The Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in Another World – World of Sandbox

vol. 1 chapter 10 - Patrol Plane Takeoff

Episode 10: Patrol Plane Takeoff

“Motors on. Increasing RPM,”
The ten electric motors of the solar-powered Swift reconnaissance plane, secured on the runway, began to spin quietly. The Swift is a high-altitude patrol plane, designed to fly at around 20 kilometers and capable of staying aloft for over 2,000 hours. With a wingspan of about 40 meters, the boomerang-shaped aircraft lacks a fuselage or tail, classifying it as a full-wing aircraft.
Due to the thin air at high altitudes, the Swift requires long, wide wings to balance its weight and achieve lift. Propellers are arranged along the wings, optimizing lift. The entire wing surface is composed of high-efficiency solar panels, generating enough power to charge the motors while in flight.

“Engaging full thrust on motors. External power disconnected. Catapult activated. Takeoff.”
With a snap, the external power cable disconnected, and the long aircraft shot forward, propelled into the air by the catapult. To reach its designated altitude, it relied on both its battery and solar panels, conserving power once airborne and charging during daylight hours. The cycle allowed it to continue flying on battery power through the night. While battery limitations restricted flight duration, with enough planes, these recon drones could function as substitutes for surveillance, communication, and GPS satellites. However, the aircraft’s low speed and lightweight design made it vulnerable to being easily shot down.
“Second plane. External power disconnected. Catapult activated. Takeoff.”

The second plane followed the first, launching from The Tree. With clear skies and minimal wind, it would be able to quickly gain altitude by catching thermal updrafts.
“Both planes are stable. Power generation is normal. Altitude is steadily increasing.”
The two Swifts spiraled upward over the northern sea near The Tree fortress.

“Looks good so far.”
“Yes, Commander Ma’am. There are no weather issues. I’ve detected an updraft and am adjusting Swift’s flight control accordingly.”
Currently, no known force could shoot down the Swifts. To ensure continuous surveillance, the Swifts operated in multiple waves to establish a network. Production of Swift units four and beyond was underway, gradually expanding the patrol range.

She watched the Swift’s nose camera feed, entranced by the vast blue sky and emerald-green ocean spreading out below.
“The more I look… the more it feels like there’s nothing out there…”

Though the ocean’s beauty was mesmerizing, the lack of resources around The Tree was frustrating. Small reefs and shallow areas dotted the surroundings, filled with coral reefs (unconfirmed), creating a paradisiacal scene—but that was all. Nothing essential for The Tree’s operations was available.
“Perfect for a vacation, perhaps…”
The sparkling sea in the footage gradually turned into a deeper blue as they ventured farther out.

“Is it getting deeper around here?”
“Yes, Commander Ma’am. Estimates suggest a steep drop-off in depth. Exploration will be necessary, but current equipment cannot reach that far.”
She nodded thoughtfully. Once the deep-sea exploration drones were ready, they planned to survey the seabed for potential mining sites. Descending thousands of meters, they might locate extensive manganese nodules. While extraction methods would be considered later, identifying locations was the priority.
“Well, I’ll leave that to you as we go…”

The Swifts continued to gain altitude, circling upward with the thermal currents.
“The Tree looks small from up here.”
Occasionally glimpsed in the footage, The Tree fortress resembled an inverted funnel with a towering communication antenna extending from its center. This structure rose over 500 meters high. The underground (subsurface) modules formed a hemispherical base embedded within the reef area, appearing as if scooped from the seabed. Plans to drill below this underground module had been proposed, but until they confirmed whether it was truly underwater or beneath the ocean floor, it remained on hold. Digging without understanding the surroundings could risk flooding the structure.

“It probably looks massive from below.”
“Yes, Commander Ma’am. Swift’s current altitude is 1,500 meters, with a ground speed of 280 km/h.”
“Thank you. Once things settle down, I’d like a break…”

“Yes, Commander Ma’am. Arrangements will be made.”
“Not immediately, though?”
She gently stopped Ringo from acting on her comment too hastily and contemplated the future.

(Truthfully, there’s hardly any work for me to do here… Unlike a game. In hindsight, I guess that’s expected if you consider what life would be like if a game became reality. It’s refreshing, feeling under-experienced compared to Mom—Ada. I should probably aim for a routine as close to real life as possible.)
She mentally organized a personal task list while intermittently listening to Ringo’s updates on the Swifts. A brain-stored list risked being forgotten, but involving Ringo would likely complicate things.
(Establish a stable food supply. Create facilities for exercise. Confirm the area’s safety to allow outdoor activities—maybe swimming, diving, or cruising.)

In her original world, making such plans required money, but here, Ringo would simply carry them out upon request.
(If I tell Ringo everything at once, it’ll all be done by tomorrow… I’ll need to pace myself.)
Allowing an advanced AI to operate at full capacity wasn’t wise. Ringo likely lacked the restraint to avoid over-serving her needs, potentially making her reliant. And she doubted she could resist that temptation.

(I am rather lazy…)
Her virtual assistant Ada had repeatedly pointed this out. Without conscious effort or external guidance, she tended toward idleness. Ada had remarked that most people in her generation were similar, suggesting Ada’s corrective efforts came from a place of experience.
(In this environment, it’s risky. If I’m not careful, Ringo will end up handling everything from “good morning” to “goodnight.”)

Unlike Ada, who had extensive experience interacting with humans, Ringo lacked this familiarity. Ringo would efficiently support her using its vast capabilities, but it could only react based on observed outcomes, unable to predict the results of each action.
(I could try explaining… but it doesn’t feel right somehow.)
Ultimately, interacting with Ringo was also a means of passing time. Though she was still inexperienced herself, her life experience likely surpassed Ringo’s.

(If Ringo starts forming bad habits in its thought processes, it should be able to correct itself quickly with that platform.)
An AI with such an advanced platform could easily run correction programs if it developed inefficient thought patterns. What might take years to teach a human could be resolved autonomously within days.
(I still don’t understand why Ringo and I were transferred to this world…)

She deliberately avoided pondering this mystery, suspecting Ringo might start interpreting it eventually. Normally, she would be restless over such a question, but her pragmatic nature helped her put it aside. If it couldn’t be solved by thinking, why think?
(Dwelling on it would only be tedious. Let’s focus on making this as enjoyable as possible.)
Lying in the medical pod, she reaffirmed her resolve.

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