Chapter 3: C03 - Average Height Little Big Man
Luke Jaywalker awoke on a moss-covered hill.
As he did, memories came back. He was no longer the Luke Jaywalker from earth. Instead, he was what remained of an idiot with the same name and great looks on the planet Xilec.
As he devoured the other soul, he expressed his apologies. Little Luke had been suffering from the advances of a shady beastwoman. To keep himself pure, Luke had done the deed indeed… and offed himself.
Luckily for Little Luke, Big Luke was a backstop! With Big Luke on the scene, Little Luke would have his revenge.
Luckily, the beastwoman had happened upon him already- she thought he was dead. This gave him enough time to leave before she attacked again.
He was currently on the fifth moon of Xilec. The planet was once known as planet Moss due to its seven moons. Each moon was covered in a layer of a different moss species. This one happened to be green.
A gravitational array kept debris from getting too close. As for Asteroids, they were apparently non-existent in this sector of the galaxy.
They still existed closer to the core as part of the mother hole's field, but otherwise they had been cleared.
This galaxy was much more advanced than the emptiness of the Milky Way.
He took his bearings. He was currently on a vacation, and had separated from his family.
In this world, he once again had two family members. This time, however, it was different- he had a mother and a younger sister.
Any additional relations were nowhere in sight.
As for his relative position, his younger sister, Leiva, was the star of his family. She was two years younger than him, and four years ahead in school. She was about to get her Bachelor's at the Sovereign University of Blabobah Prime. He himself was, once again, almost out of high school.
Luke sighed. At least now he had his talents. 'Unyielding Immortality' was a straightforward gimmick.
He could still get cut in half, burn alive, burn his muscles, lose his blood, etc.
However, no matter what happened to him, he'd still be alive somewhere. Most likely near wherever he was last.
He'd also never age. The information the pent-up fairy had given him wasn't much.
As for the 'Devour' talent…
He could devour virtually anything. However, this came with the small potential side effect of corruption overtaking his body, mind, and soul.
This was not good.
He had picked the wrong talent.
Luke sighed.
Collecting himself, he stood up and threw his hoodie up. While it couldn't hide his face very well, at least it hid his golden hair.
No beastwoman today.
He walked around the moss-laden hills until he arrived at his destination: Crater City.
Starting out as a small crater, the people of Green Moon refined it and dug until it became a small city.
Then it grew. Over time, it became a landing hub for various inter-planetary interactions.
He finally made it to the hotel his mother had booked. Opening the door, he was greeted by a fierce hug. "Luke! Where have you been? Your sister and I have been worried sick about you!"
Eventually his mother let go.
Even if she was not his mother, he held the memories of her being so. 'Little Luke, I'll make sure to uphold your family alongside your many dreams. Except for that one* …I'm waiting for her, and her alone, as I promised to do.'
"Sorry mother, I was attacked by a vicious beasthuman. I was knocked unconscious and barely escaped relying on my acting skills alone."
"Oh dear! Have you contacted the police?"
"Yes mother, they're aware. If they know anything they'll reach out to me."
No, he hadn't. There was nothing to admit.
"Oh, Luuuke!" With another fierce hug she brought him close.
"Welcome back bro." Said a nonchalant voice. His sister was studying on the couch.
"Thanks sis, whatcha studying?" Pulling away from their mother, Mia Jaywalker, he looked over her shoulder.
She was reading the wonderful piece of literature, 'Alfred Janeis' Memorandum on the Advanced Theory of Asteroid Arrays and the Mother Hole.'
Well, disregarding its name, at least the hole in the center of this particular galaxy wasn't racist.
Luke left and went to his assigned quarter. He had more than enough to digest.