Chapter 52: chap 45!
{Trigger warning: some.. brutal description of injuries ahead.}
[GIVE ME MORE POWERSTONES! And wait for the next chapter in an hour or two.. i literally just got back home 30-40 minutes ago cause traffic was a huge pain in the ass.]
"So.... should we just leave them here, John?" Greta asked me and I let out a sigh.
"I guess.. I guess we should....." it's one of the only option we have.. either that or bring them to the hospital if there is any close here or even something worse.. like killing them...
Why is my thought so dark as soon as I step foot in Vacuo... is this place cursed or something? I never thought of even killing a person back home at Orleans... maybe the stress is getting to me.. a couple days of rest should help me... God I hope it will...
"Are you sure?" Hans look at me and I have a feeling that I became the impromptu leader of the pack... why? Well it could be because I saved them... I never expected to do this when I came here, but I guess I'll be a hunter and will be looked for to lead in time of crisis..
And to us right now? Well this is crisis... because what a group of three twelve years old had to deal with two possibly brain dead would be .... rapist...
'Ugh... if only Mordred is here.. she'll know what to do..." I think to myself before I crouch down near the man with his head in the ground.
"Well I guess I'm sure about it... they... they would probably die..." I am weirded out at myself again because why don't i feel a little bad that I had possibly kill these two men. "And best case scenario.. they would become vegetables..." I explained to them once again because I think they were much too in shock to completely understand what I was saying last time.
"Vegetables?" Hans raised an eyebrows and look at Greta which makes her let out a sigh.
'Oh... I guess that's why he only said oh when I told them that the men would probably become vegetables last time.. he doesn't understand what vegetable meant in this sense.'
"Vegetables meant brain dead... or paralyzed.. either of the two, choose any..." Greta explained to Hans which managed to make me raised an eyebrow because I think I get the gist of their dynamic...
Hans is the Brawns while Greta is the brains.. that's.. that's good.. they both covered each other weaknesses well, just like Mordred and I...
when Mordred is lacking in school grades, I would help her study for her test and school, and when I am in need of some fighting experience, Mordred is more than willing to spar with me..
"Yeah... that's about right." I then stand up straight and my hand instinctively rest on the hilt of my sword. '.... okay... my instinct is making my hands itch again.. why do i want to execute these two men so bad!? I never felt like this before!? What changed!?'
Completely unknown to them, I am having a mental breakdown at the fact that I don't know how or why but I want to kill these two men.. I was never bloodthirsty, what made me bloodthirsty now then!?
".....should we.. pull them out?" Hans asked Greta which managed to knock me out of my own thought.
"Yeah... we should..." I answered in Greta stead because we really should pull their heads out of the ground and the wall if we want them to have the slightest chance of survival.
"So... which one do you want to pull out?" Greta asked me before she continues. "We're not as strong as you so that meant that we would be only be able to pull out of them out of their.... holes.."
I shake my head. "No.. I'll pull them out myself.. i was the one who put them in their situation in the first place anyway." I tell them because I really am responsible for this.. do I feel guilt at their predicament? Suprisingly.. once again I felt no guilt.. they deserved this considering that they was going to..... they was... they was going to hurt Hans and Greta in ways that no one should had done to another person...
Without waiting for another moment, I grab the shoulders of the man with his head inside the ground and gently pull him out slowly, but my Aura blared on its on and suddenly activate on its one and make one of my grip become strong enough to break one of his shoulder.
"...well that was something..." Hans commented with only made me want to dig a hole for myself cause I don't think it's even possible for a person with their Aura unlocked to have this kind of accident.. even years ago when I first unlocked my Aura, I never had any accident where my Aura activate on its on randomly and make me use too much strength on something and break it..
I chalk this up with whatever is happening to me right now.. like how I want to snap this man's head right now..
"*sigh*" I let out a sigh and as gently as possible, I lean the man's body on the side of the building and when I walk to the spot where the other man's head is stuck through the wall.. I let out a hummed because I don't know the exact damage I had given to this man.
For example, I know that the other man which I will call from now on as thug #2 because he is the second one I attacked, thug #2 damage is visible to me because the back of his head was still visible from the ground... but thug #1? Well he is a different story...
His entire head and up to his neck is inside the walls.. and I felt the more.. crunching sensation from his skull when I attacked him compared to thug #2..
And I already speculated that thug #2 best case scenario was becoming a vegetable with the injuries I gave him... as for thug #1? Well he is a different story...
"....are you going to pull him out?" Hans asked me while both of them walk closer to me and thug #1's body.
"I... yeah I am.. I am just.. i.. I don't know how much damage I gave him compared to the other one." I explained to them.
"I guess that made sense." Greta nodded at me. "You think that he got the worst of it?"
"Yes... I was.. more hard on him because I was.. angry... and he was the first one I hit so it's obviously going to be a little more.. unrestrained."
