The Empress of Mankind

Chapter 3: Chapter 3.

More time had passed within the Metro, four months and three days to be exact. And for those four months and three days the infected have been right behind their wall of rubble. She had heard them growling, laughing and even singing a few times, also what sounded like dogs whimpering and scratching at the walls and pipes of the metro could sometimes be heard.

Luckily the two ways into their section of the tunnel were totally blocked off, so she figured that there was no way for them to ever get in. Though the Sargent had been quick to make her be quiet along with the others, and so for over four months now they have been in complete silence.

Though while she understood this, for her it just felt so boring especially as the voices began to fade away further into the metro, and then only silence remained. She was young after all and full of energy. Plus the Sargent and his men were no fun, as they only looked really gloomy and a bit scared all the time, which did worry her.

So to cheer everyone up she had started drawing with the burned sticks onto the white walls of the tunnel. It wasn't perfect but she thought that it would bring joy to them all.

So with a lot of thought Lili began to think of what the world before the metro was like. It wasn't easy, but soon it came to her, it was a memory of her past. She could remember herself, with her mother, taking the metro to see Father after work as they always did.

She could remember holding her mother's hand, as they stood within the Metrocar full of people who were all dressed in such clean and colourful clothes, and getting off at the many different Metro stations. Mother always told her about the different lines of work people did, and why people were heading into certain buildings or businesses, which was so interesting to her.

She especially could remember getting off at the metro station leading to the park above. There they went to the long escalator that she always liked to ride, as mother told her about how it was powered by electricity and how it all worked.

And then they would come to the top of the escalator and enter into a spacious glass pavilion, and after that they came to the streets that were seemingly buried in green. She could remember small white clouds moving across the blue, seemingly limitless sky. The sun was shining brightly on her face as the cool breeze of the wind blew against her hair, and the clean fresh air filled her lungs and made her feel so refreshed.

She could also remember children playing in the playground, families on picnics, and the man in the park with the small ice cream cart. Mother that day bought her one before they went to see father, and from what she could remember that was the last time that she had tasted it.

Lili wanted to draw it all onto the Metro wall, but when it came to her parents she stopped. She tried to remember what their faces looked like, but she couldn't. Something within her mind was blocking out the memory of it, she could merely remember those eyes full of tears, those creepy smiling faces and those protruding bones. Even the image of herself was vague within her mind, she couldn't remember what exactly she looked like.

She hadn't seen her own reflection for over two years now, she hadn't even had a bath for all this time and still wore the same clothes. Now her clothes just like with the men had almost become one with their sweaty and greasy skin. Needless to say it stank quite a lot within the tunnel as there weren't any bathrooms here.

Still it all felt so strange, she could remember so many random things about the world before the end. But her parents faces and well any faces for that matter she couldn't recall at all.

The only thing that she could draw on the wall were two large stick figures holding the hands of a smaller stick figure that was her. But instead of giving them smiles she automatically left the mouths undrawn, she just couldn't draw a smile as it only brought her memories of them, of those corpses.

Now Lili felt unsure of what to do, so she looked at the men who were now whispering to one another. She could see worry on all their faces as the corporal tried using his radio as he said.

"I'm telling you Sarge, there's nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm not picking up even the slightest of signals anymore, it's, it's all gone."

Sargent seemed to become distressed as he heard this and then turned to her as he asked.

"Girl, what about you, can you hear or feel anything? Any tremors of explosions or the position of those infected?"

Putting her stick down, Lili then got down onto the hard Metros floor and placed her ear against the ground. She wasn't sure why, but with time and the growth that it brought her, she could now hear and sense things that others could not. So as she calmed her breath, she then began to listen.

The floor was cold, and further within the main metro tunnel leading to Achios she could hear the wind. It was a cold whistle that traveled throughout the tunnel for tens of kilometres. She could also hear slow, sluggish footsteps far within the tunnel leading to Achios. A mob of them was aimlessly wandering around there, but other than that there wasn't much else.

It was all just like it had been for the past few weeks now after the infected had stopped scratching at their barricade, the metro had fallen into an eerie silence. There was no gunfire down the tunnel leading to Achios, or any tremors of explosions caused by the city's defence batteries. All had seemingly fallen into a deep silence now, as if there was nothing but the few infected out there anymore.

