The Card Junkie

Chapter 1: C01 - Prologue



The ship exploded.

Dubbed the Marinus Explorer, Luke Jaywalker's uncle had bought it as one of his many ways to show off to Luke's father.

The wreck of the mighty yacht bobbed back and forth as the golden mermaid on the prow fell down. Looking for signs of his kin, Luke paddled around the ship.

But seeing none, he grabbed some of the remains of the wooden floorboard and lashed them together using the rope from his life ring.

All in all, he managed to scrap together seven of the planks. Roughly the same size, he pulled them together and held on.

He was lucky. He had been fooling around with the detached life ring on the back of the deck whilst his parents and uncles were busy celebrating downstairs.

…They were gone.

Biting back the bitter remorse, he looked at his small, newly-crafted vessel. He was lucky he had dressed up formally.

Ditching his shoes, he tied them to the boat. He then hiked his pants up and pulled his shirt over his head. With this, he should be able to mitigate sunburn.

Checking that everything was properly fixed, he pulled his shirt back down and got to work.

His food supply was empty. Therefore, he could only last about thirty days before dying.

He had no fire.

He had plenty of water, but it was only salt water, and that was a terribly bad idea.

Three days until death.

Luckily, he still had his phone. The SOS signal would alert any ships nearby. He only needed to wait.

That is, if a ship passed by on this mighty ocean.

Using the knife in his pocket, he could easily knife a passing fish. Alternatively, he had scrapped a pole from the daunting wreck.

Unfortunately, the rest of the wreck had fallen too far for him to reach. Grabbing what remained of his rope, he tied it off and grabbed his knife.

Cutting it, he grabbed the pole and lashed his knife to it.

Crossing his fingers he wouldn't attract a shark, he waited. Eventually, he drifted into the nearby reef.

Spearing a small tuna, he pulled it onto the edge of the raft. He then dug into it until he reached the rib cage.

Pulling the ribs apart, he sharpened them and fashioned a small hook.

He then unlashed all of the planks. Instead of keeping them in the shape of a traditional raft, he lashed them three against three in a cross formation and lashed the seventh separately.

Bracing his knee against the open plank, he applied pressure. Eventually, he broke off a shorter portion of the plank.

Lashing the wood against the bottom of his pole with a small part of the freed rope, he let the rest run free.

Untying his knife, he placed it in his pocket. He then began to tie small pieces of tuna rib against the pole. Applying the tuna's mouth to the top, he mastered his creation.

He now had a fully functional oar and fishing pole.

For the next day or so, he paddled slowly through the reef. Eventually, he began to tire, so he slowed down. His phone was going to die soon.

He could only paddle closer towards civilization. They had followed a reef out of Australia. Eventually he'd find someone.

A flock of seagulls flew overhead. He was close to land!

With a gleam, he noticed one of them drop something.

As it got closer, he saw it: a fat fish. As it got nearer, he waited for it to hit the surrounding waters.

But it was not to be.

With a mighty thunk, he passed out.

He woke up a shortwhile later. He was safe. His pole was still there. The raft was safe. But he had drfited… The reef was no longer there!


No good!

Evil sea bird!

Evil fat fish!

He nodded to himself. This was baaaaad.

Grabbing his pole, he began to paddle slowly forward.

At the same time, a fin began to rise up against the water in front of him. It was big!

Seven feet, eight feet, nine feet…

Fully raised, the fin was twice his size.

"HAEEELL NO!" He shouted, not wanting to get gobbled. Waiting until the gigantic shark got close, he timed his jump perfectly.

Bracing his pole against the raft, he jumped.

The giant eighty-foot shark snapped. The raft was gone. Nearby it, the mighty Luke shivered. He was floating. "Don't eat me, don't eat me…"

The shark continued its swim as it crashed against the ocean floor. With a resounding boom, it regretted its decision to eat the raft.

