Chapter 6: Gacha and Space
Alyss decided since Touka was busy with her food she'd buy her monthly points. "System purchase 120 points."
[Points purchased host]
[Current balance: 120 points]
[Would you like to purchase a gacha roll?]
"Yes, I would like to roll 6 curated rolls."
[Choose your categories.]
[You have Weapons, Abilities, Armors, Utility, Vehicles, Companions, Pets.]
"Draw 1 weapon, 2 abilities, 2 utility, and 1 vehicle roll.
[Congratulations you won.]
1.Riptide (Percy Jackson)
2.The Force (Star Wars)
3.Blacklight Virus (Prototype)
4.Orion Ship Schematics (Star Citizen)
5.Halo Ring (Halo)
6.Mackinaw Saguaro
'That's two things I have for space now.' Thought Alyss. Turning back to the items displayed on the screen she decides to fuse her powers first. Upon gaining the force she begins to feel many emotions. It took time to understand and sift through these emotions. After a few minutes she was able to control her abilities to a limited degree.
Deciding she was ready Alyss fuse the Blacklight Virus next. She could feel the virus course through her. Her blood became richer muscles denser and her cells felt energized. Looking at her hands she saw it turn a concrete grey, black and red then back to normal.
Figuring she could test out her powers in full later she turned her attention to the halo ring. When she attempt to summon it she got a system prompt.
[Select location to set ring]
After the prompt it showed the Sol system. Alyss navigated to Earth and placed it 300,000 miles away behind the moon, having the halo ring automatically sync itself to Earth's orbit.
Suddenly her phone rang, not having given her number out to many people, she answered it cautiously. "Hello?"
"Afternoon master, I am 'Typhon.' The onboard halo ring AI." "I can teleport you at any time should you want to look around."
Thinking for a bit Alyss looks at Touka who is nodding off after she finished her food. Asking Sebas to take her so she could get some sleep Alyss focused back on Typhon. "Do it."
All of a sudden there was a bright flash of light and then the room changed. Now Alyss stood there looking around at the environment.
In front of her stood a giant elevator lift. To her left she could see vast mountains that disappeared into hills and then a beach with its own ocean. Looking to her right she saw a lush and vibrant forest, further away she could see islands. Turning around she saw the moon and behind it she could swear a sliver of blue light glowing around the moon's edges.
An orb of metal with a blue light quickly hovered towards Alyss. "Master! I'm so happy you could make it welcome to Halo." Typhon said bobbing up and down slightly in the air.
Alyss poke Typhon causing him to move back and forth a little. "Can you explain what functions Halo has?"
Typhon bobbed excitedly. "Of course master! I can show you around while explaining the functions and facilities the Halo contains. What would you like to know first?"
Thinking for a bit Alyss decided to start with the facilities. Typhon moved as if nodding. "Alright then, Halo has the basics of any well made colony including, manufacturing plant, shipyard, even the basics of a mining facility." Typhon spins around to make sure Alyss is still following then spins back around. "Next we have functions, of course Halo is able to move in and out of planetary orbits. Halo is also able to teleport to different coordinates in the galaxy and has the potential to cross universes if properly researched and prepared."
Arriving at another lift Alyss looked at Typhon curiously. "Are you able to connect to the networks of Earth from here?"
"Of course! I am far more advanced." Typhon said rather smugly.
'I wonder who programmed the snark in him' Shaking her head smirking, she summons the schematics for the Orion she opens the data pad and gestures towards Typhon. "Can you start producing these ships?"
Linking to the datapad and sifting through the information Typhon bobs in confirmation. "Should be simple with what is on hand."
Walking together they finally make it to the highest point of Halo. "This is The Spire. From here you can see where ships can dock and oversee the functions of Halo." Typhon said, tilting his round form toward the console.
Moving toward the massive viewing window Alyss held her hand out. At first there was black smoke and then a loud crack. Rings of smoke exploded outward as a skull with a red hue in its darkened eye sockets. As it came to a stop in front of them there was a whistle of appreciation. Alyss turned to Typhon and gave him a wry grin. "What? I can appreciate art too when I see it."
Alyss just snorted at that. Reaching out with her senses until she feels Arcadia and begins letting the void flow around it. The Arcadia began absorbing the energy and started shifting, changing and adapting. It went from a dark gray to a black and silver. As it shifted, vibrant wisps of cyan and purple flow around the ship as long thin bolts of red and purple lightning crawl around the ship every so often.
Gazing over the Arcadia reborn Alyss stretches and puts her hands behind her head relaxing.
She then looked at Typhon. "Can you dock it in the shipyard?"
"Sure thing. Master, I would like to scan the ship."
She shrugged. "Knock yourself out."
Arms crossed she stood there thinking for a bit. "We're going to need a company so we can sell some of the precious metals we mine. Could you make a new suit for combat and an identity Touka?"
Typhon stopped bobbing and hovered in place for a bit before continuing to bob up and down again. "The last two can be done but the company will take some time."
Nodding at that she stretched her arms out and yawned. "It's time I head back, one more thing. Is it possible to set up a focus to teleport from the house as long as they're authorized?"
"That can be done. Would you like to authorize anyone?"
"Sebas, Touka and me."
Typhon bobs up and down. "It's done master have a pleasant night."
Alyss smiled and nodded.
In a sudden flash Alyss reappears back in her room. Turning to her bed she walks towards and face plants on the bed. You can hear a muffle "Sleeeeep."