Lifting her ear off of the cold floor, Lili then looked to the Sargent and honestly said.

"I can hear some of the infected far within the tunnel leading to Achios, but other than that it sounds quiet out there. Though there is a cold breeze blowing through the metro, I guess there has to be a big hole somewhere in the tunnel."

Hearing her words the Sargent and the others faces seemed to drop, as the Corporal then bluntly said.

"See, it's just as I said. There isn't anything out there anymore Sarge. I know you don't want to accept it, but you have to realise that we are alone now. Nobody is coming for us."

All except the Sargent seemed to nod at the Corporals words, as the Sargent asked.

"Oh and what do you suggest we do Corporal? If Achios is lost, then the planet is lost and there is nobody coming for us, just like all the other worlds that these demons have taken. You wouldn't be suggesting that we just give up and accept the fact that we are alone and basically dead now, are you? Because I for one am not giving up so easily."

Lili standing at the side hearing this felt distressed. To be alone on the planet with the Infected sounded scary, but the Corporal seemed hopeful as he argued.

"No Sarge, I'm not saying we do any of that. Instead we should head to Mikri Poli's Spaceport, find a ship there and get off of this world ourselves. And if there aren't any ships there, then we will take a vehicle from the city and head to some other spaceport and find ourselves a ship there."

The Sargent didn't seem too convinced by these words as he seemed to fall into deep thought, while the Corporal continued to argue.

"Come on Sarge, we can't stay here forever till the end of our days. I don't want to die in the underground. I was not built for this type of life, none of us are. I want to see the sun again, breathe in the fresh air of the surface, eat something else other than berries and peas each and every day, but most of all I want to see my relatives who live off world and are most likely still alive, I want to see their faces, to speak to other people, and to maybe even feel the touch of a beautiful woman. Come on Sarge, surely you feel the same way, surely you too wish to take your fate into your own hands and stop sitting here, waiting for someone to come for us or the threat to pass us. And besides we don't have spare clothes, beds, no way to get rid of our waste and so many other things, here we are no better than rats, and I refuse to live like this."

Listening to this Lili unconsciously looked down at her own dirty green army clothes that the Sargent had cut to somewhat fit her small body. She could remember them once being really loose on her body, but now they weren't as loose anymore, and soon if she grew taller then her belly button would start to show out of the short shirt. The same problem of length was true with her green pants as well. Sooner or later she would definitely need to get new clothes.

Looking at Sarge, she then noticed him looking at her with a thoughtful expression as he then said.

"Fine, I understand your point Corporal. A woman's touch sure would be nice, which sadly our little Lili is still too small to give, hahaha."

Lili didn't understand what the Sargent was talking about, but the way the Sargent said this while looking at her made her feel weird. Especially as all the other men laughed with the Sargent and looked at her with wide grins on their faces. The Sargent's words sounded like a joke, but his eyes looked so scary, in fact he had been like that for quite some time now, always looking at her.

Luckily the feeling quickly passed as the Sargent stood up, looked at his men and said.

"Fine, it's decided then. Will head back through the Metro and into the city of Mikri Poli. Let's find a ship from the spaceport and if there isn't one, then we will just have to figure it out."

The Sargent's words sounded encouraging, they were finally going to go see the surface again. However she could only see silent nods of understanding and those serious expressions on the mens faces which didn't give Lili much encouragement.

Still she like the men quickly began preparing for the journey to the surface. Like the Sargent and his men she used tape to attach a light stone to her helmet, then she put on her gas mask just in case and then her helmet.

Into her pockets she stuffed some big peas that she was growing within the underground, and finally she took the knife in both hands.

It wasn't much, but it was all she had. While the Sargent and his men had their big bags, guns with flashlights and their armour that covered most of their bodies. The heavy on the other hand had his big powerful rotary Las cannon.

When ready they all filled their bags with some food, and then they started removing rubble from one of the exits, to then reveal a metal door that was hidden there.

With Lili standing at the back with the Sargent, she watched as the three riflemen opened the door slowly. One pulled the door slowly open, while the two others stood at the ready. And as the door opened with a slight rumble, the two rifle men charged outside, one moving right, one moving left, as the third one then went out after them and looked forward at the tunnel ahead.

