Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - First Semester Exams
Third person POV
And so, the day of the First Semester Exams came, which was a Friday, and Kichi and his friends were ready for the exams. The rest of the students in their class are more or less ready. So, in Class 1 – A, their homeroom teacher handed them their exam papers, which contained their first subject for the test day: Math. Once Ayato gave them his green signal to begin the exams, Kichi and his class grabbed their pencils, both, mechanical and traditional, and began taking their math exams. Most of them are confident while others are not so much. Kichi and Catalina are the most confident in Maths. Once it was done, this was followed with an exam for English next, then after that, Japanese and Geology followed until 11:24 a.m., which is their break time until lunchtime over. The first 4 aforementioned subjects are for the morning; the rest, which consisted of Social Studies, Literature, PE, and Japanese History, are for the afternoon.
After lunch time was over, Class 1 – A were ready for their next, afternoon set of exams for those subjects. Kichi and his class had a similar set of levels of confidence from this morning's set of exams. And so, finally, at 3:56 p.m. in the afternoon, the final exam for the day was over. Kichi and Class 1 – A were relieved to have finished the hard exams. Ayato gathered their last exam papers and said to them, "Okay, your final scores for this semester's exams will be posted by Sunday. Be prepared for tomorrow, okay?"
"Wait, what we will do tomorrow?" Haru asked in semi-confusion.
Kichi was stunned, thinking about celebrating his efforts in the exams tomorrow in a mall.