Chapter 45: 45 House Arrest
"I thought too deeply, and the memories got wiped more deeply, but I feel like I might have met someone, but that is all in the past now. I will live in the present, and now that I have two wards, I will be quite busy, so I might need some time off." Brielle looks at the IV bag and sighs.
"Dallas, we need to head out. I have a lot of work to do, and since you are now my help, we might as well get a head start on everything." Will smiled then waved to Brielle before leaving.
"It was a pleasure to see you again. I hope that I will be able to see more of you and Jenna soon." Dallas signed, waved, then followed Will out of the room.
Leo sat down and let out a breath. "What do you remember from the weekend? This is off the record. I feel like this is something that I need to know."
Sighing, she closes her eyes, "I connected with a witch, solved the murder of her sister and reunited her with her niece. She is a charming witch. I participated in the event at her insistence. It was a lot of fun building the bag with her, and I bought different boxes of chocolates. I remember that all but one box fit into the basket I bought, and I gave that box to someone, but I cannot tell you who I gave it to. Their face is blurred, but I am sure that it was a male vampire due to the chocolates that I bought. I paid for them when I packed up. I remember grabbing a letter I threw in the trash. Did you find it?"
Leo pulled out a crumpled paper and held it up in the air. "I did; I brought Jenna to your apartment so that she could move furniture around in the spare room, and your wine is in the kitchen. Why did you buy so much?"
"I didn't pay for it. I think that it was paid for by that vampire, but it is something that I cannot be certain of. Thank you for getting all that in the apartment. I think I am ready to walk around a bit. That is the other reason you are here, isn't it?" Brielle carefully pulls out the IV and slides off the edge of the bed, and almost falls over.
Leo got up and caught Brielle. "Take your time; you have been out for a week." He stepped back when she pushed him away.
"Tell me about your hunt? Have you found the girl of your dreams?" Brielle stood next to the bed and relaxed before taking a few steps away.
"Fucking frustrating, that is how it is going," Leo wipes his face, "I have been hunting down clues of her whereabouts. It is a fucking mess. I want her so bad, but she is hiding from me. If only I could find her… sorry. You are suffering memory loss while I am a beast trying to hunt down the one for me… pitiful. That is what I am."
"Not pitiful but determined. Since the vampire has decided that I am not worth it, I will forget everything about it. I also have to watch my back." After making sure she was steady, she took a few steps, using the bed to walk. "Sigh. There will definitely be no missions for me. Thankfully Blake and Seth can go with Jenna to the school, or worse comes to worst, I can bother Sam or Will."
Leo watched and walked beside Brielle at her pace. "I am sure that anyone would be willing to lend you a hand." They walked to the door, and Brielle leaned against the wall. "I can't take another step. It's too much. I hate feeling weak. How are we getting to my place?"
Leo went and grabbed the wheelchair, then came back. "I am driving you as I want to talk to you about a few things along the way."
Brielle falls back on the chair, "Alright. I am assuming that it will be confidential?" She feels the chair moving as Leo walks to the parkade.
"Mmmmmhmmm." That was all that Leo said as the two went to down the parkade. He opened the door and lifted Brielle into the jeep, then closed the door. He drove away and didn't speak until they were out of the building. "Will is going to bring the other two while I get you settled. As for what I need to talk to you about, well, there are a few things."
"And our workplace has eyes and ears everywhere. So you can never tell whom is listening." Brielle states this and looks at Leo, who is driving straight-faced.
"You got that right. My task for you is to, in the next few months, bring up doing house checks. I have emailed you multiple files that need to be reviewed. Each one is a different case of supernaturals being mistreated in the dungeons. I have a bad feeling about this, and I want you to be heading this project. Asurlon agrees that you are the best one for the job." Leo takes different back roads and peeks in the rearview mirror.
Watching Leo, Brielle sits back in her seat more and nods her head. "Alright, I can do that for you. Just send me everything, and I will slowly get everything set up. What are the chances of Vladimir wanting to join in this?"
"I'd say about ninety percent; I think that he might be up to something." Leo took a sharp turn, then lost the tail after three more turns. He backtracked to Brielle's apartment and entered the parkade. "Thank you for taking this on. When you are ready with all the evidence, go ahead and set up the timing to get it all done."
Brielle opened the jeep door and got out. Leaning against the jeep, she slowly walked to the elevator. "That works with me. How many cases have you found already, and do you think that something could happen at one of the places that you own?"
"That is very likely to happen, but that will only be closer to the time that it happens, or at least that is what I believe. Do you have any worries about your buildings?" Leo got to Brielle's side, carrying a bag.
"No, my shit is safe from that. I keep to locked buildings that you need special keys and shit to get in, and it is not easy to copy them, or I have unlisted places that no one but me knows about." Brielle lets go of the jeep and stumbles to the elevator but makes it. Tapping the card, they wait for the elevator to arrive.
Leo helps Brielle into the elevator, then taps her key to go all the way up. "Where do you want to lay? I will carry you there. No arguments. I can already tell that you will not make it." when the doors reopen, Leo sweeps Brielle off her feet and carries her into the apartment.
"The couch, please. I quite like it in my living room. I will catch my breath there, then I will see what has changed in my apartment." Brielle doesn't fight Leo but also doesn't wrap her arms around his neck.
Leo opens the door, then takes Brielle to the couch. He lays her down and goes to the fridge. He grabs a bottle of water and comes back to her, cracks it open, then hands it to her. "Drink some water, and then I will take off. Make sure to eat something light; otherwise, your stomach will hate you."
Brielle took the bottle of water and sipped it. "Yes, doctor." The sarcastic remark comes to her. She picked up her phone and scrolled through the food apps before finding a decent place to order from. After ordering the food, she gets off the couch and shuffles to the spare bedroom. Smiling at all the children's stuff, she shuffles back to the couch and collapses into it while the room spins around. Closing her eyes, she passes out.
Thirty minutes later, her phone starts ringing, and she grabs it and answers groggily. "He-llo?" listening to the person, she looks at the phone and buzzes him up.
When he arrived at the door, he walked in and looked at Brielle on the couch. "Oh my goodness!! You should be in a hospital. Why are you at home?"
"I'm fine, Seth. I just need rest." Brielle smiles then closes her eyes while she lays back on the couch.
Placing the food down, he goes to the kitchen, wrings out a cool cloth, then returns and places it on her forehead. "You saved my family. After you went to work, I heard from my mother that you were only going to be gone for the weekend, and then you were gone for almost ten days. Even Tina was away."
Sighing, Brielle cracks open her eyes. "I am sorry. I was away because I was at the hospital. I just got released today." She patted Seth on the head. "I am sorry that I couldn't save your brother, but at least I got your Mother and Father saved."