With the lead of the three riflemen and the Corporal behind them, the four moved forward through the side tunnels like a well oiled machine, checking every corner that they passed carefully. Lili along with the Sargent, the medic and the heavy merely followed them, while the heavy kept looking behind every once in a while.

Moving further through the quiet and pitch dark side tunnels. Lili could hear the sounds of the cold wind blowing through the tunnels at regular intervals becoming louder and louder. It was like a deep whistle that haunted the silent tunnels where the only other sound heard was their silent footsteps that took them ever further and further from the safety of their home in the Metro.

And the further they went from the warmth of her garden and its light stones, the colder it became. Her light stones that she and all the men now had gave them warmth, but it wasn't much compared to the cold of the Metro. To her it almost felt like winter had come to the surface above again, a really cold winter.

She could see the men's breaths already in the air, it was becoming freezing cold, but yet they pushed on.

"Damn it's cold." Complained the heavy as he shivered lightly.

"Doesn't matter, let's just keep on moving. The Metro of Mikri Poli isn't far now." The Sargent reassured them as they silently kept moving onwards.

For a long while they moved through the long side tunnels, until finally they came to the Metro tunnels of Mikri Poli. There instead of the tunnel going straight forward, there were now many tunnels seemingly going all over the place.

To Lili it seemed like a mess on the map. There were so many wide tunnels with tracks for two Metrocars to travel side by side in opposite directions, while on the sides of the main tunnels there were seemingly an endless zigzagging maze of maintenance tunnels and small passages that lead to the city's many underground bunkers and metro station's.

But while she at first glance couldn't make much sense of it all, luckily the Sargent seemed to know exactly where to go. So all she needed to do was keep up with the men and it would be ok, she figured.

Now getting into the main tunnels, and moving on them they were suddenly assaulted by the light cold winds which were really uncomfortable for Lili. Also in a few points they passed by abandoned Metrocars with nothing to see. Only some blood and broken glass was there, which seemed to be signs of a struggle having taken place there long ago.

When the infection had come, the majority of people had seemingly ran to the surface in hopes of evacuating as that was what the warnings had said for people to do that day. So now it seemed like nobody was left anymore, even as they passed by one Metro station where there were blast doors to the underground bunker, Lili could see that they were wide open.

By the looks of the blood trails and signs of explosions some had tried to run away from the bunker. The infection was extremely viral it seemed and not even the bunkers defences were able to keep it out. Only by wearing a gas mask at all times, and due to her light stones were they still alive now, only they and nobody else it seemed.

Still within the darkness of the bunker she could hear low wheezes, and so she pulled on the Sargent's sleeve and said.

"Sargent, I think there is infected within there."

Placing a hand on her helmet covered head the Sargent said nothing and merely patted her lightly as they continued onwards through the tunnel and past the station.

They were heading to the northern end of the city which was taking them right through the center of the city. And the further they got to the center, the more Lili pulled onto the Sargent's sleeve alerting him to the infected within the side tunnels.

Like hibernating animals they sounded like they were sleeping within the tunnels, as all she could hear was their wheezing, and a few gurgled coughs.

Still they pressed onwards uncaring of this, and soon they came close to another station to which they could not get close to as two Metrocars blocked the tunnel fully. But seeing as there was a door at the back of the other Metrocar they opened it and with the riflemen at the lead they climbed in.

One after another they climbed in and once the heavy climbed in, the Sargent then lifted her by her armpits into the Metrocar. And only once everyone was in the Metrocar did they start slowly moving onwards again.

Looking around Lili could see rows upon rows of red empty seats, and out from the windows she could see that the station was small. There were only two platforms on either side and no bunker, and yet she could hear extremely quiet wheezing somewhere within the Metro.

While moving Lili listened closely to the sounds that slightly seemed to echo from the escalator that led out to the surface. Realising this Lili once again pulled on the Sargent's sleeve and pointed out the location of the infected, for which she again gained a light pat on the head.

Coming to the end of the Metrocar they then came to a crossroads of sorts there.

Before them was an open door that led to the front of the Metrocar where she could see the drivers seat and the controls where there were still flashing lights. While to the right was the doors that led out of the Metrocar, but they couldn't get through there back onto the tracks, except if they went through the maintenance tunnels or broke the windows to the other Metrocar from where there was the backdoor that led onto the tracks.

