.

"I'm a coward. Maybe I should talk to her about it. Did she seem okay with you, and did she tell you anything about what is going on with her?" Casimir looked at Brielle through the rearview mirror.

"Very minimal. I paid her to update me on the vampire that made her his blood vessel and that she might have to use that money before I get the information I asked for. You should ask her what is going on in their house. I do not have many details, sorry." Brielle made eye contact and smiled weakly.

"Thank you, that is more than enough. I will do as you suggested." Casimir looked a little lost in his thoughts. "The vampire that has made her a blood vessel must have been the one that you pulled your scythe on…. Am I correct?"

"Yes, I do believe that is so. I could not see his face as the fool tried to wipe his memories of him from my mind. I am not even sure who he is, but I know that he is a vampire." Brielle tried to think more, and a sharp pain hits her head. She turns pale and closes her eyes. 'Fuck, that hurts. Now the picture is more cloudy, and I feel so tired all of a sudden.'

Casimir pulled the bus onto the tarmac and right up to the private plane. "Brielle, are you okay?" he got up and looked at her carefully and looked back at Will, panicked.

Will got up and looked at what was going on. "Shit." Will whipped out his phone, took a picture and sent it to Leo. ~I wonder what memory is hitting her. Will you meet us at the airport and bring Jenna. I do not think that the girl with Brielle will let you or me carry her.~ Will closed the screen and put his phone back in his pocket. He leaned down, lifted Brielle as she held the girl and carried her limp body into the plane. Will laid her on the bed. The girl looked like she was going to cry, and Will patted her on the head. "She just needs to rest. I will not take you away unless you trust me to hold you while she rests, but for now, let me help the others on the plane."

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