'Humans taste good, but their wooden poles can accidentally hit the brain. Next time, I should look for poles the same color as the human boats.' The long-lived, peerless shark thought as its soul drifted through the clouds.

Luke Jaywalker continued to drift among the unrelenting ocean. Aftwr two hours and no shark, he decided to look around.

Taking a giant breath of air, he dove. In an immediate scramble, he immediately broke the water again. With a giant gasp, he knew.

He was surrounded!!

By jellyfish, no less!!

Steeling himself, Luke began to quote his favorite audio book.

"You are the man. You are solid. You are aware. You are smarter than you know."

"You are handsome. All the ladies love you. You will have much more money than you possess. You are immortal."

Having convinced himself it was possible, he began to wade around the neverending school of jellyfish.

He avoided them all.

Red, blue, white, green, yellow, orange; big, giant, medium, small; feisty, curious, ignorant, and bored; no matter the jellyfish, he escaped their presence.

But there was one jelly that just wouldn't leave him alone. It was jealous!

The purple baby jellyfish followed him through the tide. With it following him directly, he was unable to take a break.

He continued swimming for about an hour. Luckily, he was on the swimming team at school. As one of the seniors at his school, he was about to turn eighteen. Theoretically, it should happen sometime tomorrow.

But the purple jellyfish! If it caught him, the jelly jelly would poison him and cause him to die directly!!

As he continued to swim, he finally came upon a group of orange big ones. They were even bigger than the previous jellyfish!!

Luckily for him, the ocean beyond was deep blue. He was almost free!!!!!!

Casting an unapproving stare at the purple jelly behind him, he continued swimming the distance.

As he began to pass the second-to-last jellyfish, he saw a mighty beast come against the final jellyfish.

Tentacles of deep green slapped against the giant orange jellyfish as the beast began to devour it. No, it was slurping noodles!

The giant green squid- no! The kraken continued probing the waters around it. Both Luke and the purple jelly were as still as they could possibly be.

The kraken for closer. No breathing.

With the tip of its tentacle, it grabbed Luke with a suction cup and took a closer look. A great green lid revealed a giant red eye as it gazed upon its prey.

Luke had lost it all. His family, his yacht, his raft, his paddle, his fishing pole, his tuna parts, his rope…

But he still had a knife! Stabbing it into the suction cup, he had a moment's reprieve.

He dashed directly into the eye! Stabbing again into the corner, he flexed himself inside of the kraken's head. Jabbing his body into all sorts of brain tissue and matter, he ran around until the kraken was still.

'No soysauce, no soysauce, please no soysauce…'

With a small prayer to the heavens above, he left his safety.

He quickly swam up. With a huge gasp, he had air. Looking below him, the bloody kraken was slowly drifting.

Unfortunately, he now smelled like blood. Not good.

Looking around for any signs of danger, he saw a small purple dot in the distance. 'Huh?'

It got closer. As it dawned on him, he uttered a small curse.

It was the little purple jellyfish. "Haven't you given me enough trouble already?!" He raged at it. Pointing forward, he dared it to come forward.

It stopped in a short radius of him. 'What, does it think I'm its mother?'

Curious, he took a piece of kraken meat from his hair and tossed it to the baby jellyfish.

'It ate it?'

It was at this point that a giant truck came hurtling from the skies and killed them both directly.


Elsewhere, a giant plane was slowly falling. "Tommy, we need to get rid of everything! This plane will fail to make it to Sydney unless we get rid of as much as we can! Nothing other than the people, you hear me?!"

With a shrug, the man named Tommy continued drinking his coke bottle.

Grabbing it from his hands, the supervisor threw it out a nearby window.

"Brad! Whyyy? A man's gotta have a last drink, moron!"

As the two squabbled, the falling plane continued its slow descent.

The coke bottle itself fell through the air and landed on a small island.

A nearby native found it and added it to his collection. With Tuka's translations from his time on another island, he knew its name.

It was an Aloc-Aloc, a gift from the heavens.

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