Chapter 12: Chapter 12 – Catalina’s pov
Catalina's pov
Man, what am I doing? I'm such a weakling. I lost my pride because of a stupid request from that old man.
These thoughts really echoing in my mind as I cooked the seasoned and salted salmon on the oiled and hot pan.
After couple of minutes, I turned off the stove and transferred the cooked salmons into a plate, before serving it to Kichi, the one who stole my place at the entrance exam.
"Here you go," I said in a monotone, cold voice.
I then glanced at a plate of bread, which consisted of three croissants.
"Is that it?" I asked while poking one of the cold pastries for a few seconds with my finger.
Kichi then responded back, "Yes, it's one of my favorites, alongside Filipino ones."
As I sat down, Kichi did a prayer gesture and said, "Thanks for the food."
He then grabbed one of the cold croissants and took a bite of it.
"Man, the cheese one is so good," he commented.
He then finished it in less than 2 minutes and asked me to get a fork for him.
In response to that, I stand up, walked to the kitchen, grabbed the fork, went back to the dining table, and gave it to him saying, "Here."
"Thanks, Cata-chan," Kichi happily responded as he receives the fork from me, before taking a piece of salmon and eats it.
"Wow, it's so delicious," he commented on the salmon I cooked.
I then forced a smile and replied back, "You think so?"
"Yes, thank you so much," Kichi happily responded. "Your cooking is amazing."
I then chuckled. "Thanks."
But my mind was like, "Am I going to be his future wife? And, he called me by a shorten name? How dare he!"
I continued smiling at him until the end of the meal. At that time, Kichi said to me, "You may go now. I'll wash the dishes first thing tomorrow morning."
"Are you sure about that?" I asked back.
"Yes, my right arm is now almost being healed up," Kichi replied back with confidence. "By the way, where's your designated dorm room?"
"Well," I responded while thinking for a bit, "according to Kiba-san, it's next to yours."
"Oh, so we're neighbors," Kichi replied back. "That's great."
Once again I chuckled. "Yes."
My mind, again, was like, "This is the worst set up, ever! Damn those people!"
After that, before I would go, Kichi said to me, "Oh, I almost forgot. I have some biscuits from the Philippines for new neighbors like you."
"Oh really?" I asked back. "For me?"
Smiling at me, Kichi responded, "Yes, get some from my backpack."
In response, I dig in his backpack and find three packs of biscuits in different brands.
"I found three of them," I responded. "Can I choose?"
"Sure thing," answered Kichi back. "Pick whatever you want."
I then began to choose one of them. But the looks of them make my mouth water, but I only have to choose one of them because they looked so imported. So, after much thinking, I grabbed one of them, which has a peanut butter filling, and showed it to Kichi and said, "I picked this one."
"Sure, go on, thanks for everything," Kichi nicely responded.
"Okay, bye," I responded, before leaving his dorm room and went to my designated dorm room, which was next to Kichi's.
Luckily the room key was left on the doorknob and the door is open, so I don't have to go and ask for the key.
So, I just pulled the key out, went inside the room, and shut the door, before locking it with the same key and turned on the lights.
Inside, the interior was Western-style, an indication that it was customized specifically for me, who was from the UK. There are English swords on the walls, and I recognized some of them from history.
I then glanced at my belongings, which was left next to the sofa in the living room.
I then lay down on the sofa in exhaustion and commented, "Man, taking care of him is so exhausting. I wished I didn't chase him like that."
I then looked at the ceiling while thinking, "I'm so weak towards him."