Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Everything went Hellish!
Third person POV
At the same time, the rest of the squads broke into the leader's office, but a device projected a hologram version of the leader taunting them for being too late and dumb. Haru and the others realised they were being tricked and started thinking about Kichi.
"Oh, no…" David said to himself while being so worried.
"What if Kichi-kun were to be…?" Haru added.
Meanwhile, back in the mainframe room, while Kichi was waiting for his copying to be done, Kureha Goda, the leader of the Jap Shadows, caught him hacking into his headquarters' big server system and confronted him while in his robotic suit. "Hey, you stupid kid…"
Kichi heard that and turned around, only to be shocked to see him in a robotic suit. "What in the…?"
Grinning and smirking at him, Kureha pointed his robot suit's guns at him and replied, "What do you think you're doing here, you little one? Disturbing my personal stuff?"
And so, Kureha opened fire at him, causing Kichi to grab his USB and hide from his range of bullets.
Kureha laughed like a psycho, determined to eliminate his threat.
Kichi is now trapped behind some heavy-duty equipment while being scared of what is going on.
Bullets kept on raining on that equipment.
"Not flippin' easy!" Kichi's mind shouted in despair.
Kichi can't used his katana, for it would break upon being struck by bullets.