Seeing this all the Sargent then quietly stepped forward and went straight for the driver's seat, as he spoke in a whisper.

"Cover me, it's going to get loud."

Seeing this the others seemed uncertain as the Corporal grabbed the Sargents shoulder and asked.

"What are you doing Sarge, you'll wake up the entire Metro if you start this Metrocar?"

The Sargent though wasn't moved by the words as he knowingly said.

"Yes, but if we continue like this and get caught in the tunnels by those things then were all dead anyway. So I'm merely taking us to the spaceport, the fastest and also most likely the safest way possible. If there is a ride waiting there for us then we will survive, but if not then we are dead anyway. Now let go of me Corporal and defend this Metrocar, for all our lives depend on it."

Lili standing at the side just held her knife close as she looked at the men with worry. All of them seemed to be on edge as they quickly spread out through the first Metrocar to take up defensive positions.

Then as the Metrocar sprang into life, lights turned on and a loud ping sound was heard, followed by a robotic voice saying.

"Welcome to Mikri Poli Metro line 3, I hope that you have a safe journey and an enjoyable day."

Lili then could hear the Sargent hitting the controls as he cursed the robotic voice.

"Fuck fuck fuck, shut the fuck up."

the robotic voice seemed to disappear, but right after came horrid laughter and screams of the infected that echoed from the escalators right into the tunnels and all around from there.

"Shit, here they come!"

Yelled the heavy as the Metrocar then started while at the same time the infected came running down the escalator.

They were fast and their footsteps sounded heavy, as they came down to the Metro platform, turned to look at them and charged.

Lili could still see those horrid looks within their eyes from where tiers soon came out. They seemingly didn't want to hurt her or the Sargent and his men, but the infected bodies wouldn't stop, they had minds of their own, and even still the infected still held those smiles in their faces.

Seeing them coming Lili shrieked in fear and ran to the corner where she bowled up, as the heavy roared out.

"Yeah, come get some you mutant scum!"

And with that he pulled the trigger causing his heavy Las cannons barrel to glow red, as the cannon then let out a cracking sound, as the red bolts then went flying through the Metrocar window. Crack crack crack, the shots rang out in a quick succession as the barrel rotated. To Lili it sounded like many sticks were cracking, which was followed up by the glass shattering and the laughing of the infected that's voices faded whenever they got hit and fell for good.

The others also opened up and soon glass was shattering all over the Metrocar, it fell to the ground hard and bounced around even to Lilis feet. She could hear the infected being moad down one after another as their voices fell silent, but soon it got further away as the Metrocar began moving.

The men's guns turned, until finally they stopped when the tunnel came into their way.

"Hell yeah!"

The heavy cheered, but the others weren't so enthusiastic especially as at the back of the Metrocar in one of the passenger carriages at the back glass shattered, and the infected began jumping in.

"Damn, why can't these creatures just give up already?"

Complained the heavy as he moved to the center of the metro carriage and turned his heavy cannon towards the back of the Metrocar as did the others, and together they all began firing.

"Crack crack crack." The shots flew and hit the infected and the other metro carriages causing glass to shatter and the metal walls to begin breaking down with ever accumulating holes.

Carefully Lili peaked out from behind one of the seats to see the carnage at the back, and there she could see the infected coming. The men were yelling.

"Yeah come on, come and face your doom! Die die, die you fucking mutant scum!"

But the infected despite everything were surprisingly well soaking up the incoming fire, even with multiple holes in their bloated heads they kept on coming. Only once certain points of the head were hit or the head was totally severed from the body did the infected then drop.

Still with the infected being funneled within the tight Metro carriages they simply stood no chance. Lili could see their blood flying and splattering all over the Metrocars along with their flesh, and what seemed like brain matter, until finally they all fell unmoving to the floor.

Still the Metrocar was totally destroyed, there were holes everywhere and a loud whistling sound was produced by them as the Metro sped along the tracks at incredible speeds. Lili could only shiver at the sight of all of this and fight back the urge to puke, it was all just so horrible. Then she heard the Sargent within the driver's seat yell.

"Yeah come on, get some!"

Which was followed up by the sound of something splattering against the Metrocar and the crackling of bones that sent chills through her body.

