The Artful Match

Chapter 8: 8 Filing Files

Brielle looked down from the computer screen to the ground and saw that the first pile was gone. "You know it wouldn't have gotten so bad if the trainees weren't such little bitches. They usually quit after the first few days. I was surprised when that one girl lasted a week. It is not my fault that some of them thought that this job was a joke. Most of them were not cut out for this kind of job. I mean, when I get back from a bad kill, and I'm covered in blood, you would think that the girls wouldn't care, but you know what that one had the audacity to say to me?" Brielle stood up and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Like ew, how came you come into the office looking like roadkill?"

Leo covered his mouth to hold in the laughter with no success, and her burst out laughing. "Oh, god, I remember that girl. Mia, Maria, or was it Mary? Whatever, she was a real piece of work, and her memories were erased on the spot and sent on her way. She stormed to the office in tears and looked at Brielle in horror."

"Well, she was the one that instigated me. Who the fuck speaks like that in everyday life? I ripped into her, and well, let's just say that I was very mean to her and yeah…. Ah, fuck, who am I kidding? I told her exactly why I was covered in blood, sweat, and dirt. There was a fight at fucking midnight, and I was protecting the packages when not one but three mother fucking vampires ganged up on me, but since the packages were asleep behind me, I was guarding them. I pulled out my scythe and cut the first one's head clean off, and the tip of the scythe pieced the heart of the vampire beside the first kill and well before they turned to dust, I got a good drenched in fucking blood. The final vampire pounced on me, and well, I kneed him in the groin, pulled out a steak and pierced his heart. I did get pretty banged up, but you know what happens when a vampire's blood touches a wound? It fully heals it. I was completely healed from the blood covering my blood. I wrapped the packages in a blanket and left the scene and returned here." Brielle stands up and glaring, "after risking my life and getting injured, do you think that I would want to deal with that type of attitude? Fuck NO!"

"But you didn't need to drag the girl by her hair into Asurlon's office. She was crying so hard. Then again, after I heard what happened, I was unimpressed with that bitch. Asurlon wiped her memories, and I abandoned her on the south side of town. She had no clue of anything that had happened. I came back to a seething Brielle in her office. That was when I had to send you home." Leo placed the final box down and looked at Brielle.

"Wow, that is horrible. I can imagine how mad you would've been. I know if I was in the same situation, I would probably freak out too. Leo, do you even have a trainee?" Jenna looks at Leo, hoping that he would have a story or two for her.

"I haven't had one. What is the point of having a trainee that would only get in your way? Fuck that shit; besides, I work directly under Asurlon, so I have no time to deal with a trainee. When trainees are assigned their trainer, we do not usually let genders train each other because of harassment cases. Then again, Rex was Brielle's trainer… How did that even happen?" Leo thinks for a moment.

"Asurlon wanted us to be trained together, and well, the only hunter that would be able to handle all three of us would be Rex. I mean, let's face it, we were fucking hellions. Between your shenanigans, Will's smart ass and my stubbornness… yeah, he had his hands full. With that mixture, it made things pretty chaotic." Brielle laughs at the look on Leo's face.

"Come on, we weren't that bad… were we?" Leo looks at Brielle, shocked.

"I think the fact that you are asking that proves that you were, and from what I heard, Rex is the toughest mentor in the whole organization. Correct me if I am wrong?" Jenna finished most of the stacks, then empties the last two drawers and sorted the files.

"Okay, now I get what you were saying… we were little shits. Rex is a tough badass, but he keeps things in order with the tougher hunters. I really wouldn't want to get on his bad side. Also, what the fuck was wrong with the girls you had? Did not know how to file paperwork at all?" Leo looks at all the random files that were being sorted in different spots.

"It was not my job to sort the paperwork, and I gave them a simple task, its not my fault that they were so useless that they fucked around more than worked. I had one girl that took the papers from me and dropped them by the filing cabinet. She even said this is not what you should be making me do. You should file your own shit. Let's just say Asurlon had to remove the girl from my wall…" Brielle shrugged her shoulders.

Leo let out a sigh, "I was the one that had to free the girl. Do you really think that Asurlon was the one that could free her? Although he did erase the memories of the girl. It took me thirty minutes to get her down. You used the special hunter's tape to keep her in place. There was no way that she could rip that with her weak strength."

"Are you sure that I am not allowed to kill any of them?" Jenna glanced up at Brielle.

"All former workers have no recollection of went down here except for the ones that have worked here for many years. You can't take away five years of someone's memory. Besides, parents are the ones that prep their children to take over and most of the ones that Brielle had were girls that were overprivileged stuck-up bitches. There was no point in trying to let them start, but parents passing away usually led to them being brought here. Now I screen all applicants before they go to be trained. Like Brielle said earlier, the ones that speak a certain way have their memories wiped and told that they were not a good fit for the company and shown out." Leo bent down and started to help Jenna sort the papers into the boxes.

"Thank you, Leo, but I still do not like you all that much," Jenna says this and helps with a different box. "Is there some way that regular people could get in?"

"No, not really. I got in as I am a descendant of my family, but the thing is, if my uncle had children, it would've gone to them, but instead, it came to me. I knew nothing of what this place was. It was not easy, and I had a rough time initially with being one of the few females in the program. Actually, Leo, did we not fight like cats and dogs in the beginning?"

Chuckling, Leo looks up at Brielle, "oh, man, did we ever. We would compete over every single stupid insignificant thing, but I think that made the three of us better hunters in the long run. We balanced each other out up until you were forced to take time off…"

"Let's not talk about that. I have finished all my paperwork. What is left that needs to be boxed up?" Brielle cut Leo off and got up.

"Nothing! We got it all sorted. The rest of the files belong in the cabinet." Jenna stood up and helped lift the boxes on the trolley. I will finish putting these away while the two of you go and get those boxes put away."

Leo placed the last three boxes on the trolley and pushed it out of the room. "We will be back shortly." He watched Brielle from the corner of his eyes. "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up."

"It's all in the past, but just remember that if you bring it up again, I just might castrate you." Brielle turned her head and glared at him.

Leo laughed while shaking his head, "just idle threats. You know that I wouldn't do that on purpose. How have you been these days?"

"Could be worse… you know that I never thought that I would come here, but with everything that happened in the past, I am glad that I took over my uncle's work. He was one of the few female members that I was close-ish to or at least the only one I spoke to. Did you ever think that it was strange that the three of us all lost our guardians around the same time?" Brielle looks at Leo, wondering if she was maybe overthinking things.

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