I then grav his upper body and slowly but surely pull him out of the wall and when his head fully came out.. the three of us have a clear view of the damaged..
"....shit.. you killed him..." Hans commented as he look at thug #1's injuries. "Nice." He have me a thumbs up.
"... maybe there's a chance he could survive this?" Greta asked more to herself rather than to me or Hans, she then poke at the most prominent injuries which I suspect the killing blow to thug #1. "Nah.. I agree with Hans.. he's dead.."
and what is the injuries that Greta was poking you may asked.. well it is the visible dent to the side of his skull... which perfectly matched the same of my feet...
I knew I felt more crunching sensation when kicking him, but still... the side of his skull is dented maybe about 4 inches deep? I'm pretty sure I sees some brain matters coming out of his nose mixed with the blood..
His eyes is completely glazed over and blood also came out of his eyes which one of them is bulging out of his head because of the dent pushing it out, and his ears also have some blood coming out of it...
And the most disturbing thing is that.. I felt absolutely nothing for killing this man.. as if I had done this before.. no.. as if I had done something much worse than this..
How could I feel nothing for this man? I had killed him for God's sake.. why do I felt no guilt!? I feel more guilt at being a stow away at Mr.Rock's ship rather than killing this man!
And the feeling that I had done something worse than this also doesn't escape my mind because how!? I never killed someone before or done something much worse!?
I let out a sigh and put his dead body next to his possibly vegetable friend.
"Should... Is.. should we do something else? Like hide them?" I can't help but asked Hans and Greta that because I'm completely out of field right now..
"Well..... we can just cover them with somethings... wait here." Hans told me before he walked further down the alley.
It's only me and Greta now here and we stay silent for a few moments before she opened her mouth.
"Thank you... Hans and I didn't managed to thanked you..." Greta sincerely thanked me and I can understand why... they were about to be.... they.. nevermind, it's not going to happened to them anyway because i stopped it.
"Hey its okay, just like I said before... I'm just doing what a hunter in training would do.." I explain to her once again...
"But still.. Hans and I would probably be dead if you're not here..."
"Hey.. don't worry about it, I'm here aren't I?" I hope my words got through her head because she doesn't deserved thinking about what would happened to her.. its unfair to her and Hans both..
Before she can talk again probably about what would happened to them if I'm not here which frankly I don't want to be talked about.. (because I'm here aren't I? No need to talk about what ifs.. especially if the what if is something that horrible) Hans came back to to us while dragging a blue tarp.
"This should be good enough." He commented and drape the tarp over the bodies.
"....would.. would the Red Cactus knows about us?" I asked Greta and she shake her head.
"There's a chances they could know.. but most likely no.. these two are basically the bottom of the barrel in terms of hierarchy in the Red Cactus, and we are on the edge of the Red Cactus's territory." Greta explained to me which made me remember something to ask.
"Oh yeah, where are we anyway?" I asked Greta with managed to earned me a couple of raised eyebrows from her and Hans... and to be honest I would also raised an eyebrow if I were In their shoes because it's pretty weird that i Don't know where I am and I had told them that I am a traveler.. shouldn't a traveler had done his research before coming to another town or place?
"We are... we're in the coast town of Khaleed.." she explained to me.
Khaleed.... khaleed.... never hear of it... I really should had done more research before I stowaway on Mr.Rock's ship...
I am once again got snapped out of my thought by Hans.
"We should really get out of this place before the sun gone up... its still dark and we don't want anyone to find us with two bodies.." Hans tell us and we nodded before we walked out of the alleyway leave behind the two bodies.. which once again, I am really disturbed by the fact that I absolutely have no guilt over them...
As we walk through the streets, I'm once again became the impromptu leader of the pack as I lead the way.. "So... I don't know how to say this but.. I don't know where I'm going..." I let out a chuckle and scratch the back of my head.
"..... you're a really bad traveler, you know?" Greta commented which made Hans Laugh outloud.
I may be the butt of the joke but I'm okay with that, why? Well I'm happy with it because they're not stuck with what had happened to them... if laughing at me made them get over about it then I'm perfectly okay with is...
[You could read up to 10 chapter ahead if you support me on patr30n. At patreon . com / Zaneninjacat.]
[AN: well.. there you guys have it.. to be honest, I want to write like 3-4k words per chapter rather than the 2k-3k words per chapter we have currently... but once again, I can't write to my heart's content because of the stupid thing called work... but anyway, if you guys had realized about my writing style for the past 2 chapters, it's been in first person and frankly.. I am more comfortable with writing in first person because i don't know how but it made it easier for me to write the characters.. well the character pov's I would probably change around the POV in future chapters and as to not confused you all, I will tell who's pov I am writing as and if I didn't tell who POV it is then it is safe to assume that it is Jaune's POV...]