Lili couldn't see it herself, but the others were quick to start cheering the Sargent on as he apparently crushed a lot of infected with the Metrocar. Until suddenly something crashed against the front window shattering it, and through the open door a few infected came flying in with incredible force that sent a few of the men flying to the back with one infected as the others were shoved to the sides.

"Kyaahh!" Lili yelped out in a panic.

While the men yelled in pain.

"AHH fuck!"

Opening her eyes Lili could see one infected at the back of the front carriage biting on one of the rifleman's armoured necks who was trying to push the creature off. While the medic and Corporal lay at the sides, as heavy on the other hand had one infected biting and scratching at him like some animal.

Where the other two riflemen were with the third infected Lili didn't know, but seeing her friends in trouble, she out of instinct stood up, and by remembering the Sargents teachings she jumped onto the closest infecteds bony back and used her knife to stab at its head.

With all her might she brought it down dead center on the back of its head, but it barely made a dent. Her strike was so weak and knife so ineffective that she couldn't even cause it to bleed.

In horror Lili let go of her knife as if realising the dangerous situation she suddenly found herself in, as heavy then took a hold of his side arm and blew a hole into the side of the infecteds skull, stopping the infected instantly.

"Iikh!" Lili screamed as some blood splatted onto her gas mask, as she was then along with the infected pushed off of heavy.

"Noooo." Lili yelped out as she fell to the floor, only to then be picked up by the Corporal who pointed to heavies bleeding left forearm and said.

"Do your job Lili, heal him, now!"

Without hesitation Lili did as she was told and rushed to heavies side who sat up and said nothing. His attention was merely on the back of the Metro where a few more crackling shots could be heard.

To Lilis own amazement her healing was working, she was doing her part and everyone thanks to it was going to be alright. Two of the riflemen had also been bitten and scratched, the infection had tried to get into their bodies, but thanks to her light stones, the infection was slowed down, and thanks to her healing they were fully healed and cleansed from the infection.

The Sargent too seemed pleased and luckily was alright, as they passed the worst of it and managed to make it to the north, to the Spaceports metro station.

Lili didn't know how the Sargent was so knowledgeable of the ways of operating a metro, but she was impressed. The Sargent was truly a man of many talents.

Grabbing her knife out from the infected person's head Lili then hurriedly ran to the men who were already running with haste towards the Escalators.

Coming to the bottom of them the men didn't hesitate to go up them as they yelled.

"Come on, let's go ladies! Unless you want to stay and become one of the infected!"

Lili now that she looked at the long and gloomy looking escalators, with a dim light at the end of them didn't feel like going. Up there wasn't the warm summer sun that she could remember, but a cold one. Even standing at the bottom of the Escalators she was already shivering out of cold despite her core of light and stone attached to her helmet. Her body was starting to go num and she could barely even feel her fingers as she accidentally dropped her knife there.

But seeing no other choice and hearing the infected coming through the tunnel she wiped the glass on her gas mask and hurriedly began following the others, uncaring of her knife. Huffing and puffing up the escalator her vision due to her breathing into her overly large mask became blurry, but still she could make out the men's figures and green clothes as they slowly climbed up towards the dim white light.

And then as she finally got to the top she was met with a large metro station that's large glass windows were all broken. Smiling bodies of the infected were scattered around, while many pieces of former soldiers lay around the building, and as her eyes adjusted to the lights, she moved forward only to discover the city covered in white snow.

High above gray clouds moved across the endless sky, and from them came white snow that had covered all the streets, the dead, the cars and ruined buildings all in a thick layer of white.

"Shit, what is this, a nuclear winter? Did those guys at HQ really set off the bombs?"

Asked one of the riflemen, as the Sargent calmly answered by saying.

"It seems so, and so we are truly alone. Well its just all the more reason to find a ship and get out of here before the radiation or the infection gets us. Now come on let's move!"

Lili wasn't sure exactly what the men were talking about, but looking around it seemed that they had emerged from the underground right next to the ramp leading to the spaceport.

Seeing it she couldn't help but remember it when it wasn't freezing cold, when there were many people here, and many colours as well, unlike now when the only colours were gray and white.

It was sad, but seeing the Sargent now leading his men in a line through the knee high snow, Lili quickly went to follow them.

