The Birth Of Legends

Chapter 41: Grimy Human

Delvin pressed the quest option and was received by a familiar voice, 'Welcome Alvin the Trickster! To the Ninety Realm martial arts fighters in the eighth dimension.' Announced Lexon, the AI.

'You have one thousand data units. To enter the eight dimension you will be required to use two hundred data units.' Informed Lexon, the officiating AI.

Wow! Now we in the eighth dimension? I wonder what is in store for me. Delvin was amazed and was looking forward to experiencing the new thrill in the eighth dimension.

'In the eighth dimension, everything here is different, you have the opportunity to use your real life powers, and you can improve your strength the more you win matches, and you lose the equivalent.' Lexon AI stated.

Delvin is transported into a dark, thick forest full of shrubs. Birds could be heard making a whooshing sound and tiny insects singing unique melodies. Different species of every kind were speaking in their native language.

A sense of danger lingered in Delvin's heart. He did not know what to expect or what was on the line.

Alvin the Trickster was now on guard more than ever.

A monster with seven heads and fourteen heads appeared on the scene, which made Delvin move ten steps backwards because of fear which griped him though he pretended to be strong and still hanging on his defense. It had a human body and two legs, of course.

'Who dares to come into my territory at this hour?' The monster asked, roughly but trying to hide its destructive nature.

'Well, my name is Alvin the Trickster and who are you?' As he flung back his own question with an all-smile coloring his face.

The monster, with seven heads, plucked out the head which was speaking and held it in its left fourth left hand. The third head picked up the conversation with excitement. The head on the left fourth hand did smile at Delvin dubiously.


'Call me Madacan, born from hell and that means no one can escape my wrath, I am here to purge. I am the very ruler of this dimension and everything here dances to my tune. And you humans, I see, and I can smell all your filthy and filthy creatures like you, I detest and clean up all the dirt here.'

Delvin was surprised beyond his scope of imagination. How could the monster speak dirty words to him that way? He made up his mind not to play it cool.

'Honestly speaking, I have been sent up here to clean and burn out the garbage, such as you, and send you to your rightful place where you belong. This land is holy and magnificent. That is the only reason why I am here, and I promise you that I will not leave this land until I fulfill my objective why I came here in the first place.' Alvin the trickster riposted sarcastically.

'Ha ha! You think you are the first human to come up here?' Madacan paused momentarily to let his words sink into Alvin the Trickster, then continued, 'You have it wrong? I am the first and the last in this dimension and no one has ever managed to conquer me here. Many have come and perished at my hand and what makes you think that you will survive my tribulation?' Madacan pronounced his dominance, his voice full of anger, and his horror could be felt as it was being emitted so strongly at that very moment, but Alvin the Trickster was able to stand his ground without flinching.

'Well, what makes you think that you can take me down? I already promised you that I would find great pleasure beheading those seven heads. I shall be the new ruler of this amazing land, the birds in this vast expanse and every living creature shall chant my name forever, giving me entire glory. Alvin the trickster, who slayed the seven heads of Madacan the boastful creature!' Alvin the Trickster threw back bad words just to upset Madacan even more.

'No! All glory and honor belongs to me, and no one can take it away from me. Swords!' Roared Madacan bitterly.

The sky became dark suddenly, then a spark lightened up, and fourteen swords dropped from the sky right away.

Madacan put the head back in its rightful position as he stretched his fourteen hands, grabbing the fourteen swords which kept coming into its hands with whooshing sounds.

'Grimy human, receive this!' Yelled Madacan fearlessly and jumped into the action trying to slash Alvin the Trickster. His face was full of fury and anger. The seven-headed monster attacked Alvin the Trickster, like a voracious tiger.


In the Gascan Universe, Morris just walked into the theater where Nathaniel was watching the fight just as a person would watch a movie in the cinema.

'Oh no, not this one again? He is a terrible fighter?' Morris shouted angrily. He looked quite pissed off with Alvin the Trickster.

Nathanel burst out laughing. Its obvious Morris amused him.

'Come on Morris, are you still holding a grievance with a fighter, you gambled on?' Nathaniel commented teasingly, just to get more reaction from Morris.

'Stop it, I know what you are trying to do?' Morris retorted indignantly.

Nathaniel was still in the mood of toying with Morris.

'How did you put it last time, Alvin my Trickstar!' Nathaniel now even laughed more hysterically.

'He cost me fifty thousand dollars!' Morris expressed himself savagely.

'Seriously, this dude has seventy odds, against one point three. So if one bets on him, imagine the fortune you would make. I have already put my money on him. Come on! Give him another goal. This time I have decided not to play it safe.' Nathaniel opened up to his friend, hoping he would join him and if they lost, they could comfort each other.

'No way, I am not putting my money on this Alvin guy?' Morris rejected Nathaniel's suggestion without second guessing.

'Look at the way he is dodging all those strikes?' Nathaniel cheered with an extreme thrill while he had his fingers crossed.


Back in the game, Alvin the Trickster kept swerving all the attacks coming from Madacan the monster with seven heads, fourteen hands.

When Alvin the Trickster had gotten breathing space, he called out hurriedly, 'sword!'

A golden sword appeared in his hand. Madacan's fourteen eyes flickered with fear. There is a chance that he had knowledge of what the Golden immortal sword could do.

Wow, this game is interesting. I love the way it turns out to be. Thought Alvin the trickster, as he could feel the power siege into his body like fire.

'I will kill you filthy human and keep that sword for myself!' Madacan the monster, declared, but his eyes were filled with dense fear as they grew colder and dark. The monster lunged some more attacks and is now more crazy than ever. It is clear Madacan is not going to give Alvin the Trickster another breath of air. 









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