The crows:Death falls on all eventually

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Looking at the driven vehicle which was already in a distant from her sight, the black ops leader stared at Klaus.

" Scarlet, what's with that reaction of yours" asked on of the ops girls.

"Remember that time in Mexico two months ago"....

[Two months ago- Guanajuato]

It was morning, the sky was blue as the calm sea breeze ventured it's way into the big town. Pedestrians filled the streets while honking horn of passing cars and bikes spread out to the nearby areas. Klaus and Vincent along with yunli and Sonia dressed in a vacation outfit along with their back packs on them. They stood at the road side appreciating the view as the took in their breathe to express their excitement.

"Fresh breathe of the morning in a prefect atmosphere and weather. Truly something that can be compared to when relaxing" Sonia happily said spreading out her arms and smiling. Her hair fluttered around her face as the wince gently blew across her face.

"I couldn't agree more. Let's go sightseeing before the mission" yunli with her red hair and sunglasses on her responded with her eyes scanning around.

"Hey! Why are you guys standing there like bumkins? Do you really have to make it obvious that it's your first time" Sonia complained walking right to their front while waving her hands to their face. Klaus had a bland expressionless face. He had on him a big short sleeve vacation shirt while having a matching short of a flower design as he held I is hands a traveling bag.

Vincent on the other hand wore a smile on his face having dressed similarly to Klaus only with the difference in their clothes designs. Vincent was a slightly muscular guy with black hair and an smoothe nice skin almost feminine unlike Klaus who at this moment had his hair all smoothe and gelled along with his well built body presenting him more of a noble gentleman.

"Remember this isn't a vacation. We need to get to the target before the black ops does and we need to use the name of the identity on our given card. Professor Julian will keep track of the target and send the coordinates, we'll have to deal with the Black ops ourselves" Vincent with a straight face reminded them all not wanting them to whine away in the excitement.

"I'll be in the causal restaurant over there and act as an entertainer, since this place is near the beach Sonia would patrol around yunli and Vincent would be on the watch from outside also don't lose the ear phones" Klaus added sighing while he gaze in the direction of the restaurant few metres away from them.

Northwest to where Klaus team were on a bridge, a group of six women dressed in balenciaga stepped out of a while van in their woven hats and scarfs. They were all women of nice beauty as they dragged along with them boxes filled with grenades, trackers and guns. While they walked into the restaurant Klaus teams was opting for, this new group blended with the people perfectly as they walked towards their reserved room.

The black van droved to the designated parking spot and halted with no one coming out of it.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to welcome you all to our fantastic restaurant here, though unlike you regular ones and spas, we provide a small room for nice views for our customers which is always booked a week before the opening. And today the drinks are on the house so please enjoy. There's also going to be performances up stage as I step down... enjoy the day" announced a handsome Male host.

After the host left the stage, a group of instrumentalist came up stage and played a small subtle music. The notes of their plucking and pressing of their instruments made every one enjoy their meals. This period was vacation period for the whole world which was many many tourist were visiting and also why the streets, markets and tourists attraction were bustling with noise.

In a particular room,the group of six began their operation plans. One of them with short bun hair ran her fingers through a large laptop while chewing on a gum. Scarlet placing the smokescreen bomb on the table opposite the laptop gulped down a bottle of water as her sleeveless wear exposed her tattooed arm and neck she looked iffy then said facing the girls working on the laptop

"Kristen you should be able to hack into the system by sun set right?"

"Yeah" said Kristen

" That's good, rose and Lucy you are coming with me for the stroll while Anna and issa you stay guard of Kristen in case of mishaps".she continued "our targets are the envoy of the kruga union Dicoviche from Egypt and a wanted french arms dealer Luke devis. Now I must remind you that news of us going after Luke has been leaked but news about Dicoviche is still safe. We are to capture Dicoviche, kill Luke an the man they are meeting with. Both Luke and Dicoviche are super humans with one being able to walked through walls or barriers while the other can turn invisible. The person they are meeting with is unknown but their time of arrival will soon be sent"

"So are we going on stealth mode or surprise mode" asked rose who was applying a red lipstick to her lips.

"Surprise of course "answered scarlet.

Klaus team on the other hand went about to register for a show as the proceeded with their own plan at earnest. A click sound came through from their ear phones as it was already connected.

"Out target is a french arms dealer and the person he's meeting with. We are to get rid of the third party since he's of no value" said a female voice. This voice belong the professor Vincent mentioned.

"When will the targets be arriving?"yunli asked with her Chinese accent.

"6 pm target will approach your location in a black van along with two guards following him. Make sure to catch on to him stealthy. Vincent will be the team leader for this mission so best be of your right self" professor Julian replied once again before she continued catching her breathe "any other thing else?"

"Yeah, why am I using my real name in this mission, just look at Vincent using the name Gustavo and Sonia using Mrs Spencer even yunli is using a fake ID. This is not fair" complained Klaus in a comical manner opposite to his usual quite and expressionless self.

"Don't blame me for that, you name definitely feels fake from the hearing of it, I mean Klaus Lancelot isn't that much of an American name forget it and just focus on the mission" Shawn responded from the other end in place of professor Julian.

Klaus teammates laughed at him as they went their separate ways to begin to carry out their plans. Scarlet went discussing with some seemingly popular ladies at the restaurant. It would not be proper to call this place a restaurant only because it a combination of Botha restaurant, a club and a pub to make one building. Vincent went strolling round the beach starting at the view of the land and immersing himself in the chatter of the surroundings. The waves moved and the day. Slowly passed.

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