Stepping into the snow she could instantly feel the cold and wet brush against her skin, her pants were way too thin and short for this weather, and her shoes were no good either. Still she fought back the cold and pressed onwards.

Luckily the men didn't at least need any flashlights anymore as it was bright enough outside thanks to the snow and sun that shined through the clouds to see the world around.

However as they went up the ramp Lili quickly noticed that there was a strange black figure of a bird flying high in the air over the spaceport, until it disappeared behind it.

Thinking nothing off it they made it to the wide-open entrance where a few ruined armoured vehicles could only be seen with some more dead soldiers laying on top of them and within the building where there was a ton of dead smiling corpses as well. The spaceports ramp and insides truly seemed like a massacre had taken place there, as the TV liked to call such scenes.

Getting out of the snow and inside the building Lili could hear the infected coming through the metro behind them.

"Sarge, they are coming."

She warned while panting heavily behind the men, to which the Sargent was quick to nod affirmatively, as he then quickly ran to a console behind a desk.

Pressing a few buttons the Sargent managed to pull up a map with only a single blinking dot, that once clicked showed information about some ship.

Seeing it the Sargent was quick to pump his fist in joy and say.

"Yes, we have a hit. There's an old Cargo Freighter in bay 63! Let's go!"

Grabbing his gun the Sargent then quickly began to lead the squad towards bay 63. Lili had never been to the spaceport before so she had no idea where they were going or what they were doing.

But she at least could recognise the many angelic and military man statues that were seen all around the spaceport, that were also quite common in the Imperium. Also on the main halls roof there was a huge art piece about the empires fleets flying through the stars and conquering the planets there, which looked really nice.

Along with this, to her young self after staying within the underground for so long, the large open spaces of the spaceport were quite awe inspiring as well.

Though sadly all the sights there were but a fleeting thing that she could only quickly glance at. She simply didn't have much time to admire these sights, besides the further into the Spaceport they went, the darker it became. Once more the men were forced to turn on their flashlights again. And then from behind came the growling and laughing of the infected, while one of them began singing in an extremely loud voice that carried throughout the dark spaceport.

"Join our song, sing along. Celebrate our sickness. Through our bile, we will smile. One and all bear witness, to our unifying sickness."

Hearing their song the men picked up their pace and ran, almost leaving Lili in the dark. Her short legs just couldn't carry her as fast and she couldn't run as long as the men could. Luckily heavy running at the back was quick to lift her up and give a piggyback ride on top of his big backpack to her.

Running through the wide corridors they then came to a large doorway where there was the number 63, that seemingly led to a large hanger.

Running through it they then came to the large hanger where they were immediately met with the howling wind that came from the wide hanger excit that led to the outside. And there in the center was in fact the ship that they were looking for. It was not beautiful, and extremely bulky looking, but it was the Cargo Freighter that the Sargent was quick to start running to.

"Hahaha, we found it, we actually found it!" The Sarge cheered as he ran. While the Corporal was quick to congratulate him.

"Yes, good job Sarge! I just knew that this was the right plan! Come on everyone let's get out of here!"

But then Lili got a bad feeling, not just from behind them from where the infected were coming and fast, but from above the hanger. And indeed in that moment the world seemed to slow down for her, as she then heard a massive bang, and saw a large cone shaped metallic pod come crashing through the metallic ceiling, and straight onto the ship before them. Its sheer weight of impact seemed to cut the old Cargo Freighter in two, as the ships fuel tanks seemed to then ignite and burst out in a massive explosion.

For a instant there was a mighty flash that blinded her for a second, followed by the fire and the Shockwave that sent the Sargent and everyone else flying backwards.

Lili was tossed further back than the others as she flew off of hevies shoulders, and all she could hear were her ears ringing as she slowly pushed herself up to see what had happened.

Before her she could see the Sargent and his 6 men picking themselves up as they all looked into the fire from where massive 3 meter high hulking green figures of metal emerged. They all held huge guns even bigger than hevies, while Lili noticed heavy turn his attention to his back from where the infected came.

In that instant all 7 men moved to form a circle as some fired at the infected and others fired at the coming armoured soldiers. But as they did Lili could see the hulking armoured figures merely shrugging off the shots.

