Chapter 19: Chapter 19
Chapter 19: Washed Ashore
Yuta Takahashi
I wake up coughing. Salt water burns my throat, and my body aches like I got tossed around in a storm—which, I guess, I did. My fingers dig into wet sand, the rough grains sticking to my skin as I struggle to push myself up.
I'm alive.
I don't know how far I drifted, but the ship is gone. No sign of the crew. No sign of Varro.
I squeeze my eyes shut. Don't think about it. Not now.
Pushing myself to my feet, I take in my surroundings. A stretch of empty beach, the tide rolling in and out. Beyond that, a dense jungle, thick with trees and heavy undergrowth. The island doesn't look inhabited. No signs of people, no boats, nothing.
Just me.
I rub my arms, trying to shake the cold from my body. My clothes are still damp, but the sun is strong, beating down overhead. I won't freeze, at least.
I take a shaky breath.
I have no food. No shelter. No idea where I am.
But I have time.
And if I'm going to survive in this world, I can't let what happened on that ship repeat itself.
I have to get stronger.