The Lasrifles merely seemed to be very slowly chipping away at the armour, totally unable to penetrate. And soon the figures pointed their guns at the Sargent and his men, and while they walked, large metallic bullets started to fly.

Instantly Lili could see the corporal get cut in half, as hevies backpack blew off but he continued to still fight. One of the riflemens legs went flying as it was ripped off by one of the bullets that when hitting the ground exploded and sent pieces of the large bullet flying all around, one nearly hitting her in the head, luckily her helmet deflected it.

Thankfully the green hulking figures were extremely imprecise seemingly not caring at all about missing their shots as they continued to walk while firing. Which gave the Sargent and the others time to pull out their grenades and sent them flying at the infected and the hulking green figures.

Lili seeing it all quickly began crawling towards the Corporal that's upper half still seemed to be twitching around. Explosions then went off around her and she could see one of the hulking green figures fall to the ground with it's right leg seemingly wounded.

But as she turned her attention to the corporal, and placed her little hands on his huge wound, she couldn't feel any life within him anymore. With her touch she could usually sense it, and with her magically infused eyes she should have been able to see the most important points that needed healing. But on the Corporal now she could only see a sickening colour of pitch black indicating death.

Then she felt someone fall on her which brought her vision back to normal. And then the figure above her pushed against her shoulders and she noticed it to be Sargent. He had a huge hole in his side and a grenade in his hand, that he pushed into her shirt, and then he whispered to her.

"Take it girl, and show these bastards the defiance of mankind. And I know its not fair of me to just say this, so watch and do as I do."

From the dust cloud before her, Lili could hear heavy steps of the green hulking figures coming closer to her and the Sarge. The green armoured figures were coming. And as she glanced around herself for help she couldn't see anyone standing anymore.

Heavy who was supposed to be behind her, wasn't there anymore. Now there was but a smoke cloud, while everyone else lay scattered around in pieces and dead on the cold hard metallic floor of the hanger. Only the Sargent was there now as one of the green hulking figures came to but a stone throws away from her, then it actually spoke through its rotten vocal cords and pus-filled lungs as it said.

"You're tenacity is impressive my little one's. Now, why don't you join us and hear our song? I have heard that it has brought many smiles to many faces."

But just then the Sargents hand grabbed the pins of his two remaining grenades on his waist, pulled them as he turned around and charged at the creature, while yelling madly.

"For the Imperium!"

Sarge leaped into the air at the Green hulking figure as she saw it blast a huge hole into the Sargents chest. And as Sarge's body slammed against the figure it blew up in a mighty flash of light that made her hair that was sticking out from under the helmet flutter in the wind, as blood guts and pieces of the Sargents armour flew all around covering Lili completely red, as one piece of metal went straight through her shoulder.

Lili fell to the ground in pain holding her shoulder as her vision was completely blocked by the Sargents blood. Still she didn't get to lay there for long.

The powerful footsteps came again and a strong metallic hand ripped off her helmet and gas mask, letting her see again.

Though Lili would definitely never have wished to see what she saw then. all around her now stood the infected with their permanent smiles and sorrowful eyes looking at her. While before her was the massive hulking monster. Now it's helmet and a big chunk of it's frontal armour was gone, letting her see it's hideous green pus and disease filled face. It's many black insect like eyes looked at her, from its nose came out some green goo, it had a few black strands of hair a top its bold green head, as it then sticked out it's tongue that was long as a snakes and almost too fat to fit into it's disgusting mouth, and then it spoke again sending saliva and spit flying into her face as it did so.

"So, how about you my pretty little one? Will you join our song? Or should I sing it to you once more?"

Lili was absolutely horrified now, her body nearly froze in fear, and she felt like fainting just then and there. But the memory of the Sargents death played then in her head, and without much thought she pulled the grenade out of her loose green shirt.

The creature just watched as her hands trembled, struggling to pull the pin. And as if realising something the creatures tongue extended out and started wrapping around the grenade, but as it's slimy tongue touched her hand it suddenly stopped, and asked.

"Hmm, what are you, my pretty little one?"

And just then Lili grabbed the pin, pulled it and as she pushed the grenade towards the creatures mouth she yelled.

"I'm not telling you, you big bully!"

Then there was but a quick flash, and